Gerard Henderson
Hendo he must have been the most popular boy in school. He certainly seemed to be in the eye of the storm on his table. Can anyone be born a curmudgeon, sourpuss or more of an old trout than good old Hendo? His criticisms were like a snowball gathering pace down hill. If Andrew Bolt had of been there even he would not have been left unscathed . However if you know your never going to make the ranks of the gonged and that there isn't a table of journalists that really want you it's wiser to hide away and let party boy Hendo do the job. That way you can't be accused of being a sourpuss but you get the pleasure of a gloat reading one.
I thought the job of of an MP was to represent your electorate. Isn't that politics 101? After all hasn't the coalition made certain that their seats suffered the least under their budget changes ensuring that the least that can afford it are paying the most? You are natures dickhead Bolt.
Tim Blair
expensive speech demands cheap education:
Hillary Clinton called for businesses to collaborate with universities to make higher education more affordable in a $225,000 speech Monday night at the annual University of Nevada Las Vegas Foundation dinner.
“Higher education shouldn’t be a privilege for those able to afford it,” Clinton told a crowd of approximately 900 people.
Talk about Hypocrisy the last I heard was Andrew Bolt was an extreme supporter of the 'free market' place but it seems not. Furthermore he has done none of the work on this cut and paste blog and get's paid sorry people in glass houses shouldn't. Given that Democrats get far far less donations than GOP when running for President she was only to happy to take the money as was the University to pay it. They didn't have to invite her.
Total projection of an uneducated pretender. A lazy egotist. "look mum I can quote the classics" Must be a hoot around a dinner table.
Straight out propagandist lie Julie Bishop never spoke to Putin she spoke to Sergei Lavrov Foreign Minister and no shirt fronting was done. How can we believe anything this man Bolt says. NewsCorp allows the man to write anything he wants and he does he makes it up.
Talk about pathological the man sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic. Muslim women are being harassed on the street and physically accosted and gentleman Bolt suggests it's because we are to be murdered.
$600 million must have been well spent because nobody has been murdered then again nobody was before the money was spent. There are a lot of spooks hanging around wondering how can we catch someone and prove their worth. The only male in Melbourne too afraid to walk the streets of what he and his friend Blair call "Muslim Town" is Andrew Bolt. Dead scared and that's true victim mentality. Dare him to have lunch in Sydney rd he won't turn up.
We need an Aussie on the seat of WHO like the Security Council hey General Andrew. You'd be the world of help in any sort of emergency yelling at people telling them how badly their doing.
If you were on the Titanic you'd be the guy pushing women and kids out of the way to get on a life boat first yelling at the incompetent crew for not stopping it sinking. Your only advice on Ebola seems to be "don't do anything" or "fix it" from 10,000km away . Throw some money at it 18mill and leave it alone ...the Abbott way.
Must be the week end Bolt just climbs on the back of someone else's work and gets paid. Dumber than Dumber Rowan and Bolt trying to be amusing by putting a Slavic ending Pliberseks name. Bolt actually is mimicking Rowan Deanw. Oh he must have rolled on the floor laughing at his wit. Probably held himself back from ringing Dean and wallowing in their humour.
Your favourite cut and paste space filler ABC and Warming in one package. Takes up most of the workless blog. There it is Bolt's favourite first line 16yrs 16yrs. The cry of an old man in a wheelchair remembering the good old fight with Newman ,and Mockton such sources of reliability nobody listens to them any more.
Fact the world is no longer listening to you Andrew you have milked the topic for what it's worth and in the greater scheme of things world policies are changing and have been changing for some time. Your the stupid Dutch boy that put his finger in the dyke believing he could save Holland and that science and engineering were a waste of time and money. A Luddite but worse a laggard.
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