The Whitlam funeral
Cate Blanchett's gave an inspirational memorial speech to Gough. It actually reminded us all of why Bolt is a fart in a hurricane. Why he adds nothing to our cultural landscape yet was beneficiary of Whitlam's largess and vision. His investment in the future of Australian youth not cut back. Though a university failure Bolt benefited from those years of government spending which saw no government deficit.
Lambie trashes November 11
Lambie makes a point out of need. The need of troops who fought in Afghanistan who now suffer from PTDS and are homeless living in cars and sleeping rough. The walking dead and living woundedwho the government no longer budgets for. They are dead in spirit discarded because as Bolt says they are of no use and are a disposable cost. Economic rationalism is all that counts are you profitable? Bolt's favourite movie is Soylent Green.
Warmist predicts “mass-death events” in 10 to 15 years
Skeptics greatest lie.Worst case scenario's aren't predictions. Bolt would have us believe his cry of no warming for 16 years is entirely true when it's patently false however he continues to repeat it over and over again somehow believing we'll be convinced like the "down down prices are down Coles Ad". He really has no respect for his audience. Since records have been established the planet has warmed each decade.
Bolt heralds James Taylor as his heroic skeptic a lawyer found and accused of defaming organisations such as NOAA. Who he claims support his arguments Bolt used them falsely this week. Bolt supports Dr Spencer a noted plagiarist and researcher who has been caught out a number of times and has withdrawn papers he has published after peer group review.
Bolt hasn't read the 116 page IPCC report most of which he wouldn't understand anyway he never will. The report was compiled from 100's of the worlds top professional intergovernmental climatologists but it's Bolt that has chosen to select a secondary & tertiary commentary from people like himself for his feeble anti-climate cry which is getting weaker and weaker. I have often asked but have never seen Bolt's answer how much he has privately invested in fossil fuels? Nothing I'm sure maybe he is hoping their value will just keep falling and he still wont.
As for lighting up the lives of the Indian poor coal has been killing the poor of India and we can guess that Bolt and Abbott see that as an extra benefit for an overpopulated nation. Why is this government desperately wanting to lend billions of our dollars to Indian companies that are currently over stretched and whose likelihood of repaying the loans is as remote as planet Pluto
Republicans poised for control over Congress
Smaller government means increased security, defence, surveillance welfare policing, sure doesn't sound small to me. ASIO,AFP,ADF, are departments that are recruiting aren't they?
Australia is a leading light on this planet that can show the USA the way. Abbott is Moses says our Fred Nile of bloggers Andrew Bolt. Israel is the freest state on this planet according to Bolt.
Two Islamist groups boast of enslaving captured women
Sounds like the start to a joke about "two Aussies". However it's is a joke about one, Andrew Bolt. Stupidity is universal Bolt you are a perfect example of it when it comes to the media and I presume in life generally. Yes these guys are as stupid as two bogans pissed on a Saturday night ready to party. Sucker punch someone and go slut hunting. They aren't Australians as much as the guys in the video aren't Islamists. They can call themselves what they want but you give them the racial identity they crave for 1.6 billion Muslims don't. So what does that make you Bolt? I've no doubt when drunk your sons might be like that and when you were young your ego had you bragging you were a belly dancer's minder. You weren't but you hoped somebody believed it. Just like the fwits in the video.
Five staff abandon Ricky Muir’s car
Bolt's mouth was wide open and his lower jaw was touching the ground when he heard this. Politics is an ugly sport when you don't have the backing and the cast of thousands that the coalition employs. If one adviser leaves or is sacked in the coalition nobody ever hears of it and it's not worth reporting. However it's of deep of interest to people like Bolt. However ex leaders of the liberal party who have quit the party for moral and ethical reasons get sparse attention. Hewson, Fraser, and..... Poor Ricky the beady eyed Bolts are watching you.
Why the Greens are soft on the Islamic State - and must be resisted, too
"Communism, fascism, jihadism and even the eco-extremists - all are manifestations of a totalitarian instinct that appeals particularly to the vain, the selfish, the frightened, the romantic, the stupid and the thuggish."
Bolt upright in front of a mirror talking to his reflected self or listening to it. In Psychology it's simply called projecting.
As far as Q&A was concerned I did see Sheiks, Imams, women in hijabs and even young men who looked nothing like "converts" asking intelligent questions of George Brandis. Simple questions, questions that have been asked countless times that Brandis wasn't stumped by, easy questions. I doubt if anybody other than Bolt talking to himself in the above manner saw anything more or less in a pretty lame event?
As for Brandis any journalist would be hard pressed to believe that their freedoms haven't been reduced by the new laws. For the sake of security and our safety all our freedoms have been reduced. Government in this country has just got bigger because of that not smaller. However Bolt wont tell us that truth
Treatment guaranteed. Medical volunteers to be sent
Bolt is the man by the neighbours pool watching kids drown ringing 000 for help telling the other guests to stand back and wait even though they can swim. Bolt saying action needs to be done in a way that we are not legally compromised. Of course kids might drown or Bolt might have a heart attack trying to save them so there needs to be a Dr around as well as a lawyer, so wait. Like that English guy our PM Bolt claims to be an Australian."A more responsible way of responding than the send-and-hope rush-rush"
Have any of our SAS troops done anything to help save some 500 of our allies being butchered in Iraq?. Oh that's not what we are there for is it. Not e to air drop desparately needed weapons or food it's not part of the contract that's taken months to sign. What was all that sabre rattling about....the polls!!
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