Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Bolt's Bog 28/10/14 this is the first response to Bolt that I have no reason to disagree with. He has actuall just provided some information. Question, did Bolt write these Blogs??




In this society but not of it

Unfortunately there are far too many cases of parents and guardians that seem to slip through the cracks. How is it that child protection doesn't come to hear of these cases much earlier

Petrol levy up as Senate bypassed - for one year

It certainly isn't an act according to hoyles. If motorists are to be refunded does the country have to maintain a years for all petrol purchased? The fact is all people are never compensated and the risk is some 50% of motorists will still be out of pocket. Basically it's a take from peter to pay paul act and one that is based on the flip of a coin one year down the track. Hands up if anybody thinks it's the act of a responsible government?



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