Bolt's Bog 19/10/14 Andrew Bolt Ultra Racist, " I sat and warmed Barry's seat"

" A dramatic example of what can go wrong comes from the G20 in London in
2009. Ian Tomlinson died after he was attacked from behind by a
constable. The officer was initially cleared but after the footage
surfaced, was tried for manslaughter and sacked."
The man wasn't even a demonstrator. Your right murder by cop is fine and will do the country the world of good on the world stage. But then our police like everything we do is the best in the world except for our economy which is a disaster
" Mr. Modi has said he plans to tackle climate change by increasing
renewable power sources like wind and solar — an effort that has won
applause from international environmental groups. Mr. Javadekar said his
government was also focusing on increasing investment in railways and
public transport, in order to slow the growth in demand for cars."
The very same article you are quoting from Bolt. I thought PM outranked MP
Only people with money have the right of protest??? That's Bolt's Democracy .
Only people with money have the right to be litigious. I believe News Corp is defending Bolt again tomorrow. Bolt has a sponsored defence. he's broke. Go Dave Barrow pity it's not a level playing field Dave. Good Luck
Same old space filler by a loser. Changes are being made as we speak investors are rearranging their port folios as we speak.
Given politics is an industry theirs no reason why politicians of differing persuasions should dislike each other. Josh Friedenberg and Ed Husic are best friends a Jew and a Muslim at that. The problem today is there is little that is bi partisan today. I doubt the Tony Abbott could make or try to make friends with any body in opposition. It's not his nature. I believe he has friendship problems within his own party. No he is not a great man. Asmall and dangerous one yes.
The only faffing I see it's by the Abbott gov . $18 mill to show our global citizenry is enough to pu the matter aside. Cuba has sent a team of 465 doctors and nurses. Guess Bolt doesn't really care because their the idiot left as far as he is concerned. We sit back and say volunteers can do what they want but there is no assistance from us.
Abbott cant even break into the Iraqi war that he so aggressively to do. The SAS are holidaying in the UAE Tony will probably bill them for the R&R
Domestic Violence is a crime that cuts across all members of the Australian community. Andrew Bolt picks an example as he often does and turns it into a racial and immigration issue. Had they been white caucasian immigrants we would never have seen this criminal incident raised. A white Australian male with a foreign sounding surname was arrested for murder committed last night. Bolt makes no mention of it. What is the point he is really trying to make. It's not news it is commentary however and it's choice bigoted.
"I can confirm after my fifth or sixth visit this year that Barry Humphries has a very fine taste in restaurants:"South Yarra’s Da Noi, Claire Kermond
What an elitist egotistic sycophant. A fantasist name dropper. In this self promoting Cut/Paste Bolt uses work by Claire Kermond who lunched with Barry Humphries that day. However Bolt presents the image as if he lunched with Humphries Claire Kermond does not get a mention. Humphries wouldn't have the time of day for Bolt whose just big noting himself. "I was once a minder for a belly dancer" is just another example of this man'e self serving BS

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