Friday, 7 June 2024

Fighting Fake News with REAL, 7/6/24, Mainstream Journalism, Headlines Count, The Israelian, Global warming rate, We are the Enemy,


Newspaper. Global

 Why do mainstream journalists write as if today’s events just popped up out of nowhere? Why has it become de rigueur to ignore the events of all the yesterdays and yesteryears that brought us here? Where is that elusive ‘context’ in stories on Ukraine, Gaza, China and others? Without context, how can we navigate our way through the propaganda of an empire anxious to preserve its hegemony and a military-industrial complex pursuing ever increasing profits?

About that elusive ‘context’


The Israelian Newspaper of genocide enablers

Fightfighters walking away from backfire they set

Rate of Global Warming Reaches All-Time High, Report Shows 


As mid-2024 approaches, the question remains: Can we humans stop making war on each other or preparing for yet more of the same and begin dealing with a planet heading to hell in a proverbial handbasket? Can we face the fact that the enemy is indeed us?

Source: The Enemy is Us –

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