Friday 21 June 2024

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 21/6/24, Dutton's Nuclear War, Koalas, Abbott for Dutton, NOAA Truth, Bye Bye Tranparency,



Australian Koala Foundation research calls for urgent protection of Victorian Koalas, amid flawed Koala Management Strategy - » The Australian Independent Media Network


The road to nowhere. Illustration by Geoff Pryor 

A below is a gift of an empty jerry can of fuel from Tony

 Former prime minister Tony Abbott.

 Former prime minister Tony Abbott backed Peter Dutton’s plans to build seven nuclear reactors, labelling the announcement a “watershed” moment in Australian politics. ( Tony doing it for himself)

Abbott backs Dutton’s ‘watershed’ moment; PM says nuclear plan has already fallen apart

 May be an illustration of text

 Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – When a baby born on April 1, 2023 reached 14 months and became a toddler this month, it had never […]

A Baby born in April 2023 has never Experienced a Month that wasn’t the Hottest on Record

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