Tuesday 25 June 2024

Fighting Fake News with REAL 25/6/24, Julian is Free, Mainstream Media, Keating, Israel's War on People,




 The WikiLeaks publisher left Belmarsh Prison on Monday morning and left the U.K., according to WikiLeaks.

“According to CBS, the BBC’s US partner, Assange will spend no time in US custody and will receive credit for the time spent incarcerated in the UK.

Assange will return to Australia, according to a letter from the justice department.

The deal – which will see him plead guilty to one charge – is expected to be finalised in a court in the Northern Mariana Islands on Wednesday, 26 June.” 


 Lawrence Davidson responds to a recent commentary in The New York Times by two heirs of the Black-Jewish alliance of the 1960s.

‘Faith in Dialogue’ Won’t Stop Zionist Violence

Moshi Feiglin WikimediaCommons: By TYPE O LUCRATIVE - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=135998909

“I said on one of the Israeli channels… that he, Hitler, cannot live in the same world as long as one Jew still lives.  This Islamo Nazism and the Jews cannot live together.  Definitely, not in the same world, he [Hitler] said.  But definitely not in the same country.  That’s what I said. … And

Israel’s Moshe Feiglin repeats Hitler quote at AJA event

May be a doodle of ‎text that says '‎H's inconceivable that America withheld weapons and ammunitions from their closest ally... That's potentially hundreds of civilians, doctors, aid workers and journalists we didu't inadvertently iadvert kil. لله wilcox‎'‎

Netanyahu receives warning over German defence contract corruption probe

A state investigation into an alleged corruption scandal involving Israel’s purchase of submarines and other warships from Germany has sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warning him that he could be harmed by the probe’s conclusions.

The inquiry, launched in 2022, is looking into an affair involving the $2bn purchase of naval vessels from Germany’s Thyssenkrupp, the Associated Press news agency reports, while a separate court proceeding into the case took testimony from Netanyahu, though he was not named as a suspect in the corruption case.

The new warning letter could lead to Netanyahu being seen as more deeply implicated in the unfolding scandal, the AP reports.

Netanyahu is already on trial for corruption in three other separate cases though he denies all charges.

The investigation committee did not detail the latest graft accusations against Netanyahu, but painted a picture of improper decision-making at multiple levels of the Israeli government, the defence establishment and Israel’s military.

 Mainstream media warps reality to blame Labor for 'cost-of-living crisis'

 The mainstream media's mantra of declining prosperity in Australia is a deceitful warping of the economic reality, Alan Austin reports.

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