Saturday, 6 August 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,6/8/16; Why Bolt recruits the negative in Greek he's a Mulaka; Bolt laid the red herring and is on the nose; Anal is the word for Andrew Bolt


Julie’s bold experiment: could we teach a donkey of the Left a thing or two?

 Image result for Images of a Greek Malaka

Is Andrew Bolt that scared he can't walk the streets of Brunswick it's where the the children of Malvern play. I've always said Bolt is a Malaka. and a donkey is a donkey.



Who let them in? And why is the ABC covering up?


" Astonishing. Only the ABC could do a long report on the Apex gang and not once mention that many members are in fact African or born here to parents from Sudan and Somalia." Maluka

Malaka is slang in Greek for wanker I know the spelling is slightly different but it fit's Bolt's Troll like a glove. He is a Malaka. It was the police that reported that the Apex Gang was originally named after a street in Dandenong and was had Sudanese and Somali members. Bolt simply now says Africans to avoid the consequences of Section 18C. It is another way of saying he hasn't a clue what Nationalities are involved but they are black. African has become synonym for Somali and Sudanese. He is stereotyping and only selling an image which has passed it's use by date because the Apex Gang has morphed  into a very large multiracial gang of kids from a wide range of backgrounds including white Aussies. The police have made that clear enough but Bolt and Mulaka ignore it The ABC is informed by the police and isn't in the business Bolt is  that of defaming and vilifying particular ethnic groups. Particularly when Australia is multiracial and so is it's crime and crime rates.

The second ignorant assumption this Maluka makes is that all the Apex Gang are criminally involved or have criminal tendencies. Bolt simply sells this distortion that crime is potentially part and parcel of  all the community members in order  to say "who let them in" However when 10 persons are repeating crimes  and the statistics are collected for each of those crimes individually the community rate becomes biased and amplified. Three Kids have been charged recently for a "spree" which after the statistic collection will have amplified look like 30++ events

"How could viewers understand the reference to racism among the “vigilantes” without the ABC informing them which “race” was heavily involved in the crime spree?" Mulaka

What a Mulaka this Mulaka is NewsCorp and the media have been running a front page campaign simply based on assumption and selling of an African crime wave. They haven't been reporting all crimes in this city but only those purportedly committed by Africans. Even Bolt was advised not to specify the nationality because of Section 18C. Mulaka it seems has no such qualms in doing so. The activities of a few kids are publicized as a trend without any proof  or evidence trying to establish that fact is racist yes. If our police, our courts and our welfare organizations assume the same as a trend and act on the basis of those assumptions in dealing with individuals then the only trend happening is in fact racist and becoming institutionalized and  is in danger of becoming systemic. Mulaka is an indication that is what is happening, that there is a widespread crime spree  occurring and it's by  2 ethnic groups. The fear has had some parents sending their kids back to Africa simply because that racism is becoming more evident particularly coming from Mulakas like Mulaka and building resentment among their kids.  Yes Mulaka you potentially reap what you sow and it makes the likes of you and Bolt pushing kids to hit back.

Thanks for the ABC





Which just leaves Hartcher, Savva and the ABC… UPDATE: Scratch Hartcher

Pimping Abbott Like Caesar looking for massive turnaround off a small base Don't mention the preferred leader in the Polls it just might be an exploding prediction. I thought Berbardi with his  leader TA were going to start their own Conservative Party. That's as much a threat as MT won't see the term out at this stage. Only thing that can be said of Peter BH's blog it doesn't have  the massive spelling and grammatical errors Bolt always has.


The ayes have it

It's obvious Bolt is an incometant he's posted this blog twice pretending that he's working 70 hour weeks for the man.  12.30 and again at 3.30 approx . It's not his Troll Peter BH it's the man himself effen it all up. Time, spelling words basics and logic all gone to god.



 350 People talking to themselves at Bolt's Invitation yes an Exclusive Brethren that can only be called a base of a Party in Cloud Cuckoo Land. Sounds as fun was had at the Mad Blogger's Tea Party paying for Bolt's next Xmas holiday.

The majority of Australians would vote Bolt and Hanson out of a jobs too  and liberally cheer if it were possible. Unfortunately there are a small minority that wouldn't. I guess the 350 are also representative of those that would cheer the removal of Walled Aly too. However nearly 1 million per night would disagree. Funny how statistics can be used to color the truth. How is it Turnbull still remains preferred leader by a mile in the polls in a real random sample of Australians  polled unlike Bolt's biased infinitesimally small unrandom sample. Reason and logic give way to Bolt's blind faith.



Tips for Saturday, August 6

 Image result for Images of bad writers

The celebrity author Andrew Bolt can't spell, can't even make sense of the word he wants to use and all while he 's trying to call Paul Kelly a Hack . Imagine the quality of Butthead's book!!

 What is the meaning of POIONS?  Bolt tries be  informed and changes it POSITIONS then that doesn't fit either and he changes it  or POISONS it's more vitriolic. What a dumb arse Bolt is he really doesn't know what to say. After all this great professional writer doesn't know as he's just laid this red herring!! Paul Kelly has always had Bolt for breakfast. What a Peter Foster con this book is pay $30 and you get 2cents if your lucky of brain food that wouldn't feed and amoeba.

Paul Kelly switches poions

" with its poisonous assault on rational, honest debate and the quality of public policy — is now tangible in both indigenous and gender issues and was on display this week over the Northern Territory detention crisis… The politics of identity speaks to deep human need. Yet its application veers towards narcissism, censoring of public debate, vicious campaigns of intimidation and a diminished public square." Kelly

Did Andrew Bolt lay this red herring? 


Kelly is doing quite the opposite in saying that Bolt is trying to shut down informed debate. Where Kelly's emphasis is on "informed" debate all Bolt has been doing his best to distract from that. 

This issue stemmed from the public reporting of the Vita and Bath reports requested by the NT government and then buried. Any call  for an inquiry now, the cats out of the bag , and all Bolt can do is scream bias. What is bias was the initial silencing and not tabling of  the Vita and Bath reports  commenced years before and burying the information therein.

 Bolt called for "context" initially and tripped over his own mouth as context was clearly offered by previous reports which only resulted in  a deafening silence. Bolt's only answer now is a lie  that it's just  one case. Further that it's the fault of the 10 year old in the video who is  19 today. What bearing has what Dylan is today with the 10 year old in the video? What he is today is the result of the treatment Bolt's victims  the inexperienced, untrained part time guards 16 stone guards meted out to Voller when he was 10. Yes everyone wants an informed debate but Bolt it seems. The word  "informed" is missing as is Bolt's initial demand for context. Informed context is the last thing Bolt wants. He will try to lay more red herrings.

What is the meaning of Poions? Bolt's a professional writer and I bet he doesn't know!!



The ABC’s pet victim



How blind stupid and anal is Bolt. Dylan Voller didn't start his life as the 19 year old he is today.  The  videos of Voller show him as 10 year old not at 19. Yet the CEO of corrections an adult a senior public servant has the gall to call the 10 year old a "little mongrel" for spitting. How is it Voller was always in detention on remand and never in diversion programs? How many times has he just been punished? If he's so uncontrollable and has a mental problem why is he in the hands of corrections in the first instance? How is it he's in prison and not in hospital?

Bolt provides answers without context the very complaint he had against the ABC when the videos were first aired and he's repeating what he declared then to be a fault. Today all Bolt is delivering are excuses and not  explanations.  Red Herrings and no longer a demand for inquiry. Bolt in fact shows why an inquiry is  necessary. The Vita and Bath report that this was a trend at Don Dale Bolt  makes it out to be just a one off case and and all he is is a poor opinionator. Vita and Howard are just a breakfast cereal to Andrew Bolt and not even mentioned, why? It's obvious!!

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