Thursday 2 October 2014

Bolt's Bog 2/10/2014 Newscorp front paged a dead issue and true to form Bolt the troll he is raised it from the grave. The police said investigation OVER


An email from Bill, appearing soon 2/10/14

This won’t help Shorten at all

" even though the allegations don’t seem to fit the man I know, are hotly denied, and only surfaced publicly more than 20 years after the event: "

Straight off the front page of the Herald Sun and straight out of the troll's mouth about his integrity not to beat things up and choosing not write on this bullshit. Newscorp who praises Police,the AFP, and ASIO has chosen to blog on something that the police have put aside. Why because that's the sort of guy he is. It won't be of interest to anybody at the ABC which will allow him to show bias yet again. Why did Newscorp front page a dead issue?

" I strongly believe the presumption of innocence must apply when damaging allegations like these are made so many years later that they are incapable of being proved one way or another."

This presumption however does not apply to Muslims or their representatives in Australia

Julie Bishop stakes her claim 2/10/14

Just a shot across Bishops bows to let her know his favourite fuck buddy Abbott has got the measure of his boys and if he want's he'll make the decisions. However it's good to know that the team is not that united any more thank's Bolt

Palmer could be exhibit A of his own inquiry 2/10/14

 Newscorp went to town on this beat up quoting heavily the star witness against Palmer and his vendetta against Newman in Qld. The deputy premier Seeny a self confessed liar. He should stand up well in any witness box even if it's true.

Tag teaming yet again Newscorp/Bolt


We should be trusted by government to speak freely 2/10/14

Bolt's favourite if you can't get rid of section 18C change it. However why change it at a time when when  Australia's bogans have been unleashed and new security laws have tightened free speech up so much that whistle blowers , public servants, reporters, or citizens if they say anything even by accident can get 10 years jail. If your a spook and your daughter mentions it to friends drunk she could be in trouble. However it's alright for Bolt in the safety of his media cocoon to vilify Muslims, Aborigines, any one he likes. I don't think so.

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