Monday 19 September 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 19/9/16; Media innuendo is all that's required. Never an apology, saying "I was wrong" Bolt believes he's wiser than the Dalai Lama on religious matters; Bolt proves himself to be a douche bag again;



Watch Hillary the "bombing" hypocrite in acti...

Image result for Images of gollum"Trump made the statement before local officials had publicly confirmed details of the incident or what caused the explosion. Typically, national political figures use caution when describing unfolding situations and law enforcement actions."

Watch Bolt reporting talk of the bombing he's even way ahead of Trump in his tactic .  Bolt was right into  mentioning Muslims and Allah out of the gate clubbing as many reports together to paint an impressionistic picture of an Islamist terror  attack even though there were  no facts to support him. He left a get out clause at the very end of his post in case he was wrong.  He followed Trump down that political line of building fear why? Simply because searching for truth serves him no political benefit and he knows with News Corp behind him he can.

  Has he since mentioned he was wrong no! Will he ever mention he was wrong no! He's simply deflected his stupidity onto Hilary Clinton as Trump did when  having started the birther rumours against Obama and admitting he really believed he was born in the USA. He then lied and tried to put the blame on Clinton for starting those rumors. Trump was so obviously bullshitting. However Andrew Bolt even surpasses Trump because he never admits he's wrong you can't grab golums they are too slimy and slippery. To quote Bolt "What a joke" but it's not Hilary.New York blast: Donald Trump declares ‘bomb went off’ and suggests link to terrorism before officials release details | The Independent 

 donald-trump-rally.jpg Some other undeclared truths that are a little more relevant than the BS  Exposed: How Trump built his empire with nearly $900 million in government handouts



Third of French Muslims want shariah law

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" This is alarming, and challenges a key assumption of our immigration policy - that immigrants inevitably assimilate. "

Imagine throughout our history if Catholics were condemned for wanting the Pope's encyclicals  incorporated into Australian Law. Catholics would have suffered the same accusations Bolt is directing at Muslims today. Tony Abbott would never have been allowed into Australia. Would Bolt have begun a huen cry  not to allow Catholic immigrants into the country? Imagine how many Australian women wanted Abortion laws changed would Bolt be crying for the immigration of women into Australia. Bolt's condemning Muslims who have arrived in Australia on the basis of their beliefs but not on the reality and the acceptance of Australian Law. I was lead to believe Australian beliefs weren't meant to to be so ham fisted as Bolt seems to be. If we tried to correlate Bolt's beliefs and our laws we'd find he was a maladjusted un assimilated dual passport holder. Why is he allowed to stay? So Bolt is calling for the policing of beliefs by immigration. However he goes even further from stupidity to ingnorance and bigotry being gay is not  a faith. It's further proof why there shouldn't be a need for a plebescite.


Why spend $200,000 a month to investigate the...

Today seems to be wacko day in the house of Bolt who doesn't believe women have been or are  still living life in a white male dominated society. No whether he believes it or not is of no real concern to him  it's just flipping the coin declaring white male men are oppressed. Flipping is the intellectual strategy and capacity of debating amoebas. No principle or analysis needed just a voice that needs to be anti Turnbull why? No reason needed just opposition.


US bombing kill Syrian soldiers. Russia explo...

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We make mistakes everyone else doesn't that's why Bolt believes in ISIS. We drop bombs on women and children because we are protecting them. If we are so accident prone might not the fact that we are there in the first place be wrong? How is it our enemies are fighting with made in the USA weapons it's just another mistake. When are mistakes regarded as excuses for being caught out fighting where we shouldn't be?  Australia is such a non event in this debate Bolt but is our media Trump demanding the escalation of these mistakes.


I meet the foreign minister of the Aboriginal...

Bolt's already flipping the argument and declaring himself the victim in an ABC  broadcast because of manner less hoons who are questioning his right to be on the show. Bolt has media power has criticized the ABC as an illegitimate broadcaster yet jumped to get on their show. There after he will use that privilege to declare he's been damaged by racists. It's called flipping. When the bullies in the schoolyard have no argument in their defense other than to declare that those who they deny are in fact hurting them. There is no reverse racism where there is no equality of power there is however legitimate anger expressed by the powerless.  Bolt is in fear of recognition of just that.

Conroy's silence explained: a mess when he ta...

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" he turns into a blubbering mess whenever he speaks publicly about his family." Hudson

Yes Bolt the workaholic jumps on and piggybacks on the work of a News Corp mate Philip Hudson who both seem to believe that if a man cries in public he's little more than a "girlie boy" rather than a human being and a part of a common humanity which of course Bolt claims we all are but fail to recognize in in the course of identity politics. It seems he's in the front line when committing the mistakes he blames others of doing. Bolt knows what a real man is and Conroy doesn't fit his stereotype. Bolt really is a douche bag.

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Stabbings, explosions in possible terrorist a.Image result for Images of outliers

Andrew Bolt the Outlier

No facts required experts denied what Bolt feels free to do, bring fiction to the table and claim it as news. Like the con men and fraudsters of old he feels entitled to to sell a product which is guaranteed to make the hair on the back of your neck not only stand up but grow. Nevertheless Bolt will have left his stench behind as he intended. New York: Blast has no links to foreign ‘terrorism’ –

.  Bolt only confesses  not knowing the facts at the very end of each report. He has no intention of making anyone even children feel safe. Fear is the name of his game.  "Allah"  is placed in his very first line and "Muslim" in the second.  Why is Bolt trying to terrorize his readers rather than assure them as all the community leaders were doing that all was ok? Firstly Bolt is lending media support to the Fundamental Islamists he claims the Left are supporting. His purpose is to destroy any sense of cohesion that exists in our diverse society. If you consider he does the same now of disparaging the Chinese, the Indigenous, the Poor, the LGBTIs and the Muslims he's literally denying over 20% of Australians. Who is the outlier the outsider here?Andrew Bolt believes he’s wiser on religious matters than the Dalai Lama


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