Monday 27 December 2021

Fighting Fake News with REAL 27/12/21; Democracy under attack by the LNP & Friends;


Liberal senator Andrew Bragg will not give up his attempt for a public hearing into the way the ABC handles complaints.

 Looking at the forest and not just counting the trees we can see the effort designed to destroy our democracy. The Abbott/ Morrison Government made a pact with the secretive IPA and News Corp to rid Australia of any independant Mainstream News 9 the ABC. Abbott backed into a corner knowing the ABC was Australia’s most trusted media source found that head on task too difficult. So he banned his government MPs from going on the ABC. Morrison seeing himself as an "ad man" did almost the same. The government instead has become a regular fixture on Sky News 2GB their “cash for comment” propaganda arms. With rorts a plenty they even gifted Murdoch a free unexplained $30M. 

 Australia has never seen a concerted effort like we have these past 8 years to turn Australian media into American with Australia’s Sky News a model of Fox News and without any real MSM diversity. Consolidation of our MSM into 3 privatized corporations run by ex LNP treasurer Peter Costello, Kerry Stokes, and with Murdoch controlling the largest. We have seen Australia's media metamorph into a Conservative Cyclops an indirect media donor at the behest of the LNP along with the IPA posing as a”think tank” but a mega- donor/lobbyist and advisor to the LNP, even grooming politicians.

The aim is to rid Australia of any organization designed to keep the bastards honest and protect  Democracy our political system of choice, which demands the existence of at least two major parties both of which are prepared to lose an election and the winner rule for all Australians. Unfortunately only one party today is prepared to accept that role and it isn’t the current government.

The year ended with the resignation of ABC news boss Gaven Morris and a public sledge by ABC chair Ita Buttrose, who accused the (LNP) government of political interference.

With a federal election around the corner, it is going to be a very busy and a very interesting 2022 for the public broadcaster.

The ABC’s year from hell 

Source: From taming ‘Big Tech’ to News Corp’s climate shift: The media moves that mattered this year

Morrison Perrottet Plan is bearing fruit.

NSW: 6324 new cases as hospitalisations double

 May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'YOU CAN NEVER TRUST A MAN WHO'll RIP OFF HIS WORKERS OR ONE THAT THAT WANTS YOU TO TAKE HORSE MEDICINE CAUTION BEWARE OF SUCH AND SUCH Remember Queensland Nickel Still trying to promote Ivermectin WARNING! WARNING! Leo' 

A vote for the UAP is a vote for the LNP. The Donor Distractor Party

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