Wednesday 16 March 2022

Fighting Fake News with REAL 16/3/22; Albanese, Morrison's LNP; Debt,


 May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'WHEN ALBO WAS INFRASTRUCTURE MINISTER He WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR OVER $75B OF COMPLEX PROJECTS OVER 6 YEARS NOT A SINGLE PROJECT WENT OVER BUDGET OR DELAYED. BUT TELL ΜΕ AGAIN ABOUT HOW He CAN'T BE TRUSTED WITH PUBLIC MONEY.'BREAKING: Federal budget to include $130 million to fast track fossil fuel projects and bypass Traditional Owner consent 

Morrison's LNP truley fucked up the NBN, Snowy 2.0, the subs along with our relationship with France and America all at the same time. Then there's the 121 tanks to police who us it would appear nobody else? The NDIS, the pandemic, our relationship with China, our transition to nett zero emissions and countless other undelivered "promises" and services all measured by their degree of failure not success.Yet, he claims his Morrison/ LNP are the better managers.

His team purposely shredded our Independant Commonwealth's Public Service and our taxpayer owned statuary body the ABC. Meantime Morrison swore he'd deliver a much needed ICAC, reduce corruption which he instead has been seen to have increased by 50%. His rapid delivery of vaccines and RATs never occurred while  deaths and sickness did. As did the "I don't hold the hose" sluggish delivery of all social services.

 Simply said, Morrison preferred to play politics with the money he controlled over the states than provide the services he was elected to do. But instead he gave us this rag tag collection Ministers Cash  Colbeck, Tudge, Reynolds, Taylor, Dutton, Robert, and McKenzie.  Yes,Morrison is their leader and he set the lowest yardstick of service ever seen delivered by an Australian government to date. His is a disgusting TEAM of "I's" who have only one thing in common keeping their jobs and like Morrison simply can't be trusted.

Cash Our AG who hasn't a law degree but who while Minister for Industrial Relations hid behind a whiteboard after having Union offices illegally raided by the AFP

Colbeck who claims his Age-Care dept is gold standard. He didn't know the facts and figures when asked by a committee of inquiry but  was nevertheless confident he could go to the cricket in Tassie because after all the Aged die anyway.

Tudge,  his brain never really focused above his belt. Yet was elected a role model to deliver better Education for less money to our schools. One based it would seem based on "back to the future" when it came to women in society.

Reynolds She vanished claimed sickness didn't have the ticker when it came to the stress but received all the benefits available until things quietened down. She's now back and has been literally in hiding while reducing NDIS services across the board.

 Taylor His Ministry is we know of secondary concern. Primarily he runs his own private business, trading water rights and ridding us of native grasses.

Dutton, Mr Boomgate has always been worst of the worst Minister of Health, Homeland, and now Defence nudge nudge wink wink say no more he trashed and left then in his wake. He's gone from a cop who departed the force with a turd left on his desk to assets now worth $340M. Never really explained. He now wants the privilige to sue us all at our expense win or lose. Of course he does.

Robert was the center of the Rolex Watch scandal and who charged us for his private home expenses and was busted. Who went on to deliver us Robodebt in punishment and what seemed like an act of revenge. He was our CenterLink Robocop demanding the return of every cent. Which turned out to be incorrectly audited cents miscalculated by his automated, out of whack IT system. Yes his Robodebt system statistically delivered us increased mental breakdowns, suicides and human carnage without any of the cheaper efficiency promised. He's now taken on Tudge's job of ensuring nobody in Education teaches kids to think for themselves.

Bridget McKenzie sacked for sport-rorts grants and returned from the sin bin to do the same for disaster-rorts. Grants that have been as fast as molasses to flow no as fast as Morrison's vaccine and RAT strollouts. The people of Lismore are still waiting.

WOW and that's the best TEAM Morrison has to offer us for another 3 years. Along with, Frydenberg, Joyce, Proudfoot Abetz and of course his silent other coalition partners in Palmer's UAP.



Welcome to Lobbyland! Lobbyland is an online column dedicated to unravelling the political and corporate spin coming out of Australian politics. To start us off, it has been 1187 days since Scott Morrison formally committed to a “Commonwealth Integrity Commission” on the eve of the 2019 federal election. “A new Commonwealth Integrity Commission will take the lead on detecting and stamping out any corrupt and criminal behaviour by Commonwealth employees,” he assured the nation.

Source: Lobbyland – Michael West Media


Let’s not forget 2013 post-GFC Australia was voted the World’s Best Economy and Wayne Swan The World’s Best Treasurer  under a Gillard/ALP Government. They saved us from the GFC recession other nations suffered. The L-NP before Covid had already doubled our National Debt and have more than tripled it since plunging our economic standing in comparison with the rest of the world 

 Facts LNP increased debt by almost 150% pre-Covid. What had Australians show for it?... Flatlined wages and welfare cuts.  Our post-Covid  debt is now over 200% and heading to 300% up. Where did that money go?  Better management for who ScaMo?

Morrison’s Bullshit Compared with the Facts. A Salesman vs a Government Leader

Speaking on Sky News on Monday night, he said the next three to ten years would be tough as Australia recovers from the damage inflicted by the coronavirus. “It’s going to be a tough next 10 years, next three years and you need a government to keep (the economy) in strong shape,” he said.

“What’s important is you take the fiscal settings back to an after-pandemic normal, and that’s what we’re looking to do.”

Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese has drawn level with Mr Morrison as preferred prime minister in the latest Newspoll, while Labor is still ahead of the coalition on a two-party preferred basis at 55 per cent to 45 per cent.

While the government is behind in the polls, Mr Morrison said he wasn’t concerned, adding voters would soon move from “sentiment to real choices”. “When it comes to these things, Australians will focus on these things, and the federal election is always close,” he said.

Source: Voter sentiment will shift pre-poll: PM – Michael West Media

 May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'CRITICISING LABOR LEADER FOR BEING FITTER, YOUNGER AND LOOKING BETTER THAN HIM. WHILE He PLAYS DRESS UPS FOR A LIVING Scott Morrison calls out Labor's Anthony Albanese for his makeover news CENTRALCOAST,NSW COMAU SK +4 JEALOUSY News Scott Morrison has made a subtle dig at Anthony Albanese, saying unlike the Labor leader, he wasn't pretending to be anyone else' CHILDISH'Anthony Albanese — out with the old, in with the newMay be an image of 2 people and text that says 'but hc too DAVE I'M you SHARMA MP EXPERIENCED EFFECTIVE DELIVERS A LIBERAL to MICHAEL SUKKAR MP I'M but chickenshit too 'M but too FEDERAL MEMBER FOR DEAKIN chickenshit you Delivering for Deakin A LIBERAL A LIBERAL to tell to tell you JÃ: ecaux WORKING FOR WENTWORTH @EmergencyBK' 

So much for their TEAM Now they want to look like INDEPENENTS

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When There is an I in TEAM KOOYONG

Marina Ovsyannikova

 We need this sort of bravery shown on Sky News After Dark

“It’s in our power alone to stop this madness,” the demonstrator, Channel One editor Marina Ovsyannikova, says in a pre-recorded video. “Go protest. Don’t be afraid of anything. They can’t put us all in prison.”

Source: “They’re Lying to You”: Anti-War Protester Interrupts Russian State TV Broadcast

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