Thursday 22 August 2024

Fighting Fake News with REAL 22/8/24, Every Picture Tells a Story, All Trump has, Australian Water Crisis, Wild Life Graveyard, The Linda Reynolds Saga,


The Dove of Destruction

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Trump recycles vile attacks against Harris because that’s all he has


Urgent calls for Royal Commission as Four Corners reveals Murray Darling disaster repeat looming in the NT 

 Politicians turning Australia into wildlife graveyard

 Neither major party nor the Federal Greens have ensured environmental issues are the nation’s top priority policies.


 The Federal Government will allow the $30 billion SunCable solar farm in the Northern Territory to proceed, but has reassured voters that 100% of the project will be offset by new gas and coal mine appro

Government Promises to Offset Huge NT Solar Farm With More Fossil Fuel Projects


Since Linda Reynolds’ defamation case began, a bot storm has been unleashed on Twitter (OK, OK, “X”) of spookily similarly worded tweets of sympathy and support for Reynolds, all from new accounts with nonsensical bios and a handful of followers (see Exhibits A and B sourced from @EmergencyBK’s Twitter account).  These accounts apparently include chicken shop owners in Leningrad, professional basketballers in Wyoming and makija stylizacja paznocki artists from Louisiana, individuals who, unless Linda Reynolds’ international profile has grown markedly while we weren’t paying attention, seem unlikely to be closely following an ill-judged defamation action in Perth, Western Australia.

Who is behind them? 

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