Thursday 12 May 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 12/5/16; Fox News Promoting Trump over Clinton; Bolt's Dr mengele attitude; Bolt's Racism cinfuses him; UNHRC 's point; Turnbull story has cobwebs; Bolt poops on a progressive Australin Industry, his own; Clock work orange live;


Tips for Friday, May 13


Bolt is the quintessential ugly Australia. He says he works 70 hours a week. There are 168 hours in a week 84 daylight hours Bolt of which Bolt works 70 the rest must be consumed traveling time lunches etc. Basically he's telling we must admire him for being a part time parent not particularly interested in his kids. Growing tulips and gardening is his hobby well we can call that bullshit because that takes time and he has none. Art galleries and opera are meant to be important to him  as well another lie given he works 70 hours a week. Bolt even demands respect for his efforts which by all calculations has to be a lie. So here is the question how do you respect a professional liar a person that finds it so easy to kick the guts out of the disadvantaged but can't for a second stop look at his own faults. Bolt doesn't work 70 hours a week and if you believe him your as unintelligent as he is allowing the man to spit in your face. His columns and blogs are not time consuming they are certainly not theses. His Report is a formulaic side show summary of his blog and columns. Ther is little new in what he says and he simply has a bunch of conservative friends to support what it is he wants said. The homeless of Melbourne work  100 hours a week and they do that to survive. They don't demand respect for their labors.

What Bolt says he does 70 hours a week and is a productive member of society and deserves our respect






Trump drawing level with Clinton

 Image result for Images of Fox Promoting Trump


Is it any wonder given the time given him on Fox News x10 the time and money devoted to him above any other candidate.





Labor candidate: Manus a “concentration camp”


Opposing the inhumanity of Manus and Nauru is not as Bolt declares a division within the Labor Party it's an opposition to the operational quality of this inhumane bipartisan policy. The choice of Manus is like the mosquito infested prison camps in French Guiana or Changi. Oh yes the conditions may be a little better but the principle is never less the same. No it's worse because these people are innocent of any crime. Out of sheer political pigheaddness Abbott refused to acknowledge Labor's Malaysia Solution which would have achieved the results we see today and without  the inhumane operational methods imposed by the coalition today. Two recent court judgements have found Peter Dutton guilty of sacking SOS workers for little more than political reasons to cover up the mistreatment handed out to detainees.  A secret settlement  accommodated that judgement. He has been found guilty in a second case of endangering an innocent detainees life by trying to procure an abortion in PNG very Dr Josef Mengele the butcher of Auschwitz

"Did Freelander complain when Labor’s weak laws helped to drown 1200 people? Flooded Australia with 50,000 gate-crashers?"

All Bolt does is ignore the laws that have been broken and  the fact if Abbott had supported the Malaysia Solution proposed by Labor 1200 would not have drowned or 50,000 would not have arrived by boat. That what Bolt calls "free to go home" is the very place these people where running from to escape death. 50% have been processed over 3 years in some cases and found to be "genuine refugees".

 Bolt doesn't care about that as his forebears in Aalesmeer Holland didn't care to see Dutch Jews shot the % killed was greater than those killed in Germany. This attitude they can leave anytime they want unless of course if we catch them was the same applied to the Dutch Jews. Bolt may not have been born in Aalesmeer but his attitude "free to leave" is what existed there in WW2. That town voted for the most notorious anti-Semitic mayor in Holland and it's Bolt's heritage and his socialization. "There is that saying give me the boy until seven and I'll show you the man" In this case Bolt is very much the character of Dr Strangelove.

" How long would Labor’s boat policy last when so many Labor MPs and candidates hate it?" Bolt. He loves it.




The shameless racism of the SBS


 How anti-racism becomes real racism which more often Bolt calls reverse racism and whit Australians are the true victims where racism doesn't exist only when Muslims like Waleed Aly give speeches. If that sounds confusing it is because it's Bevis Blair and Butthead Bolt running their intellectual UPF column for the United Patriotic Front. Pure breeds  need only apply to their club.




Is Turnbull’s socialistic jobs plan actually unlawful?


God why do I bother another blog about something already said a week ago. Bolt is actually quoting the UNHCR here that body he despises so much. However not as much as he does Turnbull it would seem. What a two faced hypocrite he is he doesn't acknowledge them. Did he get kicked out of Adelaide Uni for plagiarism?



Turnbull named in Panama Papers


" I am sure Turnbull did nothing at all wrong. I don’t doubt, though, that his enemies will try to use this."

Bolt is a rust bucket of media he takes news that's that's months old tries to disguise it as something new that he just thought of. Any where else in the industry editors would rip it up and tell cadets to go try again. But no Bolt's been getting away with  his crap for over 20 years because it's the Herald Sun and News Corp he has always worked for.

Does Andrew Bolt know all the companies his accountant gets to help manage his super account? Does he know the name of the Company that registered his Super fund? Bolt's blog is disintegrating like compost and he's the cherry on top. (I thank Paul Keating for that. )



Column - Waleed Aly should have just thanked Australia and those he whitewashed


" WAS there anything more ludicrous than seeing Waleed Aly complaining last weekend about racism even after he was given the Gold Logie for Best Personality on TV?"

Aly celebrated the Australia Bolt actually hates the Industry he hates and  has left him behind alone in some dingy corner. It's taken this right wing party pooper some 4 days to think of something appropriately mean to say about an event the country is celebrating. Like Duncan Storrer Bolt found the need to kick Aly, kick Noni and tell  all the Australians in the audience what idiots they are along with the viewing public who voted for this undeserving un Australian prick. Well that's Andrew Bolt to a tee and we put up with him. Coloreds Muslims,Africans,disadvantaged aren't  media oppressed they are welcomed just read Bolt any day of the week. Then listen to what Aly said again

Waleed Aly did thank Australia in fact he praised the TV industry that industry Bolts a part of  who is trying to drag it back into the dark ages. Bolt simply has a tin ear and he's part of an industry that's moved on and left him behind. Sundays and other nights were once filled with preachers . Bolt is just a secular version of Television as it once was an instruction program of Right behavior. Bolt's the lion tamer sitting in the gutter looking for a circus with animals still to train wondering why the carnival has left him behind.


A hero of our gimme times


As I've always said if Bolt saw someone in the gutter he'd kick him. No maybe he wouldn't. He'd call the homeless police and get them to kick him. However he wouldn't do it without his kids present because he's a role model for the future generations of Australians his children  all three would would be out there kicking the homeless. You see Bolt puzzles as to why a nice private schoolboy was jailed for kicking a homeless man to death when his family actually paid taxes.

All Bolt has proved but not that clearly the power of broadcasting the ratings the ABC get compared with the ratings of a mean constantly negative whinger like him. Bolt not only names blames and kicks Storrer he does the ABC and the person who set up the go fund me page. Maybe Bolt should set up Go fund the Government page and check out what they'd spend the money on if they got any. Abbott on booze, others on their perks on perks none would go into the deficit you could be sure of that.

I'd like to remind Bolt Christians believe Christs best mate before his death was not George Pell but Barabas he also had a history. Election 2016: Q&A star Duncan Storrar puts a human face on the budget battle

Drugs Bolt are a problem across classes in fact more drugs are consumed by Bolt's class than the "gimme culture". They can least afford to consume drugs but get the most blame. The quantity of drugs in our community proves this. I'd check out the kids in the private school you sen your kids to before blaming families on welfare. Anyway Bolt's living proof you don't need an education to make money. You do however need to lick a#$@e.

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