Wednesday 14 December 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 14/12/16; Bolt is a no credit here sort of guy just a cheap suit; Bolt hated these two a month ago now he's into a love fest; Power don't ask the experts; Yes yes we know Bolt's indigenous too; Bolt Silence; Beyond belief show you have to pay for;



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On my shows tonight - Dylan Voller, the hero victim. And a new Abbott party?

On The Bolt Report on Sky at 7pm: Turning Dylan Voller from a thug to a hero victim.  Plus the Turnbull Government considers banning the $100 note - and a poll shows a new conservative  party with Tony Abbott would steal nearly half the coalition's vote.

Wasn't it 2 days ago that Bolt was offering a new party lead by Cory Bernardi? Today it's one lead by Tony Abbott .What was that poll he assures has the ear of the people? "a poll shows a new conservative party with Tony Abbott would steal nearly half the coalition's vote." Bolt

  Yes Bolt is silent on the important things like the Juvenile Justice System and he encapsulates it into the life of one individual Daniel Voller to distract. Because as far as Bolt is concerned systems don't exist, society doesn't exist Aborigines don't exist only individuals exist  It's why Bolt is Indigenous more so than Noel Pearson. However  that doesn't apply to Muslims, Africans or the Sudanese they are more than individuals they are stereotypes easily stigmatized and deserve to be for extreme Conservatives sake and their political agenda of division. So what we have here is Andrew Bolt senationalizing yet again to sell yet more of that stuff that one shouldn't push up any hill with a pointed stick.

 Corporate Crime manipulates the system to rip us individuals off to a greater extent than any union boss does and Bolt stays silent.  But he does have a little black list of singular events from which he chooses to generalize beyond the believeable.

Sydney breaks 148-year heat record, with more to come

 This is the equivalent of Andrew Bolt's little black book of Muslim or African  Crimes. It turns to an individual event or a collection of events to prove Global Science is correct. Bolt does the same to prove it's not. Neither prove anything other than they can't shoot straight  or understand science. However Global Science on the other hand does predict more records to be broken with more frequency around the world due to it's global findings. It doesn't predict where and event like Sydney will occur.

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Tips for Wednesday, December 14

Tell us the news here. And my editorial from The Bolt Report: good news for Rowan's mum. Conservatives are winning! My review of the year of victories.

  A tip 
  I ran a national wholesale business across Australia. Like Bolt we sold product but we gave credit and were reliant on helping our clients to achieve a profit.  We provided a service that involved risk in the search for mutual benefit.
Bolt also claims to sell product but he doesn't give credit just extra promises. He wants to be paid in cash up front. There is no try before you buy with Bolt. Our priority was on our product Bolt's priority is on appearance and  selling. The quality is secondary and the same product is packaged in many forms. However while urgency is sold  nothing is given away for free.
What you find with Bolt is paywalls, linked to subscriptions packaged as  books and promises  selling further subscriptions and promises. Crossover marketing of other peoples product helps to extend the circle of advertising. Andrew Bolt  is basically a spruiker in a suit giving nothing away for free. A performing monkey in a suit. 
Bolt promises he has importance to sell something you can't  live without but you must  pay to see  no refunds here guaranteed. The very opposite of the service we provided . You could try before you bought our product if you found it beneficial you paid credit is risk and a belief in the value of what it is your selling. We tried to create a mutually beneficial relationship of trust with each item we sold and did that for 35 years suits weren't the essential part of our business was relationships was what counted not just the mark. Marks, appearance, promises money up front are the world of scammers and midnight runners who become scared of the public and people smarter than themselves. That's a tip . Be careful of those links your are asked to open that are all promises they are as dangerous as a Nigerian scam. Bolt even uses Clair Dean in his "trust me" editorial  as a selling device the mother of the unmade bed Rowan. Now that's crossover selling!! Is she real?
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Russia did not steal the election, just the Left's brains

Three things about the media's frantic claims that the CIA has proved Russia stole the election for Donald Trump by hacking the Democrats. First, if the hacking showed Hillary Clinton was deceitful and hypocritical, then blame Clinton first. Second, who says the hacking was decisive? Third, there's now evidence the CIA actually jumped the shark.

  What Bolt's link actually says what Bolt says is quite the opposite. Because these are quotes from respected Republicans.
"ODNI is not arguing that the agency (CIA) is wrong, only that they can't prove intent," Reuters "We need a thorough investigation of it, whether both (Democratic and Republican organizations) were hacked into, what the Russian intentions were. We cannot draw a conclusion yet. That's why we need a thorough investigation."John McCain
Yesterday Bolt's reference was The Daily Caller, today it's The American Thinker, will it be Breitbart or Powerline tomorrow the most Conservative ezines available. Bolt can't be too obvious and just quote Fox can he. Deflection "Russia did not steal the Election" Bolt. Isn't a statement to be found in any of Bolt's references here even the most conservative.BREAKING: Harry Reid EXPOSES Trump’s Connection To Russia’s Hacks Prior To Election (DETAILS)

CIA Report Of Russian Interference Proves That Right-Wing Media Will Call Anything They Don't Like "Fake News"

  In The Clash Between US Intelligence Agencies And Russia, Fox's Tucker Carlson Picks Russia


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All this pain for nothing: the madness of green policies

Electricity prices across most of the country will jump in each of the next two years by between 2.4 and 9.3 per cent, thanks to green  policies to stop us using cheap coal-fired electricity. And it's all for nothing: the poor will suffer and blue-collar workers will lose their jobs, but none of it will make any known difference to the temperature.
14 De "Electricity prices across most of the country are tipped to jump - hurting the poor and costing blue-collar workers their jobs." Bolt. Yes and that's why Australia's top scientists and economists  our experts have said the CIS the Carbon Intensity Scheme is the best and most rational scheme to tackle just that problem.  That fact is totally ignored by Bolt.
 But then this isn't Clarion call from Bolt it's a paywall that's putting up the cost of Bolt's urgent message.
Ask yourself whether or not Bolt is lying or not when he says the average increase is 9.3% when in fact out side of the ACT
" The increase averages out to 3.5 per cent a year."

"An extraordinary collection of 18 groups - including the Business Council of Australia, the Australian Industry Group, aluminium and steel industry bodies, energy groups, the ACTU, and welfare and environmental organisations - issued a joint statement on Tuesday urging action to "avert a systemic crisis".
They called for all options to be left on the table during a climate policy review next year - code for the government to re-consider an emissions intensity scheme, among other measures."
Again something you'd never hear from Bolt who is the the equivalent of  what Judge Mordecai Bromberg found him guilty of being  a non journalist parading as a supplier of information.
Bolt's not much better than a Nigerian scammer.


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Weatherill now creating a nation of tribes

Not content with destroying his state's modern power supply, Premier Jay Weatherill continues his march back to the caves with a plan to retribalise the nation - signing a series of treaties with groups of Australians on the grounds of their Aboriginal "race".

 Bolt simply continues to ignore the fact that the Australian Constitution has clauses that allow laws to be based on race. Which makes the signing of treaties a logical extension of our constitution as it stands and which Bolt doesn't want changed. Further given this fact what Bolt fails to address or explain is why Australia remains the only Commonwealth and Settler nations of the world not to have any signed treaties with it's indigenous population other than Bolt's puerile argument that he's an indigenous Australian too more so than the guys above  and doesn't need a treaty. He made himself a laughing stock on the ABC's program Recognition Yes or No with his philosophical debate. But that's not unusual because all Bolt's job is to gain attention like the organ grinders monkey. Making sense is not really a part of his agenda.

 7-Eleven: More workers speak out about ‘cash back’ scams – ABC News 

Thank God for the ABC

Corporate Crime doesn't go into Bolt's  Little Black Book only Muslims and Africans do Indians are welcome to be ripped off . It's big Corporate silence from Andrew Bolt. This must be what he calls the Australian way of doing things.   Another year, another corporate tax evasion scandal
Union fraud is petty cash compared to Corporate fraud. Was the ATO hacked How could it lose so much data that's not backed up.  Hello, Bolt Silence it's deafening!!

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