Monday, 6 June 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog 6/6/16; Holland's huge Right wing support of Hitler is well documented Bolt; Bolt struggles for ratings; Why Bernie Sanders can beat Trump; Economic Castration and a divestment in Children is necessary IPA; The CFA are fire lighters; Justin Smith can't believe Bolt's name calling; Julia Gillard negotiated more Bills through Parliament and was a minority government; Bolt's contradictory blogging Turnbull is a suck but Irons the poor rich white guya hero; Turnbull the suck;


Tips for Tuesday, June 7

Tip it's  Andrew Bolt always admits he's a hero off a small base. He accuses all our institutions as being left but the populace being right. Yet if that's the case why is he the hero off a small base and not a large one ? Because it's a corporate base The IPA, News Corp , the Del-Cons and those ready to use the Australian flags as masks. Bolt's problem Turnbull is a working class lad. In his editorial he says "there is the problem with Turnbull"

Bolt tells us of Abbott's struggle as a PM with a hostile senate  but what he doesn't tell you

"Labor operated a minority government and Julia Gillard had no trouble getting bills passed more bills than conservatives could manage with Abbott as leader 329 to 262 even Rudd passed 292.  Wow Abbott passed 3 more than John Gorton the PM who didn't want to be PM. Negotiating skills for Abbott consisted of nope, nope, nope."

Bolt's people who don't give a rats Four Corners - Ripped Off : ABC iview




Safe spaces needed for those who don’t give a rats


You can't accept dour hypocrites as being people that don't give a rats. These two media broadcasters have no idea that  the appreciation of comedy and humor shared  is "not giving a rats". They share the stage  with the wannabe controllers like Eric Abetz, Cory Bernardi who for a single moment do they share space with other than those who claim to give a rats. Only a they when they do it's not for the country it's not for humanity it's for a team hanging on desperate to promote self interest. Rowan Dean is a professional  mad man and seems as if he belongs in the TV ads he once produced. Andrew Bolt well he leans on Tim Bevis Blair to snigger. Bolt hasn't let go of himself since a kid he's chased his own self importance since we met him out of Tarcoola. bullies don't give a rats because they have tin ears no empathy and an inability to analyze themselves. Comedians do and they know how to share it not preach it. Next time just watch Dean , Bolt  Abbott  and Sophie Mirabella and then watch the Marx brothers. Who would you party with without dropping drugs in their drink? Since  when did cultural bouncers deserve "safe space" in a democracy?




Let’s remind McGeough which side of politics actually defended Hitler

Aalesmeer and Utrecht those towns in Holland where the Bolt's originated from. Where the Aalesmeer Mayor a fanatical supporter along with the politically active populations supported and defended what the Nazis were doing. So much so the Dutch killed a higher % of Dutch Jews than Germany. These towns were filled with angry old white men who supported the Aryan Nation. One can be confident that even today that collective and historic mindset still lies active today in the Dutch Party for Freedom Bolt admires so much.

Bolt's statement that it was the Left that supported Hitler seems not to have been the case according to the Shoah Resource Center a very Jewish organization seeking the truth about the holocaust. Their truth is not Bolt's that's for sure.

  " Dutch were inclined to sympathize  others collaborated. Ever since the Nazi Party had risen to power in Germany in the early 1930s, the Netherlands had had its own antisemitic, right-wing movements, whose members strongly resented incoming Jewish refugees (from Germany). On the other hand, many Dutch citizens, including many intellectuals,strenuously criticized the anti-Jewish measures being enacted."

One thing is for sure Aalesmeer's population  of  less than 12000 was not made up of left wing intellectuals

Dutch Collaborators

As for the angry old racist white men who Bolt denies they exist in GOP and if they do don't  harbour the Collective and historic racist psyche of the USA. These men currently are encouraging that laws be passed with such stringent ID conditions for allowing people to vote  it insures the majority of Afro Americans  will be disenfranchised you won't hear that from Bolt.

Bolt distorts history so much so I bet he believes the 3% members of Dutch Nazis is small but that represented Party members. Australia's 2 Parties don't have a combined membership of 500,000 or 3%. Bolt's families came from right wing towns lending huge Nazi support during WW2


Palmer confirms

Bolt's hugely supported "off a small base"

Bolt will do anything to try and boost the ratings  of his Report. What happens however he can't get news faces to appear I guess during an election 20-30k ratings just don't justify the time. If Palmer was still in the race he wouldn't be there either. Bolt's producers must be struggling. Please would any suspected serial killers  put there hands up The Bolt Report is desperate. But then Bolt says he's huge as he's off a low base but then so was Palmer.




Payola for the Hillary?

 Watch What Happens When A Fox Legal Analyst Explains There Is No Criminal Case Against Hillary Clinton

Bolt steals Bernie's shtick  However doesn't mention it.

Bolt has pointed out why Bernie Sanders is the best Democratic candidate to run against Trump  "But news reports document that at least seven foreign governments that received State Department clearance for American arms did donate to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary: Algeria, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Thailand, Norway and Australia." So was Australia complicit in Clinton bribery as well? It paid the Clinton Foundation $10 mill and recieved a 198% increase in the supply of arms.Sanders hits Clinton Foundation over foreign donations | TheHill






Paying a fortune to look after someone else’s children


Yet it's Bolt turning to the IPA yet again for an argument. The Catallaxy Files and Judith Sloan

When it once took 1 adult to work and support a family of 4 it now takes 2  to earn enough to support the same without savings. So basically the middle class is shrinking. What Bolt and Sloan seem to be calling for a BDS or a divestment in working class children. Indirectly they are never the less calling for the economic sterilization of the working class. They aren't calling for a total divestment of children because then there'd be no value in inheritance the corner stone of a class society. Inheritance is the foundation of class advantage and they'd never want that lost.

 Investment in children and education isn't really necessary in a corporately controlled and globalized world as labour can be far better controlled by importation. Children are fast becoming a burden on a  free market when governments need to subsidize them.  We must begin to promote and practice economic castration of the lower classes. If people fall into economic hardship through no fault of their own intervention and the removal of their children needs to be considered.


Saying and doing

Lancefield 2015 CFA back burning accident


Another opportunity to white-ant Turnbull but promote Abbott. However the truth be known the photos are being taken with a force who on record is known to have started the most fires in this country killing fauna. Remember the photos of man and Koalas CFA lit.   'Brain fart' led CFA volunteer Keegan Danielz to start bushfires - The Age

 " research done into firefighters who set fires....there’s an excitement element as well as a control element, as they believe they can control the fire and obviously there’s attention that comes with that."

How many times have we heard of the back burning that got away? What we have is two politicians and a media hack defending the indefensible a fire fighting force needed to be lead by professionals.



What kind of extremists would destroy the CFA volunteers?

Bolt protecting the fire lighters

Can you imagine an army of volunteers? We don't need professionals imagine the costs saved with dads armies everywhere. The CFA has on record lit as many fires as it has put out. Here is an expense Bolt doesn't argue about the extra we pay because we don't have a fully professional team of fire fighters leading amature volunteers. Bolt prefers we pay premiums. I guess his argument is that it's the irrational left that fails to allow a Volunteer Ambulance Service, a Vigilante Police Force. Basically isn't Bolt calling for the privatization of all services  to counter the "lefts " push for state run professional and full time ones? Bolt the professional fire brigades don't have the reputation of starting the number of fires that the CFA has clocked up. That is a statistic that's neither left or right.
It's time to stop lighting fires - Article by Bob McDonald

Column - Why government is to the Left when voters are to the Right


The ' unelected left'  like "Feminists" like "Racist Aborigines " like "Marxists" all  this incessant name calling of 'Lefties" is called out by Justin Smith as the path taken by Conservative idiots who can't debate. ? The right wing Conservatives associated with the IPA and News Corp like Bolt and Blair lead that charge. Justin Smith is an editorial commentator in the Herald Sun and bags Bolt out this morning fo course without actually naming him.  This traditionalist certainly doesn't long for the times when it was de rigueur to talk religion an politics in polite company. No Bolt calls out and names everybody that disagrees with him "lefties" of one sort or another so much so the conservatives live in heaven and have just found out others have broken in.

Here he is trying to tell us Australians are all right wing and only the government and the political class are left wing. Why does he play and muddy the English language to distort and deflect attention to distract from and give legitimacy to the smallest crew of right wing elite this country has ever seen the IPA and the well named Del-Cons whose self interest and determination to rule and ranscack Australia is unprecedented. Beware of the enemy within.


Another hung Parliament coming


" Forget strong government and forget whatever the Liberals are promising. The next Senate looks like being even more impossible than the last:"

Labor operated a minority government and Julia Gillard had no trouble getting bills passed more bills than conservatives could manage with Abbott as leader 329 to 262 even Rudd passed 292.  Wow Abbott passed 3 more than John Gorton the PM who didn't want to be PM. Negotiating skills for Abbott consisted of nope, nope, nope. Unfortunately his fascist skills did influence this country in that more flags were raised, uniforms created surveillance and loss of freedoms guaranteed and wars to fight. Our only source of tested truth the ABC had a 20% reduction in revenue a broken election promise by Abbott who hung Asylum seekers heads on pikes at the gates of Australia to let the world know who we really are.

The only reason this is a hostile senate is it's hostile to the conservatives who believe they were born to rule and democracy does not bow to that. So they need to do away with this archaic government.  Strange isn't it it's the way ISIS thinks as well and this is their lament

 "Yet another sign, by the way, that the conditions are ripe for the start of a new, moderate and non-Christian conservative party." Bolt 

So these irrational Conservatives continue to white-ant the Liberal Party they feel they own and prefer revenge in the form of weakening the Party on the gamble they will take control  before or after July win or lose to form the new Conservative Party the one they said they would after Abbott lost leadership. Tony Abbott has said he'd was honored to lead it. You see Abbott is not short of time and revenge is a dish best served cold. "Still, the Liberals may at least be realising now that there’s a price to pay for treating its conservative base with contempt."


Why is Solonec still Labor’s candidate?


How quickly Bolt changes his tune. Yesterday Aboriginals were just "complex individuals" Today they are racists driven by their own victimisation. What a crude but weak media bully this man is. This is not comment.

"Mr Irons was a ward of the state raised by foster parents and ran an airconditioning business before entering parliament in 2007."  In the blog below Bolt calls descriptions like this calls of  sympathy when Malcolm Turnbull does it. Piss weak politics but not when Irons does it? What is the difference Andrew Bolt? Your misguided logic.When Tammy Solonec does the same as Andrew Bolt and says  Irons is "a rich white man" she's a racist. 

Bolt's hypocrisy is self evident in his denial that the collective history of this country is internalized in our psyche,culture and institutions. It is white and racist.  There is no "reverse racism" as there is no "reverse mysogyny" this is a masculine society and women suffer because of it. Nor is there union dominance or working class control either. Bolt might  call "reverse racism" but there is no debate in his cry it's just another  childish bully's mimicking repetitive chant when there is no argument..


Turnbull asks for sympathy vote

Trumping Turnbull  Copycatting by Bolt

This isn't  a commentary it's an advertising campaign but who is paying?

The media attack by Conservatives on the Liberal Party continues. Too weak to start their own party mutinous  Liberal Party hacks too duplicitous to say we are the IPA white-ant Turnbull with every breathe. 

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