Andrew Bolt's Blog 3/11/14 Retta Dixon Homes, Bill shorten needs to force himself to be heard, UK horror story no point but how to be violent, Enemy we are sitting waiting to fight kills 322 of Team Australia.We didn't give them weapons

Bolt is a professional writer however he still needs grammar check. The one thing that is true Manne generates more respect. However trying to follow Bolt's links to see what he's talking about goes nowhere. His reference links to the Australian if you try to follow the thread to look for Craven/Manne you just get nowhere. So all I can make of this is Bolt's "give me 10 names" oft repeated mantra the rest is irrelevant. I'm sure 10 names are easily found in the records of the Retta Dixon's Girls homes where sexual abuse was common place and living conditions inhumane. It's in places like this Bolt believes social welfare was provided and he would have his kids attend if they were still operating.
Because he hasn't been called. It's not a drop in center is it?
Black or Asian??? What are you suggesting here Andrew Bolt we make assumptions and generalise from this case. Or are you merely advertising a violent means of assault. We do know a crime was committed by someone. The police are no doubt investigating. Yes it was a terrible crime. If Bolt was there he'd be crying out for a lynch mob to form. With his white hood on of course.
If as you say we are fighting these guys Andrew Bolt why don't you say it as it is we are losing. How is it we are not supplying our allies with weapons? Too dangerous to give them any? Well coordinated battle we are fighting.
Truth we are watching and saying we are fighting.
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