Andrew Bolt's Blog,22/4/16; Bolt is envious of Waleed,, it's his ratings; Prophecy News is back; The return of Apartheid; Banning talking about science research; Abbott didn't face a hostile Senate; Creative scooping 101 by Bolt;
Waleed Aly has a seriously different notion of debt and obligation tan Bolt and he lives his beliefs. Bolt hides his and it's obvious.

What is Bolt a personal financial adviser? Does he actually believe he is a well informed snoop in banking terms known as an advisor.? Does Waleed Aly even give a shit about Andrew Bolt's personal life even though Bolt brags about it all the time. Aly certainly doesn't . The profile in The Australian is the profile The Australian wants it to be and it's clueless. So Bolt is just as clueless. He and the Australian tick some positives on only one side of the ledger nothing on the other side of the book.
. Oh yes they are Muslims and they give Zakat that's an area of life doesn't even begin to understand, Charity. Oh yes they don't abide by or believe in usury practiced by western banks. To lend money, not take a shared risks or responsibility but charge interest only is totally out of Bolt's capacity of understanding . In other words if people live according to an economic reality different to Andrew Bolt's they have to be sinister and worth snooping.
It seems to me Waleed was raised in a world of thinkers and was encouraged to be one. Bolt was trained to be a follower and never learnt to listen only to preach. So let's congratulate the well trained organ grinder's monkey Bolt was dumbed down at a very young age . I guess it's why he never made it through uni.
Waleed, Bolt fails to mention, yes fails is also a lawyer who was an associate in the family court of Australia as well as being an Engineer. He and his wife also seem to be a role models for multicultural Australia and are exceptionally open human beings. In fact if you actually give it some thought they are quite the opposite old farts like Andrew and his very anonymous family. Their anonymity has little to offer the progressive evolution of Australia. Bolt is so close to closing his conservative and very secretive closet door because he is totally paranoid. Paranoid of the structural and cultural onslaught of his belief in delusional left. Which seems to begin with the idea that the barbarians are at his front door. You don't even get the feeling he has family other than himself.
Spoofing the Aboriginals hey Bolt yesterday asking why can't they be more like us less dependent more commercial. It reminds me of "Joseph's Technicolor Dream Coat" done at St Pat's Cathedral that wasn't free either. Was it original or just commercial? Jesus Christ Super Star that was free was it and dates back some time. Didn't Christ kick the merchants and money lenders out of the temple? Anyway encouraging Aboriginals to be more like us Commercial and then shitting on them for doing it is not really funny it's more of a double cross. It's certainly the style of private school bullying humor you can expect from the Bolt Blog. You know the classic put your hand out in friendship and as one responds whip it away. In a way they are all ancient and out of date as well that's for sure. But it still goes on in some circles..
Bolt laughs and laughs

Bolt always seems so" faux naturale" if style is meaning and the image fresh watch it collect dust very quickly it's very much a reminder of the dogs playing cards.
" If it didn’t threaten the Left, why all these screams and jeers? To see what they don’t want you to see get on Foxtel here. "
Bit of a joke Journalism is there to question everything and every one. Bolt's interpretation is not to question but to deny everything and everyone who challenges his side. That's why he's a PR man and Huckster nothing more an nothing less than a Hidden Persuader out of the closet. A well paid but no longer hidden or best of the Mad Men. Sure turn on Sky and and then Fox and you won't see Bolt but you will see Murdoch's formula and why Bolt's just a well paid drone whose success came because he couldn't give a shit about his work mates, wasn't in a union, and was needed by Howard , Murdoch and the IPA to push not news but the conservative cause as it was don e in the USA and UK. They got sprung in the UK and Murdoch ... well he just made a minor adjustment.
The Bolt Report discussing the news

Clearly there is no mention by either Bolt or Turnbull as to what that "corruption" might have been? Recompense is legal under Lebanese law. No charges were laid in Lebanon is this yet another attention grabbing faux scoop by Andrew Bolt?
Bolt talks classy he posted this yesterday two of his elderly conservative mates molesting, abusing , and playing with the mind of a 14 year old girl symbollically showing off our rape culture. Promoting the pride of an intolerant Australia and sounding very KKK Former Osama bin Laden supporter blames us for being too suspicious

Bolt says
My argument, as stated again last week: Immigration is becoming colonization. Immigration was colonization 227 years ago and self sustaining communities existed as far back as the gold rush If Bolt believes it's different today what does he actually mean? Just check out the China Towns around Australia they have existed way way before he was born and thrived. The Catholics and Protestants kept to themselves and the Aborigines were never really made welcome. What fantasy world does Bolt exist in. Politicians were far more grass roots than the careerists they are today and we wanted and needed immigrants to survive . It's why ships were built just for the the ten pound plan."Such multiculturalism – never popular with the public – has been
pushed by politicians desperate for votes mustered by ethnic bosses." The man is truly around the twist.
Labour created the White Australia Policy much to their shame and embarssment not the anti-right policy. Bolt's mythical ethnic bosses didn't just step off boats and start speaking English. The business elite yes, the WASPS needed labor and they still do today. Yes our hospitals are full of migrants from cleaners to doctors and they all want to be here. Bolt should take a walk around Melbourne's St Vincents . All those people are needed. Why the hell do we have the Liberals expanding the 457 visa and opening up the opportunities for people smuggling and exploitation by corporate bosses and businesses? The politicians have closed industries and at the same time closed re-training programs for those put out of work. So immigration is a must.
Abbott's tradies has has done nothing to bolster the supply of skilled labor what a flop. "Governments should promote pride in Australia rather than in rival cultures we’ve imported.
" Very Gobellian Bolt. We are proud as proud as four other settler nations proud of our tolerance and we are admired for being just that multicultural nations like the USA, NZ and Canada. We are not proud to have imported bigot's like Bolt dual passport holders who constantly remind us that they are unhappy here. We even accommodate curmudgeons like him....whingers.

Bolt's pathetic ultra racist stance is anti- Asian. They value education but doesn't it seems, mind boggling. He doesn't ask why are these middle class schools are so in demand why is our education system is so unbalanced and under performing or isn't it great there are so many schools in demand. His brother was secretary of the Vic Ed Dept and Bolt has no insight? These outstanding government schools are vocationally exciting aren't they for the future prospects of this country?Apparently not so according to Andrew Bolt mediocre is the a better indicator than future prosperity and merit. Rising social mobility of Asians is a threat to Bolt.What's even more strange most of these areas he's bemoaning are Conservative seats.
Systemic prejudice yes Bolt is in favor of any laws and regulations aimed at stemming the promotion of a multicultural society and culture. He believes schools should be cultural training grounds first not just learning grounds for developing thinking. There is a need for single minded patriotism in this country. He believes immigration needs to be an extremely vetted recruitment ground based on traditional WASP Cultural grounds. Fundamentally we are an indigenous European Culture not Asian. We like the South Africa of the past and Israel of the future are suitable role models we need to liken ourselves to. Apartheid is not a dirty word and could well be practiced in the short term transitional future internally and totally in the reformation of our immigration policies. Bolt if you don't like it leave you are after all also Dutch.
This just natural for the LNP in the past 30 years Labor has been the only government to have reduced spending. Spending has only accelerated since Abbott came to power. He declared that fixed after increasing the borrowing cap to $500 bill. So "fixed" is the new starting point Abbott's declaration . So check the spending below after Abbott "fixed it in July 2014. Did he mean fixed or fixed?

Bolt source is the Catallaxy Files the ezine of the ultra- conservative's the IPA and the cabal of Australia's oligarchs . 1+1=2
is a lie so there's nothing more to it that's their rational argument.
It's a lie because we announced it and we haven't heard a 97% rebuttal
to our rebuttal that's the logic behind it. further proof they held
their breathe until blue in the face and heard nothing.Australia is the hollow man of climate action
doesn't matter the world's governments all believe it to be true and
the investors in fossil fuels also do. However the really frightening
thing to be heard recently is that the Tory's in the UK want to
legislate against scientists even being able to speak about their
research. That it seems Bolt hasn't even heard that one yet. That all
scientific activity will be silenced.
A hypothetical question to Andrew Bolt if he was diagnosed with an illness scientifically correlated as the most likely cause by the very nature of that industry being the cause of his illness would he declare the science pseudo - religious? Or would he stop being agnostic and turn to god and accuse science as the least probable of explanations and accept the denial of a board of directors whose vested interest is to maintain profits? Is he prepared to continue being the Marlborough man and continue to defy the odds?
Wasn't it strange when a Bolt like advocate a "scientist" when presented with his heartfelt challenge that he would drink a Monsanto product because of it's declared inertness and safety to humans panicked and walked off set because he was presented with that challenge. He literally ran.
Bolt declared he'd be happy to take his family and go to Fukishima and Chernobyl on holiday and leave the safety of his Tiffany lamp desk but would never abide by his bullshit brag. That is the broadcaster he is a Huckster for a side.

have the Liberals done to themselves? Given Abbott and the ultra-
conservative IPA more time to do a Tea Party on the Liberal Party of
Australia. Just as they the Tea Party have in the USA, divided and
crippled the GOP. They seem intent on the same happening here with some
deluded fantasy that they will raise Abbott like Lazarus.
"The present Senate has been feral, true. Yet the Government has been able to get some big reforms through it" Bolt.
Here is another 180 degree turn by Andrew Bolt after the ALP had lost
their election to his drover's dog the Senate became totally unworkable
for them. They blamed the hostile senate for their inability to govern
even though Julia Gillard was one of the best bill negotiators this
country had seen for some time. When
Abbott came to the table any negotiable agreements ground to a halt.
The Senate became the scapegoat for the Abbott government's inability to
do anything. Now Bolt is saying that was a lie the senate wasn't that
bad after all. " The Government always had some chance with this Senate " Bolt.
Of course they did and now with 20/20 vision in hindsight it's
Turnbull's fault that the senate will now be totally unworkable.
"The new Senate will most likely be dominated completely by Labor and the
Greens or, by them and the Left-leaning Xenophon. And it will
probably stay that way for the foreseeable future. Conservative
government will become near impossible."
nobody want's the ultra -conservative fascist policies passed because
they are unworkable and cripple democracy which is far closer to the
truth. That even Bolt when you listen to him invariably makes Labor and
the Greens look center right.
When you've no scoop 
a few things certain Andrew Bolt's last in this news cycle the caravans
have all passed. Further we can be sure Bolt wouldn't Bolt wouldn't
have paid a cent to have anyone freed because yesterday to put himself
in the center of the media action he declared the father of the kids to
be a Hezbollah terrorist. Further he's still insinuates it was Ch9 who
were the masterminds behind the kidnapping an d not the failed recovery
of the children. That the money paid to the father was a bribe and not
extortion and the contractors hired poor dupes in an exercise to create
news and nothing else. even Sally Faulkner was a pawn rather than an
active player in any of this. Bolt would have let them all rot in a
Lebanese jail if the choice was his. He doesn't pay terrorists he only
recruits them. He is the epitome the very definition of a true Aussie
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