I'd have assumed James Packer had better judgement than what Lloyd Williams suggests : Andrew Bolt
"With his hand on Mr Andrews’s back Mr Williams told him; “You should
probably know I am on the executive of the Packer estate, and James is
going to kick every goal he can for you”.
Lloyd Williams
Andrew Bolt presumes to know James Packer better than Lloyd Williams and executive of the Packer estate. Bolt presumes to know that William's judgement is questionable. Compare the pedigrees of these two men Bolt or Williams whose judgement do we all think Packer would take seriously. Which of these two men's judgement would be the least ego driven. Bolt is an egotistical schmuck
I do believe the IPCC report puts Andrew Bolt's bleating on 18 years of no warming. This is the most comprehensive report to date by the top climate scientists. However it must be said they haven't conferred with Bolt or his sources.
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