Friday, 28 November 2014

Andrew Bol's Blog 28/11/14,pm, Ferguson Bolt Blind; News Corp instructions to Abbott,Palmer/Murdoch and Courts; Ideological dreaming and dreaming

The white racism meme no longer explains this mayhem


The right’s favorite new race guru: Why you should know Jason Riley

Mayhem is not only the province of blacks

12 year olds play cops and robbers and yes have toys. They are shot if black

Ferguson 70% black, Police 95% white US police shoot and kill blacks every 2 days and have done for years. Black cops shooting blacks is statistically insignificant. White cops shoot blacks is statistically significant. 0.00068% or 1 in 14,500 cases are not indictable before a grand jury. The prosecutor whose job it is to prosecute brought evidence for a defence and presented it to the jury. Something never heard of. If they didn't want it to go to trial why call a Grand Jury? A pure show to avoid a trial because trials attend to all the evidence unlike a Grand Jury.

The riot: Yes there were vandals but vandals weren't the majority there were in the main peaceful demonstrators as well. Those people gave meaning to their actions as did their supporters across the country. They speak to the narrative and have legitimate grievances about this case and its place in a much longer running history of injustice for minorities in the US. Not the bullshit that Andrew Bolt would like us to believe.

Bolt's News Corp source is as big a Klutz as Bolt

"And if black criminal behaviour is a response to white racism, how is it that black crime rates were lower in the 1940s and 50s, when black poverty was higher, racial discrimination was rampant and legal, and the country was more than a half-century away from twice electing a black president?"

How come Jews silently went to the gas chambers, oppression becomes internalised and accepted. Changing laws in the 60's brought about hope and legal change but it certainly doesn't rapidly bring on cultural change. It's idiots like Bolt that claim black culture causes black problems.

Joe Hockey in the gun

Here we have a News Corp cabinet. Instructions from the bleachers Jump Abbott we say how high. I believe Bishop was once Finance Minister in the Howard government. She made such a botch of dealing with the figures she was rapidly moved


How Clive Palmer started the fire under his feet

Clive's fire is nothing like the fire and brimstone about to reign down on Rupert Murdoch. The hacking inquiry just might bring criminal charges foward against Murdoch. Business men are generally the only persons able to deal with the costs involved. We plebians rarely find ourselves in the same circumstance. When Bolt does his boss covers for him. That's why he flippantly says we are all equal under the law. Wanker

The Left will destroy Australia out of spite for Abbott

Ideology runs riot. Noel Pearson said it on Q&A unless Abbott moves to the center yes to the left the voters will never see him as delivering anything but unfair policies. If any of Bolt's raging right believe they can get their self serving bills passed in this term or any other term they are wasting our money. Ask Rupert Murdoch. Stop Americanising Australia to a Tea Party dream.



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