Sunday 27 March 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog 27/3/16; Hypocrisy on Easter Sunday; Like all cowards Bolt has a big voice from behins his curtain; Bike riding and budgie smuggling bullies are fit for pushing their way to the front; Bolt sliming Turnbull on Easter Sunday and showing Australia's Western values;


The Age spends Easter praying at the altar of anti-Catholicism

Here is the proud agnostic who in the blog  below puffs with Christian and Western pride calling Belgians who are mainly Catholics cowards and humiliating them from half a world away  and on Easter Sunday. It makes Bolt defending the Catholic Church look an idiot. Yes by all means defend the organization but scorn it's followers.

"A Bayside church linked to historical clerical abuse and destroyed by an arsonist last year will be rebuilt at an estimated cost of $20 million – almost double the total compensation paid by the Archdiocese of Melbourne to 326 victims of paedophile priests. The decision to restore St James Church in Gardenvale to its former glory has incensed victims"

How dare a newspaper the Age report  facts of Melbourne life rather than defend our institutions. Bolt can attack our Police and the Law for being slack about teenagers he dislikes and free-speech but print that a Church is making an insurance claim after having been damaged by arson and your trying to bring down Christianity. Mention compensation of victims and you need to be closed down. Report the fact that you as victim can't get access to secret archives of crimes perpetrated you should be nailed to a cross. That's just how much Bolt cares for kids molested when in Church care. He obviously didn't  absorbed the lessons learnt as a child.  

Bolt is a beacon of ignorance he can't or is incapable of distinguishing between Christianity and Islam two religions, The Catholic Church an organization and politics.1) The Church an Institution was found grossly lacking in upholding Christian values and beliefs. 2) Islam is a religion it has no institutional structures equivalent to the Catholic Church. 3) Governments and politics have usurped and grossly misrepresented Islam to get their way just as the Catholic Church has misrepresented Christianity. 4) Andrew Bolt has misrepresented the lot Christianity, Islam, The Catholic Church and worst of all Australian values.

"I think there is little doubt The Age culture despises Christianity and wants the Catholic church destroyed. Yet Islam, the true threat to the kind of personal freedoms The Age claims to support and which Christian societies best guard, is given a pass." Bolt



March against fear cancelled for fear

Has anybody ever seen Andrew Bolt standing side by side shoulder to shoulder in support of  his beliefs. Has anybody seen Bolt attend public events in support of his beliefs. The man's extreme privacy has nothing to do with shyness. However it has a lot to do with cowardice. He's never marched for Freedom of speech never seen at anti mosque rallies or attended rallies against asylum seekers. But like all cowards he's quick to condemn others

"They said “je suis Charlie” when in fact they feared to fight for their free speech."

"Now they organised a “march against fear” when they actually feared to turn up:"


By snubbing Abbott, Turnbull makes him an issue

Poor Abbott is being snubbed after constantly trying to get  himself front and center of Liberal attention. Is Turnbull at 61 as  fit as Abbott? He doesn't ride a bike or pose in budgie smugglers, his finess must be in doubt. I guess the same can be said of Andrew Bolt who looks a little pasty and pudgy faced. Does he drink too much? "
MPs grumbling Malcolm Turnbull isn’t spending enough time helping marginal seat MPs with fundraising." The fact is MPs in marginal seats in the past didn't want Abbott in their electorates. When will we hear a call for a spill and see the destruction of the Liberal Party to satisfy one man's dented ego?

"The Prime Minister’s Office and Liberal Party director Tony Nutt have not been in touch with Mr Abbott to organise a formal role in the looming campaign."

Abbott organizing his own campaign is a sure sign of this non-team player a lone rogue  gate crashing other peoples space. He is Tony everywhere craving attention and behaving like a spoilt brat. However  News Corp will be there trying to polish the turd.


Islamic State terrorists made secret video of Belgian nuclear official

When Malcolm Turnbull said something of a similar nature about Belgium security did we hear Andrew bolt support him? Not on your life. In fact I believe he disparaged  Turnbull for being too weak and saying his response to the events in Brussels was too weak. Turnbull Should have been far more anti- Islam than just critical of Belgium's security.

Here we  have the model of  right wing media puffing up the Islamic State in preparation for and election. Using this for political advantage they will raise the level of fear to as high as possible. When military heads are playing up the diminishing  size and strength of IS telling us we are winning the war in Iraq.  Bolt will be doing his  best to tell us they are lying and alarm is in the red zone. He will like Kruthammer at Fox News be doing  the very opposite.  Bolt and Murdoch media  will be doing everything to insure the possibility of a terrorist event occurring in Australia. All this in the hope of bringing Abbott back as leader. Watch as Bolt tries re stir up the false panic he helped contrive to bring Abbott to the Prime Ministership in the first place and sending Australia reeling backwards in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Another Secret Video which Bolt doesn't support When medical personnel stand by and watch a murder


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