Thursday, 26 May 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,26/5/16; Tool of the trade Andrew Bolt; Abbott and the Conservative opposition, Poor Children of Aurukun; Sophie Mirabella Conservative in a marginal seat helps; Stop White priviledge it exists; Civilzed but pissing in the wind; Rumpelstiltskinning Feeney; German's say sorry but we don't have to;


Ali G is Trumped

Yep bolt goes back 8 years to shows us how great Trump is in his eyes in 2016. That's about as interesting as Ali G's Ice cream glove. Pity Trump hadn't met Norman Gunston we know Bolt would not have dared.




Albo denies Latham’s racism claim


 "Mr Albanese told he did not make the comments and did not think western Sydney residents were racist."

If you know Albo you would tend to believe him not anybody attached to the Bolt Report.

 Back somewhere in Andrew Bolt's past he was alleged to have said 1. he wasn't engaged and 2. he was employed as a  minder for a belly dancer. Neither of which were true and any denial not believable why? Because we all know Andrew Bolt. Now he doesn't like that to be brought up today to him  it's irrelevant and water under the bridge, but it did happen along with being found guilty of defamation and vilification and being loose with the facts. 

However second hand memories from sensationalists like Mark Latham are memories worth keeping for Bolt I'm sure he has a file on what others once said about others. When it comes to mud slinging and rumours they are  useful and it's what Bolt  does a lot of.   The he said she said stuff  is the tool of tools who can  step aside and say well I didn't say that it was Mark Latham Albo.




Spend, spend, spend, spend


Bolt not so long ago was calling for better water management by building dams over and above desalination plants now he's laughing at Turnbull's proposals to do just that. The man claims to have an inbuilt conservative direction finder when in opposition it's Abbott's Nope Nope Nope. Go  all the way with not just blinkers on but a blindfolded and saying Nope .





Shut the town, not just the school


" One day the penny will drop: the problem is the culture, plus the maintenance of a town in an area where there is little real work. The Census data suggests a badly integrated community, too unskilled and with family relationships too insecure for the proper socialisation of children:"

Aboriginal Culture is pathetic !!! What on earth did they do for 40,000 years to survive with dysfunctional families like that. For 227 years we have told them to become like us we showed them sexual guilt and  covered their tits. We showed them  what work was but not money.  We didn't pay them just exploited them. We sold them booze tobacco sugar and changed their diets for profit. We are only now becoming interested in bush tucker. We told them their Weltanschauung was crap and only worth putting on tea towels. They had to become more like us but weren't allowed to because they were boongs. 

Their culture held them back and ours pushed them forward without the concomitant paths to support them. Equal wages no way, bank credit no way, land rights no way, respect no way, negative stereotyping and poverty finance at 30% ++ interest of course. We  too kind  says Bolt we should have taken more of their kids or like Lang Hancock said sterilized them. 

We wonder why after 227 years in our kind Christian  hands we created scared un-confidant mutants.  It shows in his census as pre adolescent kids they are starry eyed full of fun by secondary school they are beginning to realize their place in the world is hopeless and by adolescence they are into self harm and suicide and Bolt blames their families who have been through the same process from the get go. They are no longer them different nor are they us dickheads who never listened. 

That's the problem Bolt's tin ear simply says show me in any white mans record that we stole your children. Show me in any of Hitlers records he gassed the Jews. We listened to the Jews re-wrote and rediscovered another history one that shocked us. Bolt won't listen to Aboriginal stories he won't allow history to be rewritten from their perspective. Imagine if the German Bolt's succeed in not listening to the Jews as they have not listening to to Aborigines. Bolt won't even listen to the likes of Stan Grant who said the kids all lived in fear of the Welfare coming round to take them away. He was the Aboriginal boogey man and he was real.Grant was brought up in a loving family but it wasn't for them or him to judge. Bolt's reply to Grant your culture your family your Aboriginality made you potentially dysfunctional it was never your color it just seemed that way.  In any case the fear did you good and your like us so we weren't required to live with that fear and it's not because we are white.  We need to exercise that fear now as a tool for good. It's bunkum that we stole  kids.  We intervened and told them their parents and siblings were dead. It's not in any of our records or written history therefore your memories are just misguided bullshit and your just after our money, bugger off your not Jews.

Bolt uses public statistics which will always show the vulnerability of  life amongst the poor why? It's where institutional attention is applied. Why has there been a massive increase in private rehab centers, mental health clinics, in anger and other lifestyle management courses? If the statistics actually showed reality Bolt's arguments about dysfunctional lifestyles due to Aboriginal Culture might just dissolve to nothing rather than allowing him to use them as a weapon against them. I think he needs to self reflect on the degree of dysfunction treated privately and the attention not paid to that dysfunction he just might realize that is just yet another class privilege not afforded to the poor  on whom he focuses his magnifying glass. Privacy is a privilege afforded Aurukun in the same manner it's bought by Andrew Bolt. He could maybe sell it as it's now fast becoming a product for sale on programs like Melbourne housewives. However even on those programs the true family dysfunction goes hidden in ways it isn't in Aurukun. There real life has become the Trueman Show and Bolt readily sticks his nose into every aspect of their life without any knowledge of it. He and his wife snapped when the monthly mentioned their son James worked for the IPA screaming middle class privilege  for their sensitive lad.






  Column - Troubled Turnbull must be more like Abbott

Oh my god doesn't this remind you of the days when Bolt ran banners  read Abbott needs to change and be more collegiate and then the repeats of  Bolt crying I don't know why Abbott isn't listening to me. He's such a nice guy and we are mates. If only you knew him like I do.

"But Turnbull is best when he’s actually being Abbott"

Imagine Abbott in those marginal seats today. Well you don't really have to Sophie Mirabella is the perfect example of the perfect Conservative fighting the perfect Abbott style fight in Indi isn't she. She's blaming the Liberal Party for her demise.




Column - Stop the race politics that Peris represents


Bolt simply pulls all his banners off his Fox News heroes in the US O'Rielly, Hannity have been doing the same as Bolt does now but they have been doing it for years longer.  Reverse racism  white victim s in an otherwise race-less society. There is no Racism in the US as there is none here why are we all forced to believe there is? "Julia Gillard picked Peris for her color" is not a racist comment"That makes Crossin unique. She is the first politician in Australia’s history to be officially sacked for being white. If that’s not racism, what is?" There is no power hierarchy in Australia we are all equal and any form of positive discrimination upsets the natural order of things which is a danger to the well balanced status quo that exists. Of course we need intervention and change the policing of those dysfunctional groups who claim victim because we have our foot on their throats imagine if anybody for a moment believed them we might have to change as well.  Positive discrimination at the hands of any government is racist, genderist,ageist and those crying for the need to change dangerous because white male Christian etc privilege does not exist unless deserved of course.





Trump vs the barbarians. UPDATE: Spitting barbarians in Sydney, too


From a Cruz Supporter to a Trump Chump Bolt defends the politeness of UPF and Reclaim Australia. The polite Australian bogans he sides with from behind the broadcast curtain against the ill mannered rough housing left. Hitler was orderly too not like the left's untidy rabble. The British lost the war of independence yes but they were neatly dressed and uniformed. They were well mannered and not a rebellious rabble either. The conservatives whether right or wrong heads on or off always behave so much better than the riff raff Bolt calls "them". Why is it that progress is so hard fought for against uniformed men. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity is it seems an anathema to the likes of Bolt who like Tony Abbott prefers the flags the uniforms and the symbolic fanfare.

"Tim Blair notes that a taxpayer-funded literary group approves of spitting in the face of people with whom it disagrees: " 

A bit of spit does less damage that the clubs and batons of the good old boys at Cronulla or the shields and pepper spray employed by police. Remember the the days of regular shooting and deaths of the genuinely mentally ill. They too were regarded as dangerous. Today they have been re branded and called terrorists ( untrained). It's that sort of trained discipline the hidden broadcasters like Bolt and Blair call duty and admire. The broad and uniform spit of Quadrant, The Spectator, Bolt Blair etc etc  is to be admired.





No bonus for David Feeney


"Sorry" I don't have the answer for that is somehow turned into some sort of double -dealing sneakiness by Bolt something he's an expert on. Feeny recieved no monies unlike the politicians under Tony Abbott who all reluctantly scrambled to pay back the entitlements they falsely claimed and were caught out for. Heads one and all truly in the trough  and Bolt conveniently ignores real gorging in his Rumpelstiltskin attack on Feeny.



Looking for Luke


The apology may be there the guilt thrown out with the letter. Bolt's editorial about false promises made by politicians. Germany and Germans promise on a daily basis that what they did to the Jews will never occur again. They have written it into their history their primary schooling and their shared guilt. No matter whether you were there or not you carry the apology with you. Male , female, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, German they still say sorry today. Rudd was mocked by Bolt  never  understood the meaning of a collective sorry.Tips for Thursday, May 26

Bolt's family origins are from Aalesmeer the ultra- Nazi Dutch town. The country that killed a highe % of their Jews than even Germany yet he doesn't know the meaning of sorry. Yet dressed in his formal wear he sit's on his moral high throne preaching to the public that in a "me" society sorry is just a dirty word when coming from politicians of the left but every time Abbott apologizes it's not.

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