Thursday, 23 October 2014

Bolt's Bog 23/10/14 Andrew Bolt Ultra Racist, Neutralising Scott Morrison, Barry Spurr's Character reference


Give Morrison more work

 The immigration minister Scott Morrison was forced to hose down reports he was getting too big for his boots and executing grabs in other portfolios. Such reports were false, he said. The thing about whispering campaigns is they only take off if there’s some fire under the smoke. Curious how every leadership contender eventually gets undermined by a whispering campaign. First Hockey, now Morrison. The fire Morrison is referring to could well be Bolt doing Abbott's work. He did it against Turnbull and Hockey and now Morrison. Why 53:47 is why.


In defence of Barry Spurr 

Lily Yuan Wang also writes for the Australian so yet again Bolt is not really working is he? The one relevant message in her letter that Bolt admires so much is the cuts this government has made to indigenous affairs. Not exactly something  Bolt favours. Strange Bolt is referencing Lily.  What relevance is a character reference at this point of time when an investigation is still underway? Besides isn't Lily just one of many students this is hardly a petition.

"If the Australian government and people can garner the energy they’ve wasted on being politically correct and displays of gratitude or guilt, and channel it into constructing better community facilities, education and support services for Aboriginal people and all the sons and daughters of Australia, they would heal more wounds than random “racist” remarks can inflict".

Emails are not private to  ASIO or the AFP and increasingly less so these days. They are often used and have a direct consequence for their writers. So what's happened here isn't unusual. Had Spurr been a part of a Paedophile ring would we be arguing his right to privacy and unfair suspension. If his emails discussed terrorism and it's opportunity would this man still deserve our support. I would hardly hear a definitive yes coming from Bolt. What would have Bolt said if Spurr was Waleed Aly?  

It's been well documented that hacking emails has been common practice in News Corp mastheads so Bolt is merely posturing.

How stupid can things get. Barry Humphries is quoted by Bolt as supporting Barry Spurr's wrongful suspension from Sydney University. Humphries was responding to an opinion piece by Henry Ergas in The Australian  which could hardly be regarded as news  or providing  the facts. letter to the Australian

 What's stranger is that Humphries is  the director of the Adelaide Cabaret Festival this year. He is banning the "F" word  from any festival performances and has upset a number of people.

However when it comes to comedy I believe this quote from a regular at Adelaide who this year intends boycotting Humphries event on principle has a valid point to make about Spurr's whimsy

Good comedy makes fun of power; it punches up, not down. Good comedy has the power to shift perceptions, to offer release in times of trouble and to shed light on unexpected ideas or viewpoints. But good comedy should not be cruel. There is nothing clever, playful or hilarious about making fun of minority groups or of yearning for a time when Australia had “no Abos, Chinky-poos, Mussies, graffiti, piercings, jeans, tattoos. BCP in all Anglican churches; Latin Mass in all Roman ones. Not a woman to be seen in a sanctuary anywhere. And no obese fatsoes. All the kiddies slim and bright eyed. Now utterly gone with the wind.” I quote Spurr here.


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