Andrew Bolt's Blog, 26/4/16; Bolt is a protectionist who does not believe in free trade a hypocrite; Bolt from his corner back to the wall; Bolts Budget; Bolt was so excited he thought today was Thursday. That's a News man for you; Mental illness is not radicalization;
Why Bolt is a "Protectionist" who claims to believe in "Free Trade"globalization but closed borders.

Australia does have a diverse economy with industries that will ensure
reasonable prosperity for years to come, notably mining, agriculture,
tourism, education. Recent free trade deals have the potential to
benefit Australia's services and food producers, although agricultural
products only comprised 9.5 per cent of world merchandise exports in
2014 compared to 66 per cent for manufactures (non-food) (WTO, International Trade Statistics 2015). Tourism Australia indicates there were 1,023,600 Chinese tourists arrivals
in Australia during 2015 (up 22 per cent from 2014) spending $8.3
billion (up 45 per cent), with total international arrivals increasing
to 7.4 million (6.9 million in 2014) and spending $36.6 billion ($31.1
billion in 2014).
Andrew Bolt however wants to bring education and tourism to a halt publicly complaining that the Chinese are invading the country migrants wishing to come are simply not welcome unless of a particular racial ethnic and religious mix Bolt approved otherwise bugger off. " put another shrimp on the barbie" even excludes Jews. Bolt simply wants to put a brake on immigration when immediately!! Despite Bolt the fact that being an advanced liberal democracy that gives greater consideration to
social issues in line with its multicultural tradition, Australia is attractive to those who generate new wealth. While the global
economy provides enormous benefit to low cost nations in terms of costs
for manufacturing and services, new wealth does want to move and/or invest in
Western liberal democracies for lifestyle reasons alone. While
protectionists like Bolt blame foreigners for the rising housing costs in an attempt to hide their bigotry. 2014 surveys
indicate that Australia ranked third behind the US and Canada as the
first choice for wealthy Chinese looking to emigrate with 47 per cent of
wealthy Chinese indicating a desire to emigrate.
Nevertheless Bolt is anti- multiculturalism in fact he is an extreme protectionist who says he believes in a free market. You can't get more hypocritical than that.
P.S he can't spell the banner is "robbing"
" The estimated extra cost of building each submarine here will be 30 per
cent, excluding the software. In other words, we could have got 16 for
the price of 12 if we’d just bought overseas." Bolt
Bolt's bookkeeper

All about the cost for Bolt except of course the ADF. In Afghanistan. If we employed and trained a private defense force we could get one for half the price of what it costs to employ Australian Labour. The Nepalese are cheap these days Bolt as are the Ecuadorians. If we didn't build the subs in the first place we'd have taken $5billion per year off our deficit. Bolt doesn't bother to go down that road. Adelaide was Abbott's choice and the French Turnbull's. Bolt's emphasis on value for money is a joke he never really talks about the NBN Abbott's con that we don't need the most advanced system not at Gillards price. However having spent more than Labour we will now be 60th in the world for efficient systems..
Oh the Bolt Report yes we heard Bolt read his column to us. Is that what he will do 5 nights a week read what he's already written? If it is it's sweet job if you can get it. He's a visual audio book and not a good look waving and nodding head and hands like a puppet. Tonight he kept insisting a "kidnapping " had taken place when even his mate Gerrard Henderson said it wasn't . Bolt's been told all week he's wrong the Australian courts would say he was wrong no loose with the facts. But all that's just water off the duck's back. It's certainly not Latham and Jones is it?
PS Bolt is trying to save Sophie Mirabella. How embarrassing.
Knees and elbows | The Monthly

The problem with Bolt he's stuck in such a corner looking out that all he sees are lefties. The closer to being realists anyone is the more leftist they are and that applies to science and the reporting of and by the sciences. Bolt is like the Catholics in heaven shhh, they think they are the only ones there. It's what makes Bolt the un- funny joke he is he calls himself a conservative, rationalist,humanist. When in fact he is not a humanist because as a conservative he believes in a higher order that has evolved and therefore only needs adjustment not any radical change. In fact any notion of radical change needs radical means in place to stop it.
He's not a rationalist and not a skeptic he believes in tradition and if science the true home of skepticism reports information that requires progressive thinking Bolt immediately becomes a luddite declaring science is a religion and not a line of thinking that questions everything including itself. So if science questions current social policies in any radical way it's the enemy of mankind and those not standing in his corner with back to the wall are the unnatural born enemy SMH,The AGE, and of course the bastion of the left the very publicly owned ABC
"Curious. The only remotely conservative part of the Sydney Morning Herald
is its editorials. For the rest, the likes of Elizabeth Farrelly, Mark
Kenny, Peter Hartcher, climate catastrophist Peter Hannan and Charles
Waterstreet run riot.Over at The
"Age, it’s even worse, of course. Not for years has
this paper, once allegedly the paper of the capitalist class, had an
on-staff conservative columnist."
Basically all print media is failing and while News Corp has the backing of the elite it's business model no longer serves the interests of news but does influence and propaganda. It's economic failing has made it the natural enemy of the ABC and any form of professional news agency. To be critical is to be non traditional as is any critical analysis. For Bolt however real journalism is a bore for other reasons it's too hard.
What you will learn from Bolt about the budget

That the Budget can
consistently exaggerate the health of our future finances suggests
desperate politicians have had more influence preparing the forecasts
than they should:" Bolt
We had Abbott and Hockey create a budget that was worse than reality to conform to their alarmist message with total influence over the forecasts. In fact Hockey gave the Reserve Bank $10 billion to make it look worse than it was. Look what that did for that motley crew of fat cats smoking cigars thinking they'd nailed it.
Now we have Bolt claiming the forthcoming budget doesn't reflect the panic that reality should and so he is trying to stoke the fire. The fact is Abbott spent money on flags,monuments,defense, security, border protection and areas that did nothing to generate revenue for the future. He hailed a trade agreement with China as a great success. China just changed regulations to make it more difficult to export Australian products there Ask Blackmore's and the powdered dairy product industries. Politics always seems to get in the way of what ought to be done. A lot of show but no dough.
"Straight white male Brad Chilcott seems blind - even a little racist - when it comes to demonising those with whom he disagrees:" For a moment I thought this was Andrew Bolt looking in a mirror but it's about somebody talking about him.".All Bolt has done is stolen his words.
"There’s no more perfect example of cognitive dissonance than
straight, white conservative males using the platform of their privilege
to protest the oppression of straight, white conservatives in
Australia…"Brad Chilton
Bolt could have interviewed Stan Grant and that doesn't make Andrew Bolt in any way a hero or in anyway different from what Brad Chilton described. Bolt having the need to tell us he interviewed an Aborigine only amplifies his natural racist undercurrent. Bolt has gone a long way in the past 10 years to establish who he is and you can't polish a turd. As for his school boy interviewing style after all these years of effort he still looks uncomfortable. It seems he doesn't listen but is thinking about what he needs to say next so it doesn't flow. He has his ill prepared set questions to save him. Yes he has a tin ear so he doesn't seem to respond to his interviewee. Bolt's a debtor an arguer a practiced non listener who prefers being heard and that's his problem. His interviewees aren't there to be debated as they are on the ABC they are there to be pampered and not be given any Bunsen burner treatment Bolt doesn't know how because he has to shut up
The panel is ridiculously formatted three faces staring out at us it seem as if there is a need for a moderator because Bolt is neither. He's lost, what to do comment or moderate? It's not the confidence the professionals exude with ease on The Drum that's for sure. If Bolt continues down this boy reporter path which he's on his ratings will be wet cement. Heaven help Sky because Andrew Bolt certainly can't. How drunk with excitement was Bolt the amateur?So much so he thought today was Thursday 26th of April see his last night's blog.

" Although he dropped out of school, he got a job and appeared happier and less withdrawn." Here is the key. Radicalization gives this kid personal strength where he feels he has none. Just as the words of rap songs give strength to immature kids who think of themselves in severs negative terms. In other word he desperately wants to be the opposite of what it is he thinks of himself. He's the mouse who wants to roar. The the boy is a loner with mental health issues that at 16 can still go either way. He can if not treated spiral downwards and continue to develop total mental ill health and worse psychosis.
"Culture counts more than finger-wagging:" Culture has little or nothing to do with this illness one only needs ask mental health workers 16 year old Australian kids are just as susceptible to this and find strength in many formats. It's a form of self medication. Yes at 16 there is every chance that early intervention can help development away from total mental collapse.
How do I know. My son hid his fight with mental illness for 25 years the perfect boy. At 25 he fell ill and was diagnosed as Schizo -affective that was 10 years ago. Yesterday he was taken in restraints to hospital agitated, elevated and in cuffs by the police. This time he was out for 3.5 months the longest time in the last 2.5 years. Mental health workers are as lost to help him as we are. The prognosis he will be discharged sent back home until he relapses again. That's not radicalization that's mental illness. We rang for help almost a week ago because we saw the signs of relapse nobody listened.
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