Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,13/4/16;$114 Million Fighting Climate Action In 2015 ; Bolt agrees poverty is a crime and needs policing; The Reserve Bank Govenor is hanging with the right crowd; Ultra racist Bolt tells Turnbull to like Abbott; Bolt is Yeltsin; Backhanded compliments; A conservative proving he's incapable of being funny;

  Oil Companies Spent At Least $114 Million Fighting Climate Action In 2015 

How much went to News Corp?



The crime is the problem, not the jail

Bolt should go to W.A and check out the three strike rule it effects those living under more than any other category of persons living in Australia. On all levels of social indicators the fact is that Aborigines are found at the bottom. Australia leads the world in the % of Aboriginal youth incarcerated for crimes that are correlated with those living in poverty. Crimes for which white Australians  aren't even stopped Aborigines are jailed. Their crime 1) they are profiled , judged and processed differently than are white kids. 2)  They are judged on being Aborigines and not Australians. How is it there is such a high rate of deaths in jail x10  Aboriginal deaths in custody numbers rise sharply over past ...

Indigenous persons in custody,
relative to population size,
diminished slightly (from 4.4 per
100,000 to 3.8 per 100,000 persons).
Among non-Indigenous persons,
the average annual rate of death
increased slightly from 0.27 per
100,000 to 0.38 per 100,000 persons
IndThat amounts to X 10 times greater than non-indigenous deaths.

 Aboriginal deaths in custody bring focus to disturbing rate of 

So yes Bolt however the probability of Aboriginals being charged for crimes non aboriginals aren't is in fact higher in NT and WA. Not paying fines, being D&D in a public place etc coupled with the three strikes law  has 1 in 13 incarcerated. How else does Bolt explain 2% of the population bur 70% of the prison population in WA? Bolt answer " their Culture. They are born to be bad says Bolt." Isn’t the truth that the imprisonment rate is actually evidence of a very high rate of crime by Aborigines, with most of the victims actually other Aborigines?"Bolt

Obviously where poverty overcrowding and alcohol are concerned  the likelihood of offenses occurring among youth are more visible reportable and the likelihood of coming in contact with unsympathetic police greater. But Bolt shouldn't be too shocked at the amount of alcohol, drugs consumed, fights and underage sex that occurs between and in private schools. Where if visible would have white rich kids charged jailed as much as Aboriginal kids who aren't rich. Ask the retailers of Hawthorn just how much pilfering actually does go on. These kids live in a country where poverty is a crime and when your dirt poor jail is not a disadvantage but a break.


suggests that Indigenous offending is
related to socioeconomic conditions and
community-level risk factors including
alcohol abuse and violence.

Compare Australia’s muted reaction to Julieka Dhu to the blazing streets of Baltimore in the aftermath of Freddie Gray’s death, and the contrast is striking.
When no one stands up and makes a noise it is easy to ignore the quiet humming of the real issues. Complacency and acceptance of neglect allow custodial authorities to go unchecked and violations to continue. Andrew Bolt’s response to the protests against the closure of Aboriginal communities is evidence of the opinion that Indigenous issues are non-deserving of attention:
"The protesters could meet in a park, on a pavement or on an oval to make their point. If they really had to block a road they could choose some quieter one, and some time that wasn’t peak hour." Bolt
Bolt, seemingly missing the point of a protest to raise awareness, is not a lone warrior in the plight to shift Aboriginal issues to a “quiet side street.”
This “out of sight, out of mind” mentality has characterised the attitudes of successive Australian governments since European settlement. The unanswered questions of deaths in custody are tolerated because of this mindset.
Commentators on the US protests have been asking “Why now? Why Baltimore? Why Freddie Gray?”
Maybe we should be asking “Why not now? And what will it take?”



A Reserve Bank governor should not be found in such company

  "It sure is alarming to find a former Reserve Bank boss in such ideological company. May help to explain how we got to this state:"

Fascism is Bolt's preferred form of government democracy means possibly associating with corrupt influences from the left. Bolt seems to go further and seems to suggest all our cultural institutions need some form of cleansing and I assume books with left leanings also burnt in order to reduce the "alarm" Bolt feels. After all Bolt never even believed Abbott or Hockey when the said they had fixed the economy in 2014.

However what you don't hear from Bolt is 

"In a similar vein, in the last 30 years, there have been 10 occasions when the tax to GDP ratio has been below 22.0 per cent of GDP and all 10 were under a Labor Government. To put simply, the Howard government was a high taxer, while the current Labor Government is a lower taxer." 

"In terms of government spending, there have been only five years in the four decades leading up to 2012-13 when real government spending was cut in real terms. None of those cuts were delivered by a Coalition government. All five times that there has been a cut in real government spending have been when a Labor government has framed and delivered the budget. There were three years during the Hawke government in the late 1980s where government spending was cut in real terms and there have been two occasions in the current Labor administration where such cuts have occurred."

Given these facts it seems the Reserve  Bank governor  is in very good company



On with Charlie Pickering tonight

The ABC is not balanced now that's for sure "Value what you got" 

That foot on your throat is learn to love it like Bolt loves his place on the planet another Murdoch puppet. Let's remind him the Liberal Party isn't the Consevative party. If that's what he wants he needs to start his own Party but you know he is all bluff and won't.



Tribal Australia: China deploys Chinese Australians to influence our politics

How stupid is Bolt. The Chinese have dominated our foreign policy since 1949. The Domino Theory" dominated our thinking We supported a bloodbath in Indonesia in the 60s and went to Vietnam on the basis of preventing Chinese and communist domination of the Pacific. We have supported Taiwan and Nationalist China since  Chiang KaiShek  fled the mainland. The ADF was built  on the back of a Chinese invasion and we have always known or considered the reality of Chinese spies here watching the Chinese in Australia and Bolt says

"Chinese Australians have played little active part in politics. But once they flex their muscle we may have yet more reason to worry about the tribalisation of Australia - how mass immigration and the multicultural project divided us into tribes pledging loyalty to their own “race”, faith or country of origin."



Image result for YeltsinBolt's a gun isn't he. I always wondered when he would  start on the Chinese. It's "reverse racism" of course because Bolt isn't racist he's ultra-racist. However now that China isn't our biggest and most favorite customer and Abbott isn't the "pivot (pillock) of the pacific " Now that the shirt fronter is gone. It's Bolt's place to tell Turnbull to be like Abbott.  Bolt is Yeltsin but Yeltsin was funny Bolt simply isn't.





Good, but how was this allowed to get out of hand in the first place?

Bolt continues to complain even though the results are positive. Can you imagine this guy as a parent. All does is give his kids back handed compliments.




Turnbulls puts truck into reverse

Peter BH just stating the obvious when there is no need to state the obvious.



Journalists embarrass themselves by running to the boss about Blair

"This is pathetic - journalists asking their boss to disown a colleague for his satire. We have a problem when free speech is not understood even by journalists:" Butthead protecting Bevis in order to steal enter stage. The fact is no journalists give a rats about either of them. However when one does it's Bolt that's the first to draw attention to it every time. Here he is trying to steal Bevis's space.

" Interestingly points, wittily put." This being Bolt's version of a belly laugh is followed up by a playground tease of others because why? They didn't find it funny. "
Going sooking to the boss is almost as bad as calling in the speech police." Bolt actually calls this "arguing back"
"I was shocked as a very junior reporter" Bolt

" Besides, isn’t baa baa boring?" Bolt

He's all grown up now and he thinks he's a big boy now.




Who helped Palmer into Parliament?

A long blog has to be a cut and paste by Peter  the troll. "Why did so many journalists and presenters give this buffoon such help to get into Parliament?" The troll pretending he's not giving Palmer any attention. So yes you guessed it all the attention can fall on the clown who steals center stage again Andrew Bolt.

"I said from the start Clive Palmer was a political buffoon." Bolt  Mr me, me, me

Written by Bolt's personal and in house sycophant Peter BH


Joke candidate


"No wonder there were no laughs." Bolt Because it wasn't funny "Mind you, I did laugh at the punchline:" Bolt Because you are a racist Bolt. However you hid it under that white hood.
 "A joke like that would kill a conservative politician, of course." Bolt
Like a fish wife he has to have the last word and still not funny



Devine wrong, but welcome

"And I’m confused: is it really wrong for conservatives to prefer a conservative who tried to a Leftist who won’t? " Bolt nonsense
Yes Bolt is mega confused
1) Bolt is so confused he makes no sense.
2) Bolt thinks Tim Blair is funny
"Tim Blair, busy recruiting Delcons, denies disinviting the delightful Miranda to anything. So do I."
3) Bolt is always trying to steal center stage off Bevis as if it's his exclusive territory

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