Monday 15 February 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog; 15/2/16; Bolt spinning Israel does the country no favours; Rupert vs Malcolm it's about media ownership; The real fraudsters; We have always known Bolt was ISIS and he proves it again; Bolt's exemplary Aussie Culture; Andrew never mentions Newspoll any more or Tony Abbott's media folly; The blame game and the rebirth of the cold war and domino theory;Just a direct quote from another News Corp man saves work;




Nationality above race

The Reverse Racists are out. They don't seem to understand what Stan Grant the proud Australian had to say. "Australia is one of the world’s most successful multi-racial societies. Australians come from a potpourri of ethnic backgrounds, and we are the richer for the breadth of our gene pool. But a multi-racial society can only ever work if our race is secondary to our nationality…" They don't mention that the liklihood of constitutional change being supported by black Australians is unlikely. Why because then their reverse racist arguments simply dissolve to nothing. the meaning of Racism can't be disassociated from the social reality of power. To eradicate racism one needs to bring about change in power structure and that is the existential threat Dean and Bolt resist. For any person particularly black Australians to call these apes ultra racists shyte  may be an insult but it's not racist. For Dean and Bolt to call Aboriginal culture dysfunctional however is.

 Australia may be multicultural but  as far as a section of the Aboriginal community is concerned it's white Australia solely defined by their lack of power and the historical lack of mutual respect that has forced them to struggle for equality more than most and not simply as individuals. Remember when Bolt said he had as much right to claim to be the first Australian as any Aborigine and he to had to struggle because he was the son of Dutch migrants. What a racist twat he is.





Ewen Jones blows up attack on Abbott

Tony Abbott isn't mentioned at all in this clip so it's Bolt who by  raising the Abbott is giving him a back handed belt. Bolt says he's his supporter but like Abbott keeps putting his foot in his mouth.  Bolt's the only one to mention Abbott "Turnbull really should learn that Abbott has nothing to lose in repaying some stupid slur or slight, and treating him with respect is not just good manners but good management." and bring Turnbull to the fore when it comes to IQ. Remember Abbott he'd try anything and everything without knowing his limits. The Putin of the Southern Hemisphere. Putin however was a trained professional.




He’s no cutter: 16 per cent more Cabinet under Turnbull

Gosh the minutiae of life are there to be criticized by Bolt and his team of trolls. The bigger picture  is never there to explain the details.  The fact is Abbott is out because he failed. It's good to see Turnbull is in and he is different. Yes Abbott did drive government  spending up another 1.9% to 25.9% a record ratio to GDP in only 2 years. Has Bolt ever acknowledged that? So all Bolt is doing is stating the obvious without a clue as to what Turnbull intends to doing. Turnbull is a rationalist and playing the long game not Bolt's kneejerk short game. Abbott played the short game in opposition saying no to everything labour did. He carried it foward into government not to appear a liar but wound being just that. Then while spending he simply lied again and said all was fixed. The bullshit isn't flowing so freely under Turnbull. Bullshit like Bolt's claim the GFC was created by over regulation of the banks and businesses. Yes over-regulation did create Bernie Madoff president of NASDQ, Fanny Mae, Standard and Poors didn't it Andrew Bolt.




On 2GB, 3AW and 4BC tonight - Why are activist doctors keeping a Nepalese baby in our hospital?

Diversion, Distortion, Misinformation the practice of white conservative myth making as practiced by News Corp and 2 GB

Australia has no Liberal Prime Minister

Bolt get's this from the Catallaxy Files yes sir the IPA. Guess they aren't as close to LNP as they once were to Tony Abbott however even back then he wasn't the LNP and he even didn't trust them. It's why his office was so distant and overbearing in a permanent state of defense.

The conservatives do love a state of panic. It's the only political emotion they thrive on. Reason is rarely conducive to their political platforms as  is alarm and panic. Remember them in opposition the sky was always falling in and we were about to be invaded. They got into power and started to spend even more because the sky was falling in. Then suddenly it was fixed and over and we didn't even notice a difference no so we didn't believe them or at least we didn't believe Abbott and Hockey and neither did their party.  Now Bolt is back trying to light the flames of panic again but his  match and kindling are wet and just aren't taking light. In fact Bolt's flame throwing capacity has been dampened and his audience diminished by his own organization News Corp. Maybe now there is real reason for him to panic.


Labor now the go-to party for the anti-Semite

So according to Bolt anything anti- Israeli is anti Semitic further more  he asscociates that with being anti- Jewish. In yiddish he a Schmuck. Given the  Likud and the extreme right of Israel are trying to turn Israeli into an apartheid and Jewish state Bolt has declared himself pro apartheid and an anti- democracy supporter. But then his brand of Conservatism always was and has always been in that fascist closet to some extent. 

Is Bolt talking about the changing domestic politics of Israel or the politics of the region where recognition of the state of Palestine is not a disregard for the State of Israel. He may think so but here in Australia the tail does not wag the dog. Israel has changed as has Palestine and the Middle East in recent times. Only people like Bolt fail or try to disguise this.

Rather than Bolt playing expert as he does on climate change, race relations etc it might be reasonable to get information on the ground Bolt's" huge upsurge in knife attacks," is biased to the max given the body count in Israel.  Simply go to IMEMC News - International Middle East Media Center  and check the deaths, injuries, kidnappings imprisonment just in February of both sides and you will get a hint of why Israel's reputation has sunk in recent times. Israel's refugee production system in action. PHOTOS: Gazans hope to get out during rare border opening .

Israel’s “excessive force” kills two more children
Andrew Bolt yes in a Modern world everybody is watching and your  spin is doing Israel no favours. This uprising is about more than knives  


If a Liberal Education Minister backs this preaching, what’s the point of the Turnbull Government?

Have I missed something since when has the Federal Government been in control of Education? Since when has it been in control of private education?

" Yet more reason for conservatives and traditional Liberal voters to conclude that the only hope of having a party that represents their views lies in the defeat of the Turnbull Government." 

It seems Rupert Murdoch hates Malcolm Turnbull that much he'd turn his Media organization around for that sole purpose to find any reason to disparage him why?Rupert Murdoch blasts Malcolm Turnbull over media reform ..

 Mayne: will the Turnbull era put an end to Murdoch 

 Rupert Murdoch's fresh media war with Malcolm Turnbull ...



Turnbull fiddles while our finances burn. Business warns of Greece

 Our  Problem is not revenue" but in giving and getting more work from people who are now jobless or underemployed, or preferring benefits to wages. Create more jobs, not more taxes." So put the blame on" dole bludgers" How quaint and how old was this idea back in the 60's How quaint and old is it today. Point to Byron Bay, and Nimbin as the social welfare centers of Australia. If your jobless and find it hard to get a job going to Byron is not fraud it wasn't in the 60s and it isn't today. Those dole bludgers of yesteryear are the professionals today the parents today of graduates who were promised work only to find there are fewer jobs in science teaching and even factories. That work today has been casualized so much so you need to work 3 jobs and longer hours without benefits. A weekend means waiting for a phone call any day of the week to get hours. That's not fiddling Bolt that's the nose dive down the social ladder by the middle class that are now discovering the working class lifestyle. Centerlink fraud exists and it exists large scale but not because of the clients but because of the out sourced companies contracted to find clients jobs. When the heat is turned on them they like you readily kick the clients.The real ‘dole bludgers’: Four Corners report exposes fraud

  Income distribution: Australia’s highest earners think they are battlers

  Many Australians living payday to payday, out of touch with retirement needs

 CSIRO cuts slammed around the world

 Corporate con job 

 “Effectively The BIGGEST Tax Haven In The World”




Turkey and Russia use “refugees” to blackmail Europe

 "It's nonsense to talk about the war on Islamic terrorism as a clash of civilisations,""there is never any justification for violence." Burleigh sounds so unlike Bolt who maintains there is and it's a necessity. So why does he use Burleigh here? The red herring it seems is to blame others for the production and use of refugees while making FUKUS and Nato the victims. Bolt can't for a second Blame the West for the chaos now occuring let alone accept any compassionate actions towards refugees that might indicate some sense of guilt. Besides Bolt welcomes turning against an ally if they are Islamic like Turkey to prove his point they can't be trusted. The fact that the West created refugees in the first place with the plan put in motion as far back as the 1980s is buried by the Bolt. Destroy Pan Arabic Nationalism for Israel and grab control of resources like oil wherever possible. The old domino theory in the Middle East Qaddafi, Hussein,and Assad might just unite against Israel and that needs to be stopped at all costs. It has cost too trillions of dollars expected to be made back in oil. Pity about the rise of renewables. So better blame Russia and Islam.




Media Left starting to check out of Camp Turnbull, where conservatives were banned

So even week days will still be Troll days guess there will be a loose Bolt. As for Turnbull he was on the Bolt Report not than long ago. As for interviews Abbott chose his and his selection was not Liberal. Doesn't Bolt praise the freedom of choice? What a hypocrite. 

The word media and journalism has a unique meaning for Andrew Bolt un like the meaning the industry and society give it. Journalism for Bolt is nearer the concept Goebbels and single party states give it. Narrow unquestioning and single minded driven by the owners. It's why crowd funded journalism of independent fringe media are so refreshing the truly rely on people rather than business for funding. They unlike News Corp ar ready to question everything and everyone. That is a threat to Bolt. Why would one want to be interviewed by Bolt The News Corp readership is failing, Ch10 don't want the The Report as it doesn't rate. Why rush to Boltwhen he seems so irrelevant. Day to Day Politics: Where did Murdoch’s readers go and what about the election?




Malcolm Turnbull’s bad language

" Encouraging a return to such a language, as Turnbull has done with his $20 million grant, is a futile gesture towards the romanticisation of the Aboriginal past that does not help a single Aboriginal child cope with the present."

Did Bolt put his kids to sleep with maths and economics? No if he was a parent with Dutch Dream time stories and narratives that didn't help kids cope today other than showing our common humanity is language and story telling diverse as it may be. Not  only things that help us cope. Poetry and songs enchanted us as did language and it's magic.

This a perfect example of Andrew Bolt's mentality. When ISIS destroyed the relics of what they regarded as the pagan past culture Bolt screamed with outrage. How dare these brutes vandalize history. What's Bolt's wish for Aboriginal Culture? Wrap it in C4 and blow it away. It ought justifiably in Bolt's view to be vandalized not researched not discovered not revived not cherished but obliterated and forgotten. Yet Opera which doesn't help children white black or brindle needs to be subsidised and protected at all costs even though Bolt doesn't speak the languages in which it's sung.

The fact that there may be disputes over "dead languages" has as much bearing as the disputes over the literal meaning of Latin words with which we surround ourselves. Bolt's dead moggy about the fact people are uncertain about history has no relevance as to the value or non value of dead languages. Historians continue to argue about Roman History but has that made Latin irrelevant no it's made it even more interesting and worth pursuing.

Conclusion to be drawn Bolt you are an ISIS mental equivalent



It's Monday the Sunday was Troll's Day they have gone. 4 blogs no trolls thanked. Bolt has to work but not with enthusiasm he is a News Corp lackey .



Another weekend of drink and violence

Your right Bolt Aussie ferals not Aborigines and definitely not Muslims. Closer to your lot in Reclaim Australia and the ADF  pure Aussie Culture. The good old boys 2GB called out to start the Cronulla riots. They have been doing their thing since Christ played ruck for Jerusalem painting swastikas on Jewish temples and the like. I believe they are about to have another meeting in Bendigo soon and we know you will be there in spirit.Consensus Reality –   Read some facts and know Bolt's lies!!




Column - Turnbull’s false start has cost the country

Critic to  the stars, no the  Polls 53 :47. LNP. News Poll doesn't do it for Bolt anymore even though it was his favorite and much quoted poll when Abbott was in office. Bolt published them all back then. Now it's don't mention the Polls. 

 Where is Tony now having been caught out at the Alfalfa Club lunch, the $200 a head lunch caught holding hands with  his secret sponsor Rupert before the photo shoot with the stars for News Corp Oz. I liked the shot with Bernie Sanders supporter John McCain who agrees something needs to be done about the growing Income and Wealth gaps in the USA. If I recall Rupert did to. Tax the poor rich. Does that make Tony a closet socialist or just a media suck?


Mano e mano

From Charles Krauthammer  who makes frequent appearances on Special Report with Bret Baier, The O'Reilly Factor and FOX News Sunday. The Weekly Standard and a weekly panelist on PBS' Inside Washington. Additionally, Krauthammer joined The Washington Post in 1984, where he continues to write a weekly political column. He Is a Rupert Murdoch man.

No comment by Bolt just this cut and paste to a Bolt equivalent in the USA. He called the  last GOP debate cage fight. I guess everybody is tired of listening to the baboons holler. Don't forget Bolt nominated Ted Cruz as his man fro President long ago. He has the Abbott Question hanging over him. Is he really Canadian and not American? Does he have the right to run?

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