Howard was merely caught out a rebuke is a rebuke and he's stepped back. As far as bolt is concerned he is so anal he couldn't crack a fart.
Mathias Corman puts middle an upper class white collar crime and it's costs to "history" the coalition are too close to and influenced by the FIRE Financial, Insurance, Real Estate sectors. It's why Liberal MP's resigned.
The following table provides an overview of the major frauds committed by the FIRE sector in recent decades:
Victoria Police has confirmed it is looking into claims that a
NSW-based property company defrauded organisations in Victoria by
selling them NRAS incentives that proved worthless.
It's a case of white collar fraud by a NSW company. Isn't it strange that these crimes are generally committed by BCA members and that they tend to be Liberal supporters. Far more more cost to the community than a few corrupt union officials. Haven't seen the coalition doing away with crime lately. We have seen them deregulate to allow the FIRE sector to become paradise for white collar crime. I think that's what the head of ASIC said "a paradise"
Not much to say on the IPCC report, You need to denigrate all those scientists and the UN again. Waiting for a response from those highly regarded usual Fox News sources I guess....waiting waiting. You could come up with one of your own Mr Bolt...thinking...thinking
It's strange isn't it I believe the press gallery is why Bolt once went to Canberra to follow what must have been his left wing wife. He mustn't have been so biased in those days. He wasn't "shown the money".Perhaps Fran Kelly should have invited Andrew on her show which then wouldn't have been biased at all would it.
Kelly could have discussed "intelligently" the IPCC report that Bolt somehow believes he is fully informed on.
Yes, silly question when independent audits of bias have done on the ABC they show no bias exists. No such audits have been done on News Corp have they. When Rowan Dean Bolt's mate declares on Q&A how fair and unbiased the ABC is. It's a moronic question.
Brandis failed to account for the number of Christian converts among these so called Islamists that converted merely for the sake of personal adventure. The variety of reasons for radicalisation could have been many. We know the most notorious is a schizophrenic.
Bolt extrapolates that for each one over there there is a huge number of supporters here. Yet Brandis and a senior AFP officer both declared that because of the new laws passed we couldn't be safer than we are today.
The other area that should be mentioned is the number of professional highly articulate Muslim women far more educated than Bolt who spoke on Q&A. They certainly aren't Bolt's bogan depiction of Muslim women. What makes him add that they must have been converts. A true bigot of Brandis proportion.
When did mainstream politicians ever assert that Islam is the root cause of violence. If it is why isn't it reflected in our prison system. One thing I do hope and the AFP keep an eye out for is the dissemination of hate that Bolt puts out and encourages a 2% minority to feel like victims particularly their children.
If a merger did go ahead I should imagine the Bolt Report wouldn't be getting the secure ride it's on. It may make the horizontal shift to Sky News it's natural home. After all if the first priority of 10 is to make money it makes no sense to keep Bolt on.
A Fairfax and 10 merger would certainly provide the nation with News rather than the mere advocacy of News Corp.
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