Andrew Bolt's Blog; 28/11/14; Bolt believe he's a communicator;Bolt calls Victorians fools but wont leave as he suggests Muslims do; Triggs is not looking for witches they are innocent, It's witch hunters she is looking into;

When the hyenas of the conservative News Corp press start repeatedly telling the government to stop dancing on hot coals we know they are in real trouble. The coalition have no chambers left in their game of Russian Roulette. Bolt blames it on poor communication and seems to be applying for a job. Their lack of a communicative language would have Scott Morrison sending them back to where came from. Particularly Abbott who really does appear to have retained his UK connections.
However is communication their only problem will any of them become more likable in the eyes of the Australian public? Who would you like to bring home for the weekend for bonhomie and a good chat?
Here we have Bolt calling Victorians idiots who don't understand what's really going on. In the same breathe he is saying Abbott's coalition have a communication problem. All I need say is who is the blind fool and brainless communicator. I think the consensus is with the Victorian voters and suggest Bolt reads some old fashioned Dale Carnegie books. However given his academic record he might not understand it.
Here's Bolt promoting that banned T shirt again. The one taken off the market for it's racist directive. Bolt's always worn it under his shirt.
India has 170 mill Muslims, 20 mill Christians etc etc we have just praised the country for it's pluralistic democratic and secular values. But that must have been tongue in cheek as Bolt even deems to question ours. OMG how many times have prisoners in the dock failed to pay due respect to a presiding judge for countless reasons yelling abuse, threats and promising gods vengeance and even death?Innumerable times yet Bolt in his singular logic has chosen to shine a light one couple of accused crims because they are Muslim to push his racist barrow. Oh dear we should have asked the those others who have shown disrespect in the past to get out of the country even if they were born here. Bolt included as we saw the silent disrespect he had for the judge who sentenced him.
Bolt hasn't a clue what generation Australian these men may have been. All he knows is they were Muslim and that's enough. He wears that T under his shirt and even sleeps in it. In this Blog set above he calls Victorians fools, shows us no respect why doesn't he take advice from his T
HRC has existed since 1986, 28 years only 11 under Labour. Bolt has no explanation as to why his wiser than us coalition has retained it for their 17 years in office. Somehow he suggests they feared the left and were scared of scrapping it. What is the man saying? That the Lib/NP have always been piss weak incompetents? Well we all know that. However in this case we all wanted to be seen as global citizens.
No Triggs isn't looking for witches Bolt we all know the witches were innocent she is however shining a light on the witch hunters. The HRC has International credibility which Australia is fast losing with it's convention breaking Asylum Seeker policy, Climate Change policy and it's disregard for World Heritage.
I guess enquiries into police should be run by the police. Enquiries into human rights should be run by the departments being looked at. All independent bodies or enquiries should be scrapped and even the courts as their personnel such as judges can never be objective. Maybe Bolt would be happy that every time there was an election governments sacked and reestablished all bodies in their favour. Isn't that what this government has been doing. Coopting News Corp personnel to sit on boards and committees of their choosing?
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