Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,8/6/16; Bolt isn't just an ignorant racist but an ultra-racist; Bolt's logic is simply repititious; Desparate for ratings no relevant guests Bolt's given space to Palmer, and B Bishop and calls them scoops; Herald Sun uses photos instead of journalists;


Ethnic judges made a difference only in a good way, you see

Bolt the man who really doesn't believe in history turns back the clock 15 years and seems to somehow want to apply to our context. Is Bolt making a comment on Mordecai Bromberg's politics or his Jewish background in his findings against Andrew Bolt? Bolt doesn't say. Because somebody has a Mexican name does it suggest his heritage going back three generations is of any consequence in his decision making. If so did Tony Abbott's Catholicism stand in the way of  the first principle of Democracy the separation of Church and State and was Abbott mentored for 22 years by Bob Santa Maria primary allegiance to the Vatican?

Paul Ryan a conservative and speaker of the house is calling Donald Trump a racist as are many other conservatives and they are worried. Is Bolt suggesting he's not a racist that he's  just pointing to the truth of the judges bias. The fact is there is no good or bad racism. Ryan is still backing Trump and yes he is a racist too.

 If  judge's  ethnicity  and heritage count for bias  then the same applies to Bolt and his particularly his parental towns  of Aalesmeer and Utrecht and their Nazi connections. If Bolt suggests that's good and he accepts he can't be objective. So what does that say about what he's said in the past   about Mordecai Bromberg? That can't be good. Yet  he claims to be a friend of the Jews  the same as the Dutch said immediately after the war which the Shoah Reseach Center has since proven to be false. The Dutch killed more of  a % of their own Jews than the Germans and there was a high degree of resentment against those fleeing Germany. Bolt's proud of his Dutch heritage and has said he felt more Dutch than Australian. So who is he speaking for as a commentator in this country? Could you imagine if he were a judge being able to make any positive judgements? As for Trump his university is a classic case of fraud and he's ready to do anything to counter that and I mean anything.


Here Bolt is repeating what I have said below. Bolt performing Einstein's definition of insanity repeating the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome. That we will agree with him. If racism describes a differential in the institutional  structure in the  power relationships between whites  blacks or ethnicity in society then the society is racist. With that in mind the Australian constitution allows laws and regulations to be made according to race so yes we are racist no matter left or right. However some people recognize that difference and in the main those that want to change those regulations do seem to be from the left but it's not always the case. Bolt happens not to be one of those people and is clearly a racist. Strangely enough some indigenous Australians might be regarded as racist simply for their lack of awareness and are regarded as "coconuts" by their mob. As far as ethnicity is concerned Bolt actually wants and approves of regulations and laws  that do and would treat people of particular ethnic backgrounds differently if Muslim. So yes it's why he's ultra-Racist  bigoted and a misogynist . We aren't just talking prejudice here.

Four fingers pointing backwads


Here he is using Mark Latham  to support a difference he just doesn't seem to grasp. Bolt believes those who call him racist are racist it and those who say he's a bigot are the real bigots. It's  the equivalent of  a pedophile pleading innocence on the grounds he was molested by a child or a rapist saying he was attacked by a vagina. There is no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is systemic , structured,  institutionalized and reflects a differential in power .It speaks to the nature of  the power distribution in a society and what Bolt is trying to sell us is that Indigenous Australians have equal power to what he has as a white middle class Australian. 

 So Bolt believes Indigenous Australians are the real racists, that feminists are the real genderists, children are the real sexual predators etc and there are no bigots other than those pointing fingers at him and using the term.  This is Bolt logic Bolt truth  semantics  packaged as snake oil and sold as reason. Yes it's the reason NOT TO BUY HIS BOOK because it's filled with this sort of bullshit peddled for greed and greed alone. It's Einstein's definition of insanity repeating the same logic time after time on a variety of topics and expecting a different outcome.

Bishop claims I knew her mind before she did

Self promotion yet again by Andrew Bolt yesterday with the help of his new found friend and confidant  Clive Palmer and today with yet another truth seeker Bronwyn Bishop. Bolt can't seem to get real politicians anymore so he's using retired ones to provide him with exclusive scoops about himself. It's about as thrilling as watching paint dry.


Out next week

Self Promotion... Nobody else will do it!!! Snake oil selling is Snake oil selling no matter how it's presented.



Great Australian front page

What Bolt calls 70 hours of work....Space filling " Work ,Love it,Icould watch it all day!!"

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