Lachlan Murdoch delivered a speech.
"only last year the past government proposed a bill that would have
seen a government-appointed body to oversee all of the media, the
“Public Interest Media Advocate” or PIMA.
" PIMA was the most draconian attack on the freedom of the press this country has ever seen in peacetime."
Bolt's response to this was a limp wristed
Yes, to the deepest shame of Labor and of the journalists and journalism academics who cheered it:
He doesn't name anyone just alludes to any left thinkers out there involved in journalism. Bolt always indulges himself in broad sweeping and loose generalisations. Furthermore Murdoch only talked of PIMA as a proposal not an actual Bill an idea to be discussed. Bolt loose with facts conveniently overlooks this.
At this point Bolt leaves his blog input but then continues with a further excerpt from Lachlan Murdoch's speech. It actually points to the failings of the coalition government. Something that Bolt wouldn't want to highlight would he, Section 18C is such a personal matter he just can't leave it alone.
But even now, after failing to repeal Section 18c of the Racial
Discrimination act, which dramatically reduces free speech by making it
unlawful to offend someone, our current government is introducing
legislation that includes jailing journalists for up to 10 years if they
disclose information that relates to a “special intelligence
I can't help asking why avoid the current government's failings when in the defence of Barry Spurr Bolt's head down bum up for the the protection of privacy and opposed to New Matilda's press freedom even though it is in the 'public interest'? Barry Spurr's privacy is sacrosanct to Bolt even if he was an adviser, a reviewer of our 'National Curriculum'.
Spurr called for an increase in Judeo- Christian and Western Civilization content however his whimsical attacks weren't related to this but rather at those groups he saw had too much presence in the curriculum. It's for this reason it is of 'public interest' because it's our curriculum. Why haven't any of the recipients of Spurr's emails come forward as character references?
The only character reference Bolt has come up with is an ex student of his published by the Australian. Was she asked and paid by the Australian to publish her opinion piece?
Bolt is a waste of space his Blog is usually the work of his stable mates with a few one sentence asides by him in fear of Section18C. Or maybe he is just the mindless Kardashian of bloggers a celebrity.
When people commit murder due to a mental affliction hearing voices or god we don't call them Christian terrorists. Andrew Knight for one nor was he identified by the people he killed. Each year there are murders committed a few by the mentally ill people who have had messages from god. Every year husbands kill their wives some not most may be Muslim. Bolt is the first to point to or blame Islam if he can. Not Hinduism not Christianity Aboriginality yes I believe Bolt would quick off the mark to use indigenous culture to explain a murder . The thing is he never waits for any attempt at forensic examination before making his judgement calls. He headlines his bigotry immediately. Yet he praises Scott Morrison for calling for the facts first each time accusations are targeted at him. The double standards here are obvious. Nowhere to hide Bolt
Any loss of freedom we have is what the government has instigated. Any increased fear is what the media is promoting. The guy in Canada may have been used by extremists or been ill after all his mother hadn't seen him for 5 years. However there are extremists of all kinds that target vulnerable people. That's not unusual in any society. We don't stop people becoming born again or Scientologists but these organisation have radicalised some to break all relationships with their families and have on occasions been extremely harmful. Those that want to go to Syria/Iraq should be allowed to. Bolt's Nationalistic T shirt says it "leave". Do we actually believe Australians will leave in their 1000's? Bolt confects anger because his speech is restricted yet he demands others should be restricted from speaking. He is a parent for christsakes that alone makes him restrict freedoms and it creates anger. He says he rues the loss of movement. He has a lot in common with others on this score simply because we've become a nanny state restrictions breed anger and anger and in some cases it's misdirected but that's always been the case. However Bolt's fears are born of his own doing because of what he does. If doing is being Bolt has every right to be fearful and not just by Muslims, the Left, the Indigenous, the Greens, Asylum Seekers, the poor etc as they pay little attention to him. He just might offend one of his own someone with a simple criminal mind. I haven't lost free speech nor movement yet I find the stupidity of the extreme right offencive.
Because we the people 84% of us support the ABC. Bolt wants the ABC broken up and sold to Murdoch that would be fair wouldn't it. He want's the true nature of a pluralist democracy stifled. Does New Corp provide news no. Does Bolt provide news no. Has Bolt and his cronies been shouted down no. Who is being shouted down then. Thank god there is space for critical thinking in journalism in comedy in conversation rather than just cheer squad ranting found in the Herald Sun
So Bolt believes Vietnam was a war that we should not have withdrawn from.
That democracies only work if all parties are of a conservative bent that history shows that left thinking parties are a negative force for any society. Bolt believes that the starvation of billions of people over the past 70 years would have been better than China today. Strange that this democracy is so dependant on China for it's existence today.
Yes most ideologies agree that there is "something rotten in the state of..." even right wing conservatives do so Bolt's claim is just facile. However he does believe it seems we should get rid of our democracy make Australia a one party coalition & corporatised state lead by Tony Abbott . Like a Jihadist Bolt sees this as the concept of heaven we should all strive for..... Fascist is my term for it no room for criticism here.
Advertising for "my" report....hardly work
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