Bolt's Bog 26/10/14. Bolt looks to the Tea Party, Quin the Eskimo is na good song but not the Bolt version, Bolt laughs at the Deaf, Liberal corruption gives Labour 2 seats

Read the 2 Nobel Prize Economists Stiglitz and Triole They simply put Bolt and Hinderaker to bed . Bolt's uneducated and Hinderaker is a lawyer neither have an understanding of economics. Tea Party kneejerk.
John Hinderaker has an extreme conservative agenda and vigorously
criticises Democrats
and liberals for dishonesty, lack of morals, bad judgement and
disloyalty to the United States. They occasionally attack Republicans
for similar shortcomings, such as Senator John McCain for his position
advocating the US should not "torture" suspected terrorists or "enemy
combatants."The Power Line authors believe the media suffer from systemic liberal
bias because too many reporters and editors are partisan liberals. Power Line authors have repeatedly advocated criminal prosecution of
CIA leakers and media outlets that publish national security
information. Clones spawned from the same source as Andrew Bolt Father the American Tea Party mother
Fox News
This is is the equivalent of world breaking news from Manus island. The Abbott government has a history of burying it's International embarrassments in the most obscure places hoping not to create attention. $2.5bill will become a 'real' 2.5 as the dollar was 1 dollar when this promise was made this figure will now drop to 2 bill as the dollar is now only .80cents. That's the way things go with Abbott doesn't it? Outside of that Palmer's ET scheme was a zero scheme anyway. So Bolt is patting the government on the back for nothing more than patting the government on the back?
Sneaky Bolt fails to mention Dr Crockford mentions there is a massive reduction in Arctic Sea Ice something that Bolt has been denying for some time. The haul out of Walrusses has or has not been attributed by scientists of climate change. However it's caught the attention of extreme idiots like Bolt to use for their political agenda. "Coal is good for humanity" "Coal saves the lives of the Indian poor"
This the observation of a bored moron. Does he think he is being funny laughing at the deaf? Humour unless it's bigoted is not directed at the disadvantaged. Shame and Disgusting inappropriate but typical of the supporter of the Spurr Slur
Seats let's remind everyone that were abandoned by Liberals found to be Corrupt by ICAC. Abbott looked the fool when he said it was "Labours fault because they created the law" That's like saying there's no rape in the Caliphate because there's no law.
Just another excuse by Bolt to raise ant-Islamist sentiment while crying unfair for the bully. The government is the victim of mosque vandalising the government is the victim of Islamic women claiming to be assaulted. The government is the victim of unfair attention to it's laws. Why is everybody picking on us the poor powerless government?
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