Racist abuse isn’t “whimsical”
"I believe even a professor should be entitled in private emails - even in public ones - to express himself pungently, and even to go to town on “fatsoes” and especially “bogans”. He’s also entitled to question the sanctimonious symbolism of our new race industry. Indeed, he should be entitled to say what he damn well likes in private emails to friends."Bolt seems to think pedophelia is fine as long as it's underground and not supported publically and that any number of perverse ideas are fine in the private domain. He is forever digging dirt on peoples private lives to make it public to ensure that it does have consequence. Then he's like a dog with a bone.
Rather than drive ideas underground isn't it better they are in public isn't that exactly what education is about. Left or Right ologies and isms on university campuses do exactly that as do critlical or positive methodologies for just that reason to be tested. But not according to Bolt he see campuses as an opportunity for indoctrination and give students no credit for intelligence. The man is in fact a book burner. He tries to name and shame institutions and academics who allow students to think. He thinks as an apprentice journalist and hasn't moved on.
He is not strongly opposed to pedophiles in academia if they talk privately nor racists or pornographers but let slip a little critical thinking and he's all over them. Professor Spurr is "only damaged" a little for his poor taste in humour.
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