Tuesday 20 September 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,20/9/16; Bolt is yes such a victim; USA Justice our way; White men are brought in for questioning. Muslims are arrested and most hated;


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Twitter in maximum hate!

 Image result for Image of the weakest link

Bolt was a little boy lost in NZ and his irrationality was amplified by the Fijian Constitutional lawyer  in Canberra who laughed at his efforts to say he was indigenous too. Bolt was told by James Bolger that his denial of history was a denial not of himself but the denial of his place on this planet in fear that if he recognized the context of his past he might lose something. Bolger and the two NZ Maoris were right he'd lose some of the me he so desperately hangs on to afraid it might just be replaced by some of the we he runs away from. Bolt was lost the people he met so much brighter by a mile. Sorry Bolt you weren't the victim but you were the weakest link.


Fran Kelly and me: balance on the ABC

Poor Bolt he really does fail to impress when he's not being over produced. He really does believe his own publicity though. The problem being he seemed to be the fish out of water. Where were all those deprived uneducated Aborigines and Maoris? They were all the ones that called him out for what he is an Assimilationist. He simply didn't get it and still doesn't We are a country of mixed cultures and we accept  and benefit from it. Diverse cultures in fact mask the source of most of our social problems the widening income and wealth gaps caused by our economic system that doesn't benefit us all simply because it can't.



Ungracious Hinch should give up abusing "bunn...

Image result for images of a gift which is really a loan

Bolt's gift above is conditional but he will tell you later
 Bolt certainly shows he's Mr Ungracious about something he doesn't have the facts on. Gosh a reporter once let it be known that his son James worked for the IPA and Bolt threw a fit and that wasn't even just heresay. Hardly a gracious reaction to somebody doing what Bolt is doing here. But Bolt just making opinions about gossip he really knows nothing about.
 Does Bolt have instructions for transplant recipients like how dare you have a relationship with a Muslim? .  The newly sighted might might be given instructions on what's appropriate to look at having been gifted a strict Christian's eyes.
Hinch was gifted with life his life only to find a bunch of moralists  on his back like puritanical god botherers. Worse not because of the known facts. Imagine if it were Waleed Aly and heaven help the control this man has over his kids their lives are his. Bolt's is never a gift that keeps on giving it's like  a loan when you don't know what even  the interest is. Shylock was much fairer than Bolt.


Hate-preaching ABC viewers abuse ABC for allo...

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If 80% of Australians trust the ABC it would suggest that the ABC viewers aren't only from the Left.  However by Bolt's  definition  the Left is those 80% of Australians. If you trust or support the ABC your definitely not a Boltonian. How is it the ALP haven't  been aware of this? Bolt's logic here is of a man crying victim, crying  and turning himself into a joke by defying  the statistics. They  are only too obvious when just 40 % trust News Corp and even fewer  Andrew Bolt and Sky News given their ratings. Yes Bolt flips he's a blind critic who simply can't abide  criticism and then can only whinge irrationally..


How dare the ABC let a white man speak?


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Bolt insists "I'm not responsible I'm indigenous too" "Why are you fearful of your country's history Andrew" Jim Bolger ex NZ PM  You are not Indigenous Andrew Bolt if you unconsciously have taken on aspects of Aboriginal culture it wouldn't be a deficit but a benefit for not just you. You are not just an individual history which you seem to deny so vehemently flows through you. I believe Bolt is hiding from his and I have my suspicions it's buried in guilt.

Why is it we haven't seen the students storming the barricades on this issue and it's only left to right wing commentators and conservatives to raise this issue? Bolt's not a student in fact he never really  ever was he hated campus life. Here he is spokesperson for the student body or critic of students in general?  As he is spokesperson for the indigenous because he too is indigenous. Bolt climbs into everybody's shoes but becomes the Sgt Major.

 His core bad  habit is flipping and not much more call him racist and your a racist. Call him a misogynist and your one too. By flipping he simply takes away the context,  history and social data and merely invites us to assume we have all arrived at this point of time by a natural state of social evolution with each of us  equal to lifes opportunities. He maintains that the social structures current today are based on a level playing field of opportunity. That that those claiming to be victims are simply there due to their own fault which is  obviously not the case. The social facts we see today and the data in no way suggests that the white way is the right way nor does it suggest that the male way is the right way or that the constitution we have in place today isn't racist. I have never seen Bolt ever address the issues of Clauses 51 & 52 of the Constitution that specifically refer to race. Why is that?

We always knew that Andrew Bolt was going to cry victim with regard his appearance on the socialist ABC the most trusted media organization in the country. Sounds as if Bolt feels he's part of a minority group and we know he is it's the privileged minority. Most of whom wouldn't even agree with him when he claims the history of Australia began with his birth and Bolt the the  dual passport holder  has no other place to call home. You can't get more reductionist than that. He claims to be more indigenous than Noel Pearson.

 Bolt expects Aborigines to give up their Dream Time but he on the other hand is entitled to keep his  his even though it's not entirely British. He can keep his cultural heritage and identity  because it hasn't held him back and he has a job.  What it boils down to is Aboriginal Culture  is the key to Aboriginal problems that 30+% without problems like Stan Grant have assimilated. For Bolt it's their Culture that stands as a barrier between the Indigenous and opportunity or simply work. However his Dutcheness didn't for him. However Bolt denies that the history of color or race has influenced the dysfunctions we all see today. Basically they are simply bludgers that  225 years of racist  lack of opportunity suffered  hasn't had anything to do with the conditions that exist today and it never has.  This is a bountiful country. Bolt never really explains how 750,000 jobless not all Aborigines can fill 150,000 jobs.  History is an anathema to Bolt because it puts a magnifying glass on how we arrived where we are

Bolt applies the same logic to the poor generally that the Culture of Poverty is what holds the unemployed and the under employed back. Central to his argument is that those on Welfare  single mothers, long term unemployed disabled or immigrants don't  lack  opportunity created by Capitalism it's the Culture of Poverty they have learnt to accept. Bolt somehow never associates lack of opportunity with the fact Australia is increasingly becoming indigenous. Forced into poverty a common  Culture develops and it's that Poverty  which is required to survive. Overcrowded housing homelessness poor health life skills change to accommodate the conditions they find themselves in. It's more sharing and socialist out of necessity when you don't own property don't have a bank account or can't afford decent clothes  with this comes concomitant problems more visible than what goes on behind Bolt's and his neighbors closed doors.  That's Bolt's distortion and distraction that all of this is a life style choice.

  Noel Pearson, Stan Grant and most indigenous aren't confused fighting amongst each other as Bolt suggests they are Australians and they are as diverse as Australia is. Yes some would like some recognition of their history but they don't believe it will change anything Others basically don't give a shit about recognition and agree with Bolt on that. However is it too much to have the current racist Clauses removed? Bolt's silent on that. Bolt loves to promote disunity divide pretending there is some  mythical unity among  some white Australians there is but is the very acceptance of our diversity which doesn't a divide us but unites us to the chagrin of extremists among us. What's in denial is our economic system that ensures that inequality will continue to grow and more and more will find it  impossible to cope. Why Bolt thinks the unemployed the the underemployed and the casualized will disappear defies logic. If Bolt believes he would be where he is today if black is insanity.

Given all of this the ABC spent the funds to allow Bolt to stand up and say nothing but flip and be the victim he was always going to be

 Message: ‘Hell’ Was Invented By The Church To Control People With Fear! Conservatives believe the same method still applies.



Two expat women in Beijing attacked by mentally unstable Chinese woman with a meat cleaver: Shanghaiist


Andrew Bolt won't be calling her a terrorist or will he there are Muslims in China and there are Chinese there also. He might report this as a reason to ban Chinese immigration from Australia though. 

 After Terror Attacks, Fox News Brings On Anti-Muslim Fearmongers To Push Lies And Anti-Refugee Rhetoric

Fox News is providing a platform for conservatives to spread misinformation about refugees and stoke anti-Muslim fears following a series of apparent terror attacks around the country. Fox’s open-door policy for fear mongers is in keeping with the network’s disconcerting history as a source of Islamophobia and anti-immigrant and anti-refugee

If bombing causes this sort of media reaction in the USA how is it they can't see that the bombing and killing of Syrians and Aghanis  coupled  with anti- Anti-Muslim fear mongering might have the same effect? We have labeling of product laws in Australia and the News needs to be taken out of News Corp,



Afghan Muslim arrested over New York bombings

What you won't hear from Bolt is that the cultivation of anger is an obvious product of mistakes and sorry doesn't cut it. Nor does Trump rhetoric. Having killed 90 Syrians

 US airstrike kills at least seven Afghan police officers in Uruzgan | US news | The Guardian

 Just another oops from the red white and blue.

It seems life is no guessing game for Andrew Bolt. "the police took in a man for questioning" No he was "arrested over the NY bombings" and now has to prove his innocence. The Golum Andrew Bolt has stuck it head up over the surface of sewerage again. 

 According to Andrew Bolt in Australia only the white employed middle and upper class citizens are deserving of British justice, innocent until proven guilty. The rest are guilty even though not arrested and charged yet if they are  must prove their innocence. Bolt and his band of travelers remind us of the Trumpians. Not your average Trump supporter though  but more like the calibre of Eddie  a" how dare you call me deplorable bitch"  "I'm going with the world best  business man"


Eddie Williamson

Yesterday 23:25
He's far better for AMERICA than the left side bastatds and bitch....only two players in the game..Killary the career criminal(I hope this bitch... ISLAM'S WHORE....DIES VERY SOON)...AND PREDIDENT TRUMP...a true business man...I'm voting for the man who wants me to have my rights as an AMERICAN under the Constitution of the USA...and live FREE from the reign of terrorist whether they be foreign or domestic....and to make this country the strong MILITARY POWER that no one wants to FUCK WITH...
 Image result for Images of Trump supporters

The US with the help of Australia has recruited Syrians to add to their permanently guilty list having oops bombed and killed 90 of their family and friends  and a further 7 in Afghanistan with more to come. The Saudis are dropping made in the USA bombs on the Yemenis with many Oopses occurring there as well. As far as Bolt is concerned 'sorry 'should be enough for these mistakes made by the boys in the red white and blue. What more do the Syrians and Aghanis want blood?



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