Andrew Bolt's Blog, 11/5/16; The Traditionalist who decries the Secret Ballot a World and an Australian first; Bolt's a two faced commentator; When winning is losing. It's Delcon Politics of self interest ; Bolt supports freedom of pollution;Repetitive blogging; Once a sinner always a sinner never as pure as Bolt; As if Bolt cares for the team. Self interest above all is his catch cry; Bolt doesn't do comedy; Political tinnitus conservatives whinning; Bolt blunder busts the conservatives; Richard Bolt Andrews invisible brother is excused; Bolt's argument on the back of a postage stamp no a pin head;
Abbott's Curse

Let's be rational and reasonable seemingly Andrew Bolt isn't he is neither an accountant nor a person adept in accounting but he says he's has found an admission by Finance Minister Mattias Corman to reveal not just an error in a political statement but an error of the greatest error that all the the advisors of Liberal economics didn't see. That 8% of super account holders and not 4% are going to be effected. Bolt's maths aren't difficult. However there is no base line nor actual numbers by Bolt provided other than Bolt's threat. Has anybody taken the time out in this blog to realize there is no reference or any way to verify what Bolt is saying? We can fact check Corman but you can't fact check Andrew Bolt
" Mathias Cormann told me that the changes, which include a 15 per cent
tax on earnings from transition-to-retirement accounts, actually hit
another 560,000 people."
" If that’s 4 per cent, there are 14 million people with super accounts in the country. Can that be true?" Bolt
Any forensic accountant would tell you what is suspicious is Bolt's declaration of 560.000 extra super accounts of a total of 14 mill which is exactly another 4% not coincidentally but exactly. That alone would make a anyone suspicious of Bolt not Corman. Did god put figures like this into Bolt's propaganda or has he just missed the point? No he's seen something that a $ 1mill worth of advisors and accountants missed.

But Andrew Bolt has declared it a Religion and as such a waste of money because we already have one Capitalism.

Australia's Shame
Wait till Andrew Bolt gets his teeth into this. The Noel Pearson Academy has been closed for a week. Below is an ABC report.
"Long history of violence in disadvantaged community"ABC

Amplification of what 20 -50 Muslims as the united "representative " body of 500,000 and their complex Australian Community as if they are a united body. Christianity is allowed it's cranks it's mad men but not Islam.
Does any body believe this moron in print? Even his producers on Sky News apparently don't. Bolt made very qualified remarks in his first editorial on Sky apologizing as if his anus was glued with Tarzan's Grip to the wider Muslim community when commenting on the radicalized extremists among them. Who weren't representative. It's what makes Bolt such an obvious two faced hypocrite he seems free to say what he wants in print without any qualifications is it because he's more anonymous or is it simply News Corp's schtik to sell papers? Is Bolt scared he'll be more recognized on TV or is it that Sky needs a softer image? You see Bolt is a mouse that roars behind the safety of a media curtain. When has he stood in a public forum and openly delivered his hate-speech messages. When has he ever addressed his fans or challenged his opponents at any forums open to the public? That's just too risky for Andrew Bolt because as much as 24 supporters might turn up. Australia voted last Sunday for the country's most liked TV personality Andrew who? No, Waleed Aly and not the unrepresentative Andrew Bolt who spits in this nations face and is allowed to do so. He's paid to do it not for the sake of ratings either.
The Hypocrisy of Andrew Bolt the self proclaimed traditionalist
What an amazing childish short pantsed schoolboy tantrum does Bolt display at 59 years of age. Fiona Scott has said she wasn't going to play the games of bully speculators who have accused her of voting against Tony Abbott on what basis? Their blind hunch nothing more or nothing less. There is no genderism among the Delcons is their just get rid of the women.
"Those party-room ballots are secret ballots and they’re secret for a
reason.... so that people can confidentially make a choice. Some people
say how they vote. Whether they’re telling the truth, who knows?”
Andrew Bolt says he is true blue and a traditionalist but doesn't believe in the prudence of the Secret Ballot a world first in Australia.
"Chartist ideas influenced the miners of Eureka Stockade in 1854 in Victoria where they adopted all of Chartism's six points including the secret ballot.
Secret balloting appears to have been first implemented in Tasmania on 7 February 1856. Until the original Tasmanian Electoral Act 1856 was 're-discovered' recently, credit for the first implementation of the secret ballot often went to Victoria and South Australia.[11] Victoria enacted legislation for secret ballots on 19 March 1856,[12] and South Australian Electoral Commissioner William Boothby
generally gets credit for creating the system finally enacted into law
in South Australia on 2 April of that same year (a fortnight later). The
other Australian colonies followed: New South Wales (1858), Queensland (1859), and Western Australia (1877). New Zealand implemented secret voting in 1870.
State electoral laws, including the secret ballot, applied for the
first election of the Australian Parliament in 1901, and the system has
continued to be a feature of federal elections and referenda.

The first duty of any politician is to win. Bolt and the Delcon's seem to believe that as well but winning for them is not a team sport.
"But the full video includes
a fact not mentioned - the repeated cry of the owner of “Gas the
Jews!”. This may still not excuse the arrest, but it would explain the
offence caused."

It seems Bolt defends the public broadcasting of this sort of hate- crime. To Bolt it doesn't matter Hitler had the right to free speech and the escalation of the National Socialists to power. He does however understand that some people may have been offended. I on the other hand take no offense to know that some people do some strange things in the privacy of their lounge rooms which when broadcast to the public cause offense. The question being why was it allowed to be publicly distributed as product suitable on social media? Are videos of a dog watching pedophilia suitable for public distribution too? Apparently Bolt would say yes and wouldn't excuse an arrest.
How many times has Bolt repeated this blog it seems he really hasn't the time anymore. This man of self-interest feeds his reeders with second hand news. Anything new is left to his " readers" to post themselves. Playing the man has always come easy to Bolt when there is no principal or even if there is.

Pell hasn't been found guilty other than in public opinion.
Not according to Andrew Bolt who will never let the victims forget.

In Bolt's christian world once a sinner always a sinner he wasn't ever brought up a Catholic. So even Pell would decry his ignorance. The is no absolving the crimes of others only the crimes of conservatives. Always blame the victim if you can if it's a choice between a conservative and anyone else.
" Mr Ridsdale had endured four years of sexual abuse at the hands of
his uncle, Catholic priest Gerald Ridsdale, but in 1995 was himself
charged with two counts of indecently assaulting a young victim."
" He pleaded guilty and was placed on a 12-month good behaviour bond,
with the magistrate noting that the behaviour was influenced by the
treatment he had suffered at the hands of his uncle."Magistrate
"the quality of mercy is not strained it droppeth like the gentle rain from heaven" Shakespear. However even the bard was a left wing f-wit in this case according to Bolt.
" This is not the first time that the ABC has relied on questionable witnesses to vilify Pell." Once a sinner always a sinner according to Bolt. How many times has he been found guilty and still pleads innocence?
What Andrew Bolt wants to rid us of. Who will produce any uniquely Australian productions. 50 years of tradition this blowhard ultra Conservative wouldn't mind getting rid of even if it promoted unity amongst kids. Obviously News Corp wont it doesn't fit their business model.

As if Bolt cared for the Liberal Party
This was the lie It wasn't Team Australia. It was Team Abbott;
Bolt calls this violence. It's a media event. But Butthead admits he doesn't do comedy it's just not Dutch.

Isn't this a great country were even conservatives are allowed to complain whine and whinge to their hearts content. They are like a Greek chorus a never ending chorus like tinnitus the whine you here when all else is silent. Doctors will tell you you can't do anything about it they are there for life if you are unlucky enough to suffer the malady of conservative accusations. These accusations coming from conservatives who have no issue with Donald Trump getting 4-5 times the media attention at Fox News than any other Republican and 20 times more than Bernie. The conservative media police are out and about 24/7 watching and listening.
Is David Cameron another Conservative Bolt no longer likes?? They seem to be mounting up. However Cameron's error was an ever so much an Abbottism wasn't it. Bolt is eager to blunder bust Cameron but never Abbott.
Bolt freely lambasts Deputy Secretary Dodds for being appointed a Public servant whose politics aren't Liberal. However he never does the same when his own brother was appointed Secretary to a Public Service Dept in Victoria or that he was Deputy Secretary under two politically opposing governments. Thank our lucky stars the ABC gives no time to the Bolt's rantings that rarely if ever constitute news or information. His performance news would be more honest if he was flag waving rather than hand waving. Anyway isn't it strange that Bolt gets a large portion of his news off the ABC itself?

What a load of crap Bolt writes
" but the one kind of diversity that universities disregard is
ideological and religious. We’re fine with people who don’t look like
us, as long as they think like us."Kristof
"He could be describing his newspaper. Or the ABC:"
Universities are in the main secular institutions unless private. Bolt is anti-multiculture the opposite being an Assimilationist. Bolt is free to attend any public institution in this country but chooses not to because he's afraid. Afraid that as an ultra -conservative he won't be welcomed. But that's his I'm just a poor white right-wing rich bully that's his schtik The victim of a society that's always changing. He could write his thesis of Victimology on the back of a postage stamp.
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