Thursday, 16 October 2014

Bolt's Bog 16/10/14 Andrew Bolt Ultra Racist Fox agent


The ebola message doesn’t match these precaution

Spreading the Fox News Message ..panic. Bolt wants to prove he is Australia's leading Epidemiologists. Or should we have even an extra medical tax to offset this terror message. However their is a truth don't trust a coalition health report because they don't believe Ebola is worth the attention no Trade for Aid .

ABC - making mock of uniforms that guard them while Scott sleeps

Without the ABC Bolt would have nothing to blog about. Heard on the news today must have been the ABC that channel 10 had a $180 mill  loss following last years loss. Gina and Rupert can't be too happy nothing funny there. 84% approval rating news and no advertorials critical humour makes our ABC such value for money. I'm glad 10 isn't ours.

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