Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,23/3/16; Bolt is a vigilante with a keyboard and a platform he's not a journalist; When will Murdoch herald the return of Caesar?; White- anting Turnbull by Murdoch wont stop; Bolt the IS recruiter is back; Bevis Blair makes no sense; Trump and Bolt agree go after their families;


Column - The numbers say more Muslims mean more danger

Bolt references numbers in the same way to blame Aboriginal Culture for their dysfunction. He does the same with Muslims and blames Islam for theirs. He applies a certain logic that  simply doesn't fit what is happening and he applies it 1) to all Muslims in Brussels. and then 2 ) beyond to all Muslim refugees in the EU some 1.5 mill. His conclusion that their religion makes them dangerous  is absurd. Their politics  circumstance or social  history is never questioned in search of an explanation.  Refugees despite their numbers haven't been the primary perpetrators of terror in the EU that is more amazing.  Muslims haven't been the only terrorists in the EU.   Christians  and EU citizens  have caused more deaths. Sorry Bolt your arguments never acknowledge this so remain motivated by something other than logic or reasoning. Muslims may have carried out this attack yes but logic says not because of Islam. I suggest you go back to your drawing board and reconsider a whole bunch of  other social factors such as Racism, Poverty, Denial, Lack of Opportunity, Stereotyping etc  might have caused some Belgian citizens to extreme eruption. If the media  has the same single minded and bigoted attitude as Australia's Andrew Bolt  it may have helped light the fuse. It's very much a reason why freedom of hate expressed in the media  carries the unwanted consequences  of recruitment to terror in a civilized society.

Bolt's so upset because terrorism and Muslim aren't synonymous. Yes because Bolt logic is All Muslims are terrorists this is a terrorist group therefore it's Muslim and therefore it needs mentioning first. However all Muslims aren't terrorists this does happen to be a terrorist group and is probably Muslim however that fact is incidental and being Muslim is not a determinant of terror. EU worst terrorist was right wing christian and had more in common with Andrew Bolt than he had with Muslims. Phillip Williams is a journalist Andrew Bolt is not. He's simply a vigilante with a keyboard and a computer America Should Take Responsibility for the Brussels Terror Attacks



My Roman diary in last week’s Spectator, just popped onto the blog for archival reasons

Rome loved by Bolt along with Greece the foundation of our civilizations didn't feel the need for a Safe Schools Program. They had an entirely different approach to sexuality which wasn't as anal as Cory Bernardis 


Column - Turnbull should get over Abbott

The bullshit goes on. Abbott with the backing of his PR firm is targeting a return to the top before the next election. He lost his previous post on his own. He simply frightened his own party and he wants to employ fear to return him to the top job. The Liberals are far too busy to govern VOTE LABOR they have cleaned their act up. The Liberals are just beginning theirs.



Turnbull now gives the advice he said Abbott should not

News Corp is doing an ISIS trying to divide the Liberal party with print bombs. They believe if they can white-ant Turnbull enough in the press they can have MPs flooding back to the Monkey Pod Room begging their Caesar on a bike to come back. Here they do it again. Obviously Abbott and Bolt have never looked at an atlas. The geography of the EU is significantly different from Australia so Abbott chest beating and giving advise can be seen as self aggrandizement nothing more. Turnbull's reluctance to do the same is simply calling a spade a spade and far more realistic than Abbott. Abbott's advice basically requires everyone to abandon the EU forget  "The Schengen Area currently has a population of over 400 million people and an area of 4,312,099 square kilometres" It's easy being a smart arse as Abbott was no care and no responsibility but to himself.

Bolt is being equally dull witted and I suggest he look at the geography and the numbers involved and he might just see why the Belgian ambassador might have really been pissed off with any advice from Australia. We seem to be approaching their problem and giving advice like Neanderthals. Bolt the loudest but rightfully ignored. However wait it won't belong before News Corp will be running a campaign to bring Abbott back before the sky falls in. America Should Take Responsibility for the Brussels Terror Attacks



Don’t mention the war

Bolt's so upset because terrorism and Muslim aren't synonymous. Yes because Bolt logic is All Muslims are terrorists this is a terrorist group therefore it's Muslim and therefore it needs mentioning first. However all Muslims aren't terrorists this does happen to be a terrorist group and is probably Muslim however that fact is incidental and being Muslim is not a determinant of terror. EU worst terrorist was right wing christian and had more in common with Andrew Bolt than he had with Muslims. Phillip Williams is a journalist Andrew Bolt is not. He's simply a vigilante with a keyboard and a computer America Should Take Responsibility for the Brussels Terror Attacks




The new racists claim another child

There is nothing wrong with the protection of children However Bolt uses individual cases to stereotype a culture and all individual within it as suspects. He blames any dysfunction on a whole race or religion at his convenience. He never raises the fact that these same dysfunctions exist in his white Christian community as well. However if a Muslim imam molests a young Muslim girl. Bolt will be the first to write it up and tell you it's part of Muslim Culture. If the same is done by Catholic priest  it  will be reduced to an exception and never allude to it being a systemic event brought about by a dysfunctional culture. " I have tried to warn against this racism for years, only to be called a racist myself. " 

These crimes so visible where poverty occurs. They aren't culturally determined issues they exist across all peoples of all classes even among his own true blue acceptable Australians. However there they often go unreported. One example comes to mind was the orphanage in Brighton not Arakun  where the good white  boys would  go from all those respectable schools at midnight to scale fences and and go through the windows of the girls dorms at will to pleasure themselves and the girls at the orphanage under protection would welcome them. This wasn't an urban myth the whole of that respectable community knew what was going on.  The staff running the place weren't stupid. Why wasn't it reported  and kept so quiet? I think it was a church based institution.  Brighton back in the 60s was obviously a  culturally dysfunctional but  a very protected town. 

The fact that on every social index Aborigines can be found on the bottom has nothing to do with Aboriginal Culture but a lot to do with the 220 year history and interface since invasion day. That history Bolt prefers to bury rather than acknowledge much the same as the history of an orphanage in Brighton that was very much a part of the caring white community. As for the new racism there is nothing new in blaming victims for the condition they find themselves. Bolt seems to have some unjustified faith that the the powerful and wealthy classes have the best interests of the disadvantaged at heart.



Nothing is stopping Trump

" So much for the theory than Marco Rubio quitting would mean the anti-Trump voting uniting behind Ted Cruz, taking him to victory:"Why has Bolt put in the the Arizona primary when it's still has Rubio's results showing? Yes nothing is stopping Trump except the doubts of the Republican Party. It's a little like Abbott and Turnbull Bolt's Banner would also be "there's nothing stopping Abbott."



Islamic State claims the Brussels killings. But who imported this danger?

The danger is not an import over 99% of terrorist action in the EU has been done by EU citizens. By people born there. The worst terrorist act to date has been by a Right Wing Christian Anders Brevik. Those few who have committed acts of terror have been motivated by the likes of Andrew Bolt. When you pick up the paper every day read and  hear  right wing media spitting anti- Muslim  venom you soon get the message of being unwanted even though you were born there and feel French, Belgium, British or whatever. It's a wonder more people haven't created havoc here.

That danger wasn't imported into the EU and wasn't a migrant problem. But it was exported from the Middle East not in the form of danger at all, but desperate people looking for safety. AlQaeda was a product of Afghanistan aided by the Americans to fight Russia and they were regarded as freedom fighters back then. The  refugees have been a product  of coalition and Israeli  policies since. Policies that stretch as far back as the 1980s have created chaos in the Middle East. Israel's want to destroy any Pan Arabic Nationalism or secular Arabic states needed to be destroyed because of their threat to Israel and the formulation of a relationship with Russia along with the control of oil.  The destruction of Libya,Iraq,and Syria for Israel's benefit was the plan long in the making and was put into action with the invasion of Iraq but it's gone horribly wrong. It's given rise to the sectarian differences that are out of control now. As we speak Israel is exporting Palestinians to the EU. ISIS and the coalition are doing the same in Syria and Iraq. 

 Trouble in the EU is a plus for Netanyahu because it's a drift to the right politically. Events like Brussels a political gain for him. The manufacture and export of refugees was at first an unintended consequence of Western action. As was the vacuum they created in the Sunni/ Shiite split which has allowed Al Qaeda or ISIS to grow stronger. It's a boom for the arms and associated industries. Who can in their right mind believes with today's intel governments are blind as to who is who in the zoo. Bolt certainly hasn't answers but he is certainly encouraging the development of an event occurring here.

Bolt's  Message" But here’s the near-insoluble danger: Brussels now has up to 300,000 Muslims. It is the biggest Muslim city in the European Union.  A poll two years ago found 16 per cent of young Belgian Muslims found terrorism acceptable. Terrorist networks responsible for the Paris slaughter and yesterday’s attacks in Belgium have enough supporters to hide in Brussels for months without detection or betrayal."

Europe opened its gates and now cannot eject the hostile culture it so foolishly admitted. The future for Belgium is clear: there will be more terrorism attacks."

There is no doubt that Abbott and Bolt would like to see an incident happen here. Most convenient for Abbott's political scare-mongering  and his return an advantage for Murdoch's commercial future. Ugly however for us and the ABC. There is an increasing possibility that Australian cities will become one paper towns as Murdoch print can afford to run at a loss due to Foxtel. If the ABC is sold up it's bye bye news in this country.America Should Take Responsibility for the Brussels Terror Attacks

Continuity and slogans

Slogans that's Abbott's field of expertise  he has a Phd in slogans and Australia knows it. He had a limited capacity in engaging with the electorate. Continuity well that's a necessary part of  leadership change unless of course your changing governments. John Howard to Abbott to Turnbull there's continuity.  It's called passing the baton. Abbott didn't invent the Liberal Party though he seems to believe he did. He forgot to re-brand it the Abbott Party and seems bent on doing that now. What must be remembered Abbott didn't win the last election the Labor Party lost it. A drovers dog could have won. That's odd because Bolt called him his dog out of the race back in January.

 Abbott won the election with the help of the daily front page of  Murdoch press which was certainly not independent or selling Australia  news. News and information is what democracies rely on to work properly. Propaganda is the last thing needed and it's why we need the ABC. At the moment the white-anting  of  Turnbull by Murdoch is incessant. When  will there be  a clear call for the return of Abbott soon no doubt? Because as sure as hell they wont keep convincing  us to VOTE LABOR that's for sure. All they are doing is trying to do an ISIS  on the Liberals and grow the Monkey Pod Room.


Turnbull cripples Morrison, too

Andrew Bolt casts his divisive message across the LNP government aimed at the Liberal Party to show Murdoch can convince  the electorate . It's a threat that sounds like the need to vote Labor. It's the same logic applied by IS divide the government grow the numbers by putting the fear of god into Turnbull's backers. They believe it's easrier than rounding up cats. Remember when Abbott was sacked, Bolt called for an independent caliphate or a conservative party to be set up. Well that fell by the wayside very quickly as it was politically inept and would simply become a minority party. It was a dumb knee jerk reaction by Bolt back then. The strategy of dividing the party from the inside  was seen as a much easier option to wrest control and regain power. After all  the Monkey Pod Room was already there.  Rudd did it with the aid of the media and he didn't have Murdoch power  the way Abbott has . You don't need the electorate to call Caesra back only the Liberal MPs. You do that by leaks, rumour, whit-anting and media and how much  easier is it when you have Murdoch media on side from the get go. All that's needed is the promise of the break up of the ABC.

 The problem is Abbott will be a divisive force before or after any election because he works for himself first and is the opposite of open. Remember how Murdoch walked him around the USA a couple of months back doing a faux photo shoot to make this small man look tall. Murdoch was of course hidden from the cameras.

"Malcolm Turnbull destroyed the last Liberal leader. Now he’s destroying the next." Bolt




Taking a bat to Faruqi

A left wing Journalist says "no more baseball bats"  and  Tim Bevis Blair is in a fluster. A right wing journalist  Andrew Bolt  issues a war cry to " Back action instead" supporting  the Donald Trump method of "go after their families and take them out"  instead and baseball bat them all the way back to where they came but that's ok. Isn't that exactly what ISIS wants to us to do  divide alienate and recruit. Don't we have anti recruitment terrorist laws to stop this sort of publicity? Isn't that what Bolt's always been doing?



Spare us the Twitter sympathy. Back action instead

Andrew Bolt ISIS recruiter is back in business and will be calling for Abbott to put on his uniform .

"I’m completely over Leftist publications promoting meaningless expressions of sympathy for the latest victims of some Islamist atrocity rather than promoting solutions.
Forget this seeming good. The time is to do it." BoltHere's how not to respond to the Brussels attacks

" Donald Trump was a ubiquitous presence on American news shows and said, “we’re having problems with the Muslims”. He called for a return to waterboarding and even more expanded torture techniques. Ted Cruz demanded a halt in accepting refugees fleeing Isis attacks in their own countries and recommended singling out Muslims for heavy-handed police tactics." Guardian

"these proposals and rhetoric do is alienate Muslims in the United States and feed into Isis’s objective to polarize western societies. It is in communities that have been walled off from the rest of society that Isis’s sophisticated recruiting and propaganda has the most impact. To be clear, there is no amount of alienation that justifies joining Isis and killing innocent civilians. But we would be foolish to ignore the role that divisive policies and words have on creating a larger pool of potential recruits." Guardian

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