Bolt's Bog 29/10/14 Ultra Racist Bolt takes the narrowest of facts and applies them to the broadest generalizations. He quotes sources James Taylor that are proven liars.

Your habit is take one narrow event or study that suits your generalisations. Take as narrow a quote from it and then apply that to the broadest generalisation you can and foot note it. You'd fail a high school assignment on that basis. Even this lady doesn't dare jump to your loose conclusions from her study.
Queensland, for instance – conditions were much harsher for
Aboriginal (and Islander) people. But that’s for researchers up there to
follow up on, if they have the courage.
There goes Bolt again quoting James Taylor a renowned liar who makes thing up for the sole purpose of Andrew Bolt using him. They are a pair. If Bolt actually bothers to read Taylor's source the research had nothing to do with what Taylor suggests. Read the article and stop being the wanker you are on this issue
Heartland’s James Taylor hits new low with defamatory false accusations against NOAA
Gosh it's inappropriate time to raise this topic given our ADF were cutting the hands off the corpses of the Taliban. Were they only the Muslims in our ADF. Isn't that against the Geneva convention? Will I face jail for even raising it now?
Why does Abbott race off to the inauguration of such a philistine as Jokowi who runs the largest Islamic country on the planet. Where do they hide all those heads? I'm obviously not voting Abbott any more. Thank's for your revealing Abbott's folly Andrew
Again straight from the News Corp stable. I noticed Rowan Dean your mate editor of the Spectator was on last Monday. He praised the ABC not just Q&A for being a fair and reasonable broadcaster. Independant Audits have also said the same. The bias I'm afraid is one driven by your corporation only it would seem.
And Bolt tells us how ethically sound he and News Corp are compared to New Matilda that they aren't sewer rats. 2010 I guess they didn't have the time to trawl back 30 years. All Bolt has drawn attention to is 'public interest' was it in the ' public interest' Was Andrew Peacocks affair with Shirley McClaine at government expense? Was it in the 'public interest' movies were made about it.
'public interest' Affairs as opposed to National Curriculum we know Bolt has been accused publicly of one of these and it had nothing to do with studying. Sewer rats seem to hang together in companies that maintain dirty habits.
What nonsense can be said in return to your absolute drivel. This should trump you. Our SAS was mutilating bodies in Afghanistan by cutting off their hands very ISIL of them. Abbott is protecting these actions by throwing journalists in jail if they report them in future. Is any union in this country as rogue as that?
I see that there is no mention of the fact that Napthine doesn't want to talk to Abbott. Doesn't want Abbott any where near his election. Daniel Andrews on the other hand would be only too happy to have a "sensible debate with him" Paul Kelly is yes a News Corp copy writer like yourself.
This a perfect example of Bolt's Racist mind set he actually believes one colour one problem one political mindset. What a twat!
Sorry Andrew Bolt even African Americans are allowed to have differing political views according to their circumstance. Even they cut across differing class interests not just "black" interests. Colin Powell if I recall was a Republican. Not all blacks voted for Obama
What I heard was people crying out for work not welfare yes. They weren't crying out for "welfare cuts" they were asking for "jobs" and "opportunity" just as we are here. 750,000 on Centerlink payments 140,000 jobs and Abbott wants "welfare cut" big difference.
That's not a black revolution that's a cry of the unemployed wanting a "chance". Last I heard Abbott is putting the price of petrol up and offering to subsidise the Petrol companies in 12 months time if we don't accept it. That's corporate welfare. Do you think those blacks would vote Abbott??? When hell froze over maybe some.
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