Bolt's Bog 16/10/14 Andrew Bolt Cretin and Billboard for Abbott. Insult to media

Patriots together you and the ADL, Hitler youth and your T. It's a far cry from the Boxing Kangaroo Bolt. It's an offensive slogan. If you opened your front door wearing that T to guests 90% would turn around and walk away, Maybe Immigration officers should wear the T shirt to greet incoming flights . Tourist ads that would be the place for your much admired T.......You open you mouth and out pour flies.
The only reason Bolt finds this improbable is it's an accusation directed at the Coalition
had it been against Labour it would be a banner headline even if it hadn't occurred. When it comes
to ethics the man has none. Integrity it's not even in his lexicon. It's
what journalist and media students have in spades until they come
across this man in the industry and are told to get on you have to be like me. The exemplification of pornographic
press, a golum for money.
Spoken like the owner of a coal mine that employed children at the turn of the last century short on canaries because their dead. Spoken like Mr Adani whose vandalism in India is on record. Spoken like a polluting privateer but who has no shares himself. By the way Bolt we are subsidising this destruction. It will cost the poor mining companies next to nothing whatever happens.
Flanagan is a writer to be proud of and lives in Tasmania that place under threat by this government's environmental policies Bolt. So he wont be wearing your T shirt.
Does Bolt only have 2 sources your repetitive echo of 16 years 16 years to back your argument is such a sham. It's posturing akin to the mad man in the corner mumbling the same thing over and over again. Your cut and paste references are banal you refer to NASA as your holy grail but misquote them more often than not. You tell us global ice growing and quote. However if we read a little further the same report declares an overall shrinkage. Who on earth can believe anything you write? Your blog moderation is only self aggrandisement no criticism allowed. When Abbott is a fool he's a fool Bolt and you his PR man are the poor mans jester... A shabby billboard
Well the weakest president Obama is so far ahead of Abbott who still trying to find ink for his pen to sign contracts. How long has it been 2 months that the Lawyers have been chatting? I believe Abbott is waiting for ISIL to come through the door to proof read the fine print but they are running a bit late. But he is not short of words is he still trying to bore them to death.
School boy come back defending the leader of your pack Bolt.... Such vitriol. Sorry the world, not just Sue Lines is laughing. Abbott is recognised as an international Klutz a fool. He has the diplomatic standing of a great leader like any of the Nth Koreans. He is about to trash this country even further if that's possible. When Australians died in Bali they were targeted and had proof EVIDENCE. We haven't heard of any evidence as yet regard MH17 and only you and Tony know the facts. You have heard of British justice it's not a kangaroo court. For Christ sakes bring your facts to the international court. Take them to the UN. Abbott is the guy in a white hood looking for a lynch mob with only you behind him . Proof is not having a performance funeral bigger than Bali. Parents of the dead aren't as gung ho as the two of you.
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