Monday, 8 February 2016

Andrew Bolt's blog, 8/2/16; Abbott getting a very post event boost by Bolt. It was an arranged publicity photo shoot for our behalf only; Bolt's cry for an uncivil society continues; Bolt's cost of refugees is totally wrong it hides the real costs; As usual a single fact for Bolt is a trend; When Palmer is a Dead Moggy; God Botherer Bolt and the BBC; Assange hides Bolt's Misognyist attack on Bishop; Turnbull and the dead moggy; Stupidity of a question; Rubio does an Abbott;




Media Watch attacks correct story on Abbott meeting

Dead Moggy definitely. A story in  the news over a week ago indicated Tony Abbott at a photo shoot At the $200 a head annual lunch and dinner of the Alfalfa Club. Apparently only 50 turned up for the lunch  Tony Abbott's 'private dinner' with Barack Obama actually a ...

The dinner was reported as extremely private and secretive by Abbott's office however it was more like a roast at the Melbourne Club. The dirty jokes and shenanigans making it private. So it turned out to be a photo shoot rather than any meeting of consequence. Bolt reveals it as if something knew when it was as Barry of Media Watch reported it publicity for Abbott but no consequence for anyone else. The publicity photos well they came not from the US media but probably Abbott's office. How is it the importance Bolt makes of the meeting was not reflected in any US media? This is simply News Corp boosting Abbott. " The Alfalfa Club is a Washington, D.C. social organization that exists only to hold an annual banquet on the last Saturday of January.[2] The club's membership, which numbers about 200, is composed primarily of American politicians and influential members of the United States business community,"

 Alfalfa Club

An exclusive Washington, D.C. club for the rich and powerful, founded in 1913. Its sole purpose is to hold an annual banquet each January honoring the birthday of General Robert E. Lee. There are approximately 200 members. Each member is eligible to bring up to two guests to the $200-a-plate dinner. The club always serves filet mignon and lobster.
No press coverage is allowed inside the banquet hall and the proceedings are ostensibly secret, but the Washington newspapers always seem to get a fairly detailed blow-by-blow description anyway. Regardless, the congenial atmosphere lends itself to politically-incorrect humor. In essence the event is just another roast, providing one more showcase for Washington bigwigs to unveil their professionally-written jokes.


Ruddock to quit

Children overboard. He was there at the beginning of Australia's global disrespect. Finally there is space for change. Ruddock has been retired. Bolt's banner "he quit". Two significantly different positions. Bolt makes him seem gutless.




Crusading ABC must apologise for its false story on raped child on Nauru

How can a convicted racist loose with facts who never really openly apologizes to anyone, delibrately throw stones at the ABC? Who does  and does regularly when  errors occur. Compared to Andrew Bolt the ABC is an exemplar of journalistic integrity.

Bolt has no concern for the child or any children. He accused a whole indigenous community of sexual and incestuous molestation and demanded immediate intervention. It was needed immediately. Did he apologize to Noel Pearson  when it was discovered only one family was concerned Bolt didn't bother to apologize. Who was at fault the whole indigenous culture. Aboriginal children are trapped by rapists in tiny ... - News "This is the plight of hundreds of Aboriginal children in remote communities throughout Australia and this is only half of the story." So panic but don't do the same for the children of asylum seekers make the ABC appear guilty.

 Now Bolt expects if a child is suspected to be in trouble  it needs investigating and no matter how long that takes the institution needs protection first. Send the child back to Nauru. Yes Bolt has no concern for the victims children or adults if they threaten the status quo. The consequences to the child are no concern to Bolt. Journalistic integrity has never had any place  in Bolt's world modelled on Fox News and  News Corp world wide.

 " IF there is one thing our politicians, police and press tend to lie about, it’s refugees. Bolt.   This is coming from a minority ultra religious bigot and racist who claims conspiracy to be the fault of all the EU governments and also ours. It's coming from someone who believes in a worldwide conspiracy other than in Israel largely because any claim to democracy no longer exists. However now that the Immigration Department has claimed "lack of evidence" our government has redeemed itself.  Here is an man whose record for blaming victims for their own circumstance is second to none. The indigenous, Asylum Seekers , the Poor, and Single Mothers in need etc etc have no one to blame other than themselves and have no right to burden the community as an exceptional group.

Bolt  admits the ABC stands up  to it's errors. It's what real journalists do. Bolt never does he just silently walks away. If challenged legally the offer is made that any apology given not be made public. That's News Corp journalism and the Murdoch approach to information one only needs look at Fox News.  Here Bolt is talking about a doctor who in an interview on the 7.30 report is referring to an 'alleged incident' and it's consequences. Bolt seems to think the consequences are trivial given  'alleged facts' about who molested a child. The reality "screw the boy"  ABC needs to be closed down or apologize. I'm hurt as is Peter Dutton says Bolt far more than any kid.

"A question: why is the ABC so quick to believe atrocity stories about our treatment of boat people?" "A five-year-old boy who was allegedly raped on Nauru is facing the prospect of being returned to the offshore detention centre where his attacker remains."

Bolt's concern is not anything to do with the safety of children at all. Should molestation be raised in preschools , the Scouts, the Catholic church an investigation needs to be conducted yes, but nothing need be done until the truth comes out no matter how long that takes. The fact that children might be at risk is of secondary if no  concern to Andrew Bolt. That wasn't the case when Bolt reported widespread molestation among indigenous Australians in the Gulf. His was an  the immediate cry for intervention and all children to be removed.. It turned out only one family was involved yet Bolt had no trouble demeaning a whole community. Did he ever apologize no !! Even to Noel Pearson no!!


The Human Rights Commission’s justice of the pointed finger

The repetitive nature of Bolt's continued attack on the RDA requires a repetitive reply. Bolt has since returning from holidays done little more than attack Malcolm Turnbull but even more attack the RDA. The act under which he was convicted of Racial Discrimination

Andrew Bolt running a self serving argument  "It is even worse when it divides us on the grounds of our so-called “race”:". The fact that where there is a heirarchical structure of power that's been established since colonization a law like the RDA  is necessary to ensure equality does exist. Equality however appears to be an existential threat to nobody other than those with a colonists mentality, extreme conservatives like Andrew Bolt who claim the current hierarchy of power is natural as is the freedom to offend and lie while doing so. “I wonder where the white supremacist ­computer lab is.” being a case in point. Bolt is calling for legislation to help uncivilize society.

The racial vilification act tries to ensure that equality  exists and is maintained between the diverse groups among us. Bolt maintains it's an imposition to our freedoms to  be able to bully others according to race. That there should be no discrimination against Australian citizens on grounds of race, nationality, gender or religion should be a natural state of affairs for any democracy."

 A country that places one ethnic or religious group above others cannot offer full equality. It will always have second-class citizens, even if they have the appearance of holding full civic rights which is currently the case if one looks at the incarceration rates of indigenous Australians. Bolt accepts the post colonial top-down social order. Equality however requires the very opposite of unconsciousness acceptance.It demands that we pay attention to our environment and to one another. It asks of us to recognize specific groups to ensure their rights are not violated on racial or religious grounds and not losing sight of our common humanity. The RAD does not erase the institutionalized racism caused by decades of occupation and separation, nor does it overturn  “between the lines” discrimination against indigenous Australians which though not set down in law is deeply rooted. Formalizing equality in the RAD at the very least present an obstacle to the extreme Right’s seeming ability to operate unhindered in Australian government and society, no matter how ruinous to others  their desired  claim of freedom to be bigots may be.

Yes Bolt has found another dead moggy as he's not arguing a case against the RDA that's insignificant here he's having a go at the HRC and Gillian Trigg's not even that they exist or have the right to exist but about a simple matter of procedure that may have been overlooked. The pedant is looking for where " is and ts" may not have been crossed as justification of suggesting the whole principle might be wrong. Sorry Bolt that is for the court to decide and should an error in procedure have occurred you don't throw the baby out with the bath water.




  A minister promoting a mate is still a minister

 "Human Services Minister Stuart Robert" attended  "in secret" in a "private capacity" and gave a Communist official in a public capacity "a medal". When "Ministerial Standards state: “It is critical that Ministers do not use public office for private purposes.”  Bolt has every right to question this as do we all. Since when do MPs swan around the world acting for and on behalf of themselves and dabble in portfolios they have no expertise in. Guess Robert will be doing a favour for Defence next time.



 Column - Cheaper to help the refugees where they are

 Bolt's bullshiting with numbers Let Syrian Refugees In—All of Them - The Atlantic

Resettlement would cost real money yes, but far less than further military intervention. Something Bolt has been calling for aggressively more bombing and more boots on the ground. Add the costs to Australian military wise assistance to the USA and one would come to realize resettlement rather than war was not only the cheaper but safer option. The creative accounting Bolt puts forward excludes the costs incurred already to create the refugees in the first place. Never going into Afghanistan, Iraq and now Syria and stirring up a hornets nest was by far the cheaper option, no refugees

  Indeed, the Islamic State might not exist today had it not been for the invasion of Iraq and the radical weakening of the Iraqi state that followed. Fourteen years after the invasion of Afghanistan and 12 years after the invasion of Iraq, neither nation is a safe place to live—both are themselves producing refugees in large numbers.

The costs of military involvement on the scale of the Iraq and Afghan wars are starker still. In total, the cost of those conflicts will wind up draining the United States of somewhere between $4 trillion and $6 trillion. In 2014, the United States spent about $88 billion to maintain its presence in Afghanistan alone. Let alone the 7000 dead and 50,000 wounded Americans. Add to that the cost of  the millions dead and injured Bolt doesn't give a crap about.

If one considers 9 million people emigrated from China in 2013 alone. A broad international coalition could surely accommodate 4 or 5 million refugees from Syria—or even more—over the next few years. at a far far lesser cost.

For many refugees, resettlement could take the form of medium-term stays in host countries until it becomes possible for them to return home. Most don't as Bolt threatens want to stay but would prefer to go home. In  camps, however refugees often suffer serious health risks, predation from their neighbors, economic difficulties stemming from prolonged unemployment, and mental-health strain related to all of the above. Moreover,  the resentments many refugees feel in  camps have also become sources of radicalization and political violence. In short, such camps produce terrible results not Bolt's imaginary better ones.

  By dialing back on military action while opening its doors to refugees, the United States would demonstrate that Arab lives matter, while providing a powerful counterweight to the narrative put forth by ISIS one which Bolt shares. Canada offers world example in integrating Syrian refugees | Informed Comment

  Artist Peter Drew challenges idea of what a ‘real’ Australian is – video | Culture | The Guardian




Another dud warming prediction: crops boom and food prices fall

Bolt lost the argument that it's not been warming for the past 18 years. The one he's been running despite NASA and NOAA. Yes food prices are falling just like oil in the face of slowing economies. Bolt has jumped on this as a trend rather than an exception. Falling food prices as an exception is no grounds to deny a global warming trend just as a cool summer in Melbourne is.



Palmer falls, but remember the ABC’s role in his rise

Tony Abbott Crashed remember Kenny and Bolt's role in his rise? How could we forget it still goes on and won't stop until he's gone. However the mourning and grieving will continue to be endless. As far as the ABC is concerned the short pants name calling will continue and you can expect it to come from the direction of those fat arsed school boys Bolt Kenny et al employed at News Corp Australia's largest private media house for that sole purpose. Palmer just happens to be the dead moggy in this case.

 " It really amounted to no more than this: any enemy of Abbott was a friend of the ABC’s.The ABC is too bloated and too biased. It is out of control. It is now a threat to democracy and debate."Bolt



If Muhammad is “the Prophet” to the BBC why is Christ not “the Saviour”?

One has to understand Andrew Bolt is a self declared agnostic who happens to also be a pedant who spend a lot of energy defending nothing. However this time it's Our Saviour in the face of  the Prophet but never Christianity defaced by extreme Judaism.  In the common language of Britain what he proposes sound strange even any English speaker other than an extreme god botherer. It's obvious Bolt finds Our Saviour to be  his normality along with a  minority of British. The BBC doesn't and isn't expected to lend itself to the preferred bias of pedants of which Bolt obviously is one and it accepts the common language of it's  listeners the population of Britain.  Bolt is a pedantic klutz. We don't call him that because when his name comes up it's automatically infered.


Julian Assange and the very fashionable diplomacy of Ms Julie Bishop

Attack Tony Abbott for the verbal gaffes he made and it's a hate fest Julie Bishop however is open target for the misogynists  at News Corp's Daily Telegraph and Herald Sun. Half Bolt's Blog is about Bishop and fashion about as relevant as his attacks on Gillards lack of appearance. Is Bolt's wife the suitably chosen woman to represent him his goddess Diana?

 Apparently an Australian citizen was offered consular assistance something you'd expect if you were a an Australian citizen and it had a semblance of meaning. Bolt's selected negative opinions could well be countered by legal experts who hold quite the opposite ones. Geoffrey Robertson for one. However the larger opinion put foward by the UN is the most recent, that Assange was indeed being held in arbitrary detention and should be released. Julie Bishop is just Bolt's personal revenge story Assange just happens to be the dead moggy in this case.



Column - Turnbull breaks his big promise

Bolt's dead moggy is little more than  the current discussions about the "white paper" which Morrison and Turnbull openly declared was on the table for discussion. Of course Bolt prefers the the Abbott style secretive captain's call and bull in a china shop approach shown by Tony Abbott. Remember that secrecy with which Hockey and Abbott held their first budget. "we will tell you in due course went on for 7 months before any announcement was made.  Bolt interprets that as leadership. Yes it was the leadership displayed by the captain of a lead zeppelin.

All we remember is the chicken little frightbats yelling the sky was falling in then seeing Hockey and Corman laying back with their cigars in hand having pleased the fat cats. Boy was that  budget a shambles. It destroyed Hockey. Suddenly Abbott and his world's best treasurer were trying to tell us the economy was saved no disaster existed they fixed it. The did says Bolt as long as you can believe that cranking the spending ratio up another 1.9% to GDP in 2 years is saved. Yes Bolt is throwing in the dead moggy in  crying for the return of that bull in a china shop leader we once had.




What would Turnbull actually fight for?  UPDATES: Weatherill whacks

" What policy would he actually fight fight for to the death?" The pedant Bolt is asking the most absurd question of a politician any politician. The very notion of politics being singularly minded as Bolt pictures is the politics of Franco Hitler and Pol Pot fascists either of the left or right leaders without politics.

All this energy spent by Bolt over a White Paper is the dead moggy the smoke screen to merely shove it up Turnbull. Strange the polls haven't budged with all his grunting and groaning and calling in the News Corp troops.


Rubio stumbles

 "There is a difference between being on-message and being a broken record. It’s the difference that suggests you don’t actually have the experience or the wit to think beyond some slogans:"Bolt Isn't Andrew Bolt talking about Tony Abbott and his 3 word slogans here? Abbott was refered to as the scratched record. Question will Fox News try to save him or is Cruz their man he is after all further right.

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