Andrew Bolt's Blog 3/11/14, Andre Bolt is pro government control of the ABC, Bolt on not being funny, We are fighting a war from the safety of the UAE, Julia... Not Guilty
Doesn't tell us anything other than Bolt is an information censor a book burner. An ABC wannabe editor just like the North Koreans are . Bolt shows he is in fact in full appreciation of their public media approach. Welcome to Comrade Bolt of the right and the denier of pluralistic media.
No information here!
I'm not so sure why Bolt suggest Brand is of any importance to the Labour movement. I'm not sure why he thinks he is of any importance to the conservative movement other than that he is a paid partisan hack for News Corp. Bolt talks to the converted and elderly age group who are unlikely to change the voting patterns.
However the nature of comedy which Bolt is incapable of understanding is critical and is directed from the bottom up. It points out the contradictions in a constantly changing. The amusement being found in the efforts of those at the top of the social ladder or those that think they are trying their best to stop changes. This applies to left or right humour is simply directed at those who believe themselves to be superior and is an equalising force and Bolt doesn't like that because he is probably on the butt end of it. He is the pompous arsehole who is easily laughed at.
Sad to see however wiser heads will no doubt pay some attention.
'We are fighting'? Are we? Who are we fighting? Where are we fighting? Yes some are fighting for ISIL. However all I've heard to date is a lot of talk from our PM about fighting against them. There's but no evidence of doing any fighting except for a couple of rockets. We seem to be there for the symbolic ride also rans I believe were called with no active purpose other than to be talked about for boosting the government ego.
Are we training anyone? I doubt a few weeks training could prepare anybody to fight ISIL other than send them on a suicide mission. Haven't you heard half the Iraqi government, the Shiia Militias & the Sunni Tribes don't want us there. If our boys are on the ground they won't be sure who is firing at them. Better they stay on R&R in the UAE
Bolt is trying to do a Russell Brand joking about the fighting we are doing.
"Exactly how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders will be recognised in the Constitution is not yet known"
Moronic school boy teasing or bullying doesn't deserve attention. Bolt's style of debating he teaches his kids no doubt. The lowest form of debate. Well done Bolt
1 1998 was an extreme El Nino year the hottest years on record 2005,2010 when the earth was supposed to be cooling according to Bolt. So it's wrong to say the earth has been cooling and wrong to say it's stopped heating. The level of greenhouse gasses is higher and traps the heat. Bolt tends to use dubious sources for most of his repetitive denial claims. It merely reveals to be Einsteins definition of a fool. Julia,IS
Victoria the State of Intelligence. Victorians can't be bought
NOT GUILTY the rest is LIBERAL WHINGING. BOLT GUILTY the rest is LIBERAL they to left it as GUILTY
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