Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,12/4/16; Bolt is away and nothings changed he not needed; Bolt said Capture Value sounded good to him.wrong; The Final Solution a promise to take 12,000 a lie while we kick 30,000 genuine refugees out; When Politicians are controlled by business; Bolt lying with numbers again;


On 2GB, 3AW and 4BC tonight - media troubles, including the 60 Minutes fiasco and blaming Africans

What happened to yesterdays scoop advertised on 2GB yesterday " if you could think" your words 




Should the mother’s claim really have been repeated?

Mental stress is something that is obviously and of deep religious concern to Andrew Bolt  particularly when Aricans are accused  of murder of children. Particularly by extremely distressed Muslim mothers.

"Yes, a dangerous line, I know, and I should also note that the mother much be presumed innocent until proven guilty. But every mention of the claim made me flinch." Bolt Yes Bolt's back and it clear he is when the Dutch man flinched. Why because as sure as hell he's a dual passport holder who tells Australia who is who. Religion aside more Fair dinkum Aussies ahe more tragic stories than what Bolt want's us to hear. Is this his scoop he bragged about yesterday? Is his scoop blaming police for denying what he had to say about the Moomba fracas? What the effen scoop does this dude pretend to have? Welcome to a future in SKY NEWS





Still a tie, says Essential poll

  Bolt is silent it's Essential wait for Newpoll commissioned by Rupert Murdoch comes out.



Won’t next week be a good time to save some truckies?

Strange isn't it Bolt certainly didn't make this call when the car industry required restructuring. He didn't make this call when the Liberal party threw people out of house and home to make way for the politically fraudulent East West link either. What is it about the truckies that that's so heartfelt? He has another opportunity to slag  and blame  Turnbull for  a regulatory change not made by him but which may have some  possible unintended circumstances. One way or another Bolt would have slimed Turnbull.

 I correct myself because I don't believe it's Bolt but his dutiful bot  Peter BH the troll whose doing the blog for him. If Abbott had been PM the changes would been praised.  They are the band-aid or cosmetic changes that improve the opportunities for the larger corporations in the transport industry's free market place.  Lindsey Fox would be happy. Bolt hates any restructuring that provides advantage for the smaller smaller operators because that would be  stifling the efficiency of the market. What we are seeing here are yet  again conservative principles sacrificed for  a side and that's Abbott his dog vs  Turnbull the interloper.   

One get's the impression Bolt has given up blogging and leaving commentary to Peter BH. Today  advertised commentary is forgone for simple cut and pasting of other peoples ideas. Nice work if you can get it paid for nothing. But then I've always said what Bolt does when he does do it is unproductive and has never been of any use to Australia. It's only of use to a very small minority and even then not always because he brings attention to the fact they exist like ISIS and how divisive those interests in fact are to the nation and democracy..






Missing: the proper cost of Turnbull’s dream train

Yesterday Bolt was wet in the crutch with the notion of "Captured Value" and it's  traditional approach to financing. But who has stepped in and taken the wind out of his sails but the IPA, Quadrant and even Michael Kroger who told Tony Abbott to shut up and put his head down or leave the party recently.  Yes oops ! Peter BH Bolt's Troll bot has revealed  that not all the conservatives  and Bolt's mates hate Turnbull.  How reckless  is the troll for  making uninformed opinions on his own revealing Bolt's and his mate Michael are on opposite sides of the fence.  Their appearance together really a sham a sham Bolt needs for  The Bolt Report. 

Bolt's  short lived enthusiasm for "Captured Value" seems to have been put in a box by Peter BH who does remind us that Abbott has delivered us a hotch potch of an NBN that wont be finished by 2020 and will then need to be torn up to to make us anywhere near world  competitive. But then the conservatives have taken Abbott out of that picture  and have  handballed it to Turnbull. It was the Abbott government that shaped  the mess we have not the Turnbull's. It's worse than Labors pink bats debacle because it will now take $100 bill and another 20-30 years before the Health, and Financial sectors our transition service industries will catch up.  Bolt may have hanballed the blame to Turnbull but Abbott kicked an own goal and put us technologically behind the eight ball as far as communications are concerned.




How to make them go home?

The problem is made "horrific" by media men who fail to really explain why Australia has accepted or "promised" to resettle 12000 Syrian refugees but has only taken 30 in the past 9 months. If this isn't a sign of using human misery as a political football what is? Canada  made a similar promise but  has now taken 30,000 in the same period of time and nobody has been able to explain why. Bolt just ignores it and says we have a problem getting rid of people that needs to be addressed first. Has anybody heard recently of any special circumstances that make us 10,000 times more hamstrung in helping human beings  in desperate need? Here Bolt has his back firmly turned to this question and he is asking how can we get rid of the refugees already here and  even those already vetted and who have been proved to be genuine. How cruel can this man handed a verbal whip by News Corp be? He sounds like Eichman looking for the Final Solution in Hitler's Germany Isn't there a crime called conspiracy to murder assault and do  harm?



Labor ignored warnings on negative gearing scheme

Strange Bolt talks as if all of this has actually happened. The irresponsibility is allowing the banks to become the predatory lenders they are. Lower interest rates are given the rich higher the desperate and poor.  Banks shore up the wealth of those with property and profit off those without. It strikes me that's what they did to indigenous Australians to ensure they stayed poor. It's institutionalized, it's systemic, it's discrimination and it can be found in all forms of lending which in fact Christianity once banned and called the sin of usury.  There is a young generation out there whose jobs aren't guaranteed being allowed to borrow and take out mortgages and other loans at interest rates that throw them into the subprime category which caused the GFC . Which when all said and done we all had to share to bail out the banks. The only people in the any safety zone were those with a line of property and inheritance already they could buy up the bargains and get richer.

Lest we forget fraud and the criminal negligence was not paid for by the banks but the tax payers

 " Loans were doled out to “subprime” borrowers with poor credit histories who struggled to repay them. These risky mortgages were passed on to financial engineers at the big banks, who turned them into supposedly low-risk securities by putting large numbers of them together in pools. Pooling works when the risks of each loan are uncorrelated. The big banks argued that the property markets in different American cities would rise and fall independently of one another. But this proved wrong. Starting in 2006, America suffered a nationwide house-price slump."

"The pooled mortgages were used to back securities known as collateralised debt obligations (CDOs), which were sliced into tranches by degree of exposure to default. Investors bought the safer tranches because they trusted the triple-A credit ratings assigned by agencies such as Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s. This was another mistake. The agencies were paid by, and so beholden to, the banks that created the CDOs. They were far too generous in their assessments of them."

In other words investors the world over were conned into these dud investments. Remember the days of Pyramid, and more recently Storm

"The most devastating example is attributed to Storm, where about 4000 clients suffered losses estimated to be $3 billion. The advice was based around “double gearing” - by borrowing against the client’s house and then using margin lending to invest heavily in the sharemarket. The undoing of this strategy was the global financial crisis when share values fell heavily and the lenders called in loans – both against the shares and against the client’s house. Yet Storm had complied with procedural requirements of the law at the time. The model used by Storm could exist in the future for some clients, except for a modification to the remuneration method."



Howard vs Bishop. And guess who’s right

" “We [Australia] have just completed three trade agreements [China, South Korea and Japan] and Britain can’t do that ... it has to go through Brussels.”

Of course Brexit is in Australia's interest as is the Asia Pacific TPP the economic interests of global multinational corporations . We are locked out of  trade agreements  just as the UK will be locked out of agreements here. This has a great deal to do with economics but little or nothing to do with sovereignty. If that were the case Howard should be arguing against the TPP which will allow corporations to sue Australia for loss of profit. We can't even get these corporations to be good citizens here and pay their taxes. Does Bolt really believe the the UK's exit from the EU will be of any economic benefit to either of us? That Australians and British  will return to his misguided belief that we are still fundamentally a British colony? Any loss of sovereignty has already begun by the fact that multinational companies have no use for our borders and now run our governments like puppets. Have we forgotten the attack by the miners on Labour's super mining tax and the daring thought that we might share in the super profits of the mining boom. After all isn't what the mining companies dig up Australia's too?

The only use we were to these miners was as labor and as such too expensive at that. They have gone now and Karratha is dead as if those companies and their workers never existed dead. They were never part of or benefited the local community they flew in and out like biblical locusts.  Howard sucked up the short term rewards and blew the money leaving Wayne Swan to face the GFC



I was wrong, says expert who popularised “Islamophobia” insult

Bolt does little more than pull out an opinion that supports his particular anti- Muslim view of the world without debate. His view in a period of change and transition is  static.  His version hyperbole and that of only a minority of people. If you'd taken a survey in Australia about Italian migrants in the 50s it would have been negative but also a minority view. Do it today and it's positive. It's called "change" Andrew Bolt it's called integration to a multicultural society. A settler society like the US, Canada, and  NZ. No Andrew Bolt we aren't the UK or Holland. The first wave of Muslims back in the 50s  were Albanians and Turks I don't hear Bolt ranting about them not being integrated. They they probably felt integrated until now with Bolt stirring up a hornets nest of right wing bigotry like Hanson's One Nation which by the way John Howard adopted. Bigotry seen again during the Cronulla riots. When even Scott Morrison suggested to the Liberal Party that the growth of anti Islamic sentiment could play into the hands of the Liberal Party and be used for political advantage.

What Bolt doesn't tell us in his research is  that 72 %  of the UK population still have a positive view of their Muslim population only (4.5%) of the country. A further  9%  are uncommitted according to the Pew survey despite the most negative publicity since the rise of the neo-right racist extremist skin heads of National Front in the 70s. In other words the anti- Muslim sentiment Bolt is talking of is in fact manufactured in the UK and sold by the media as fear in support of the Tory party and conservatives as it is done here by the likes of the Andrew Bolts of the media. It is not new. The truth which  Bolt and his ilk  never deliver is that in Victoria in places like Shepparton  there are some 5 mosques in the region and a large and varied not only Muslim but ethnic group of communities along with an abundant number of Christian churches and peoples of all colors and cultures fully integrated into the Australian landscape. Yes and that currently is a Liberal electorate. But you won't hear that from Bolt.

What Bolt does and has done is to concentrate on all the negative aspects of what he tells us are racial and Muslim based when in fact  more often than not they aren't. His analysis of the Moomba riots being racial and ethnic was totally wrong as it turns out. They weren't generated by any religious or racial cause but were purely geographically generated as they have been since before he was born. Punch ups between Mods and Rockers, between Preston Boys  and  Brigton  went on in the 60s and were conducted  by over exuberant youth from different districts school kids Andrew Bolt school kids. Bolt and his bigoted attitudes have been parodied over time in Hollywood  movies like Footloose and Blackboard Jungle.  Where Bolt is represented as the older anal dickhead. However he's worse and not just the older uncomfortable generation that would never let his daughter date Ed Husics son (Muslim) ALP despite recommendations from his friend Josh Frydenberg a  (Jew) a LIB his mate mate in fact who represent the true nature of  Australia as opposed to the divided one Bolt describes for nefarious and political reasons. He is the dark side of this country and a dual citizen no doubt who if his sons were called to war would piss off back to Holland in a flash.

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