Bolt's Bog 20/10/14 Andrew Bolt Ultra Racist, Catholic Basher, Islam Basher, Applauds $10,000,000 a week on an everlasting war against a Death Cult and $18,000,000 one off payment on a Death Disease

of the mouth of another leftie hey Bolt. He seems to be pointing the
finger at a corrupt system your all in favour of. Simply because it pays
you to be an apologist a traitor to your class who imagines & fantasises
that he to is a member of the elite capital class. Your not you know your just a fat cat worker.

Speculation Speculation the forensic report is not in but Bolt like the good right wing vigilante he is, is standing with lynch rope in hand hoping to be the first in the Australian media line to hang Putin.
He was trembling with excitement in yesterday's blog having sat at the same seat that Barry Humphries once did at lunch in South Yarra. He couldn't wait to tell the world that he had dined with Barry when it was somebody else. Integrity is nothing when your not a reporter or never attended any Journalism courses.
Such a colossal waste the man says. Whether or not our dams are empty or full is nothing to do with the science of global change. However Melbourne the once best city in the world had water capacity of 20% Had water restrictions like we had never seen before. In a growing metropolis decisions were needed to be made about the cities water sources. More dams weren't the answer desalination plants seem quite a reasonable solution to urban water supply that will guarantee the the restrictions we lived under don't repeat themselves when there are 6mill of us. No panic anymore why... Foresight
Tell me Bolt why aren't you writing and telling us how stupid Cuba is a poor country suffering under a US trade embargo for 40 + years because they are lefties but nevertheless sending 456 nurses and doctors to help. How is it that other countries have no issue with government sponsored volunteers. It's that thing about global citizenry that you seem find repugnant. Give them 18mill and let them buy help from Cuba that's just your elitist style of foreign aid. We can afford not to get our hands dirty. But then again we could make it a work for the dole scheme couldn't we.
"What is certain is that there was a gross invasion of Spurr’s privacy"
It's interesting that private emails between paedophiles are acceptable but the invasion of privacy is the real scandal. We pay and create dirt on people Andrew Bolt is part of an organisation that deals exclusively in dirt. Imagine the games of terrorism ASIO shouldn't use if found on emails.
Bolt in excited endeavour tries to bring down and besmirch a host of people on moral and ethical grounds. To imply New Matilda has crossed the line and the university is being unfair is a bit rich even for Bolt maybe that's why the blog is without comment from him.
Abbott's reaction to Ebola was quite the reverse of his reaction to "fight" the Death Cult" at it's origins as opposed to fighting Ebola the "Death Disease" at our borders. He is prepared to spend $500, Million for however long it takes but only 18 mill on Ebola and watch from a safe distance. Given the efforts of other countries who also have no other interest but to do their part Cuba for one. Australia has come up with some very paltry excuses for glaringly weak response.
Why is it we are always on the backfoot but making what seems a loud noise recently. We never were so lack lustre as a nation ever before.
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