Saturday 24 September 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 24/9/16; Bolt is Flipper no argument; The real pain of debt; The religion of Quadrant vs Science; Bolt flipping racism; Plagiarising Lomborg; Bolt putting the Brurk in Burkini; Oh dear Bolt weeping again;

What Australia Needs is a Justin Trudeau Video

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Media buries lead that exposes the racists


Image result for Pics of reverse racism

The media certainly buries the truth that policing in the USA is the systemic and institutionalized killing of blacks. Trump declared this wasn't a case of either reverse racism or racism at all but a drug problem. Bolt avoids the statistics and the differential rate of police killing in the US by being selective about even recent events. The 13 year old shot and the unarmed man shot and policewoman charged with manslaughter these cases don't sit well with him so they are ignored. No Bolt selects Charlotte because the cop was black ,riots were going on and whites were being harassed. Now that's proof of reverse racism. No Bolt that's intellectual flipping the argument turning serious and real matters into a game a moot a schoolboy debate a Socrates exercise but it has little or nothing to do wit reality.

 Flipping Arguments Bolt's core tactic
 The power move in the Socratic classroom is to ask a student who has committed to a particular argument for a few minutes (or more) to “flip it,” i.e., assume the opposite position based on the same facts. This facility is obviously healthy for a practicing lawyer, but it sure is irritating elsewhere. It's based on games and the belief for one moment that all arguments are equally as good
  But not everything has two or more sides. Some issues are complicated, but some are not. And some dangers are profound and grave enough that putting a stop to them is infinitely more important than engaging in fun and triviality intellectual games  that are at the core of Bolt's flips designed to show how serious and studious and intellectually dexterous he is at debating games only. Flipping is merely a form of deflection. People should rightly see this mere practiced intellectually dexterity as hypocrisy or simply incoherence where Bolt's concerned.

" Why are white journalists so scared to expose black racists? That is itself a form of racism.Call out bigotry, regardless of color."

The history of systemic racism is written in the statistics of American policing since slavery. It's written in the reality of private prisons that were the modern cotton fields and the 21st Century Chain gangs where corporate profits were being made and there was always a need for labor at 75cents per hour. It's written in the likelihood of young black men being shot by police is x10 than young whites of the same age and not because they were criminals but black. No such history trend or social data can be found the reverse of these social facts that lead to the why Charlotte is on fire today. There is black racial prejudice but prejudice isn't systemic racism. Bolt is simply more intrested in the debating game of flipping. Follow him long enough and you come to realize what an empty bag of wind he actually is. Bolt learns from others and is so unoriginal.

 WATCH: Three Minutes Of Race Baiting From CNN’s Paid “Law Enforcement Analyst” Harry Houck

 CNN Law Enforcement Analyst: Outrage Over Terence Crutcher Shooting Is Part Of "The War On Police"



Debt? Nah, we'll be right. Ignore these warni...

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Economics not Bolt's field so he's called in Peter the Troll to try to tell us the world's caving in because the government is in debt. The fact is personal debt is a far greater problem in a country that's increasing unemployment, under employment increasing the casualization of labor and making  457 Visas easier to gain. Along with fudging the figures to deny the fact. The push for balancing the budget will without doubt punish the average Australian severely. Australian credit card debt is the highest in the world. When banks borrow from you at 2.75% and charge you 22.5% for borrowing from them something stinks in paradise and it hurts. That's not the government deficit. If you feel squeezed how come banks are still making record profits in hard times?



Science body now run by a Leftist activist in...

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Bolt turns to Quadrant's Tony Thomas to slime science once again. As if declaring it to be a Religion wasn't enough. Now they declare like Scientology the Science Body is run by a body of Ideologues. Not only that but all Australian institutions are. The LNP is only a government in name and isn't in control of the country. Well I agree the LNP are out of control but our institutions  aren't running it. Paranoia is something the extreme conservatives live with on a daily basis and they spend an inordinate amount of energy selling it. Yes they are a very small minority and yes their backs are to the wall but that's where they like to reside. 


White lives matter, too

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No race riots against this murder involving African Americans? No shops trashed? Policemen attacked? What could possibly explain the difference?
24 Sep

Bolt trying to use statistics there are five times more blacks than whites in the US." Bolt ????

" an African American in the US is 10 times more likely a white than a white American a black." Bolt ????

 Bolt logic Now that makes sense doesn't it!!  There were 8.500 gun deaths by police in 2015 1500 African Americans. 3% of the US pop is black but 20% of the deaths are black. Of those shot 17% more whites were  carrying a guns and armed. The probability of a young black between 18-34 being killed by cop is x10 greater than that white age group. They are the statistics and the meanig of systemic institutionalized racism. I haven't a clue what Bolt's statistics are symbolic of other than ignorance. There has never in the recorded history of America when the statistics indicate the reverse was the case.


Global warmists kill 1000 jobs, threaten powe...


Having sufficient ability to create cleaner power now it seems reasonable  to close the dirtiest of our coal powered stations in this state. However Bolt continues to do a Bjorn Lomborg. Somebody needs to attend to the question and ask why did we pay so much for a book review exercise this man did in the first place? After all the Danish government had dumped him as an unnecessary waste.

Under the FOI Act it's been revealed "Australia’s education department paid Bjørn Lomborg’s Copenhagen Consensus Centre $640,000 to help produce a report that claimed limiting world temperature increases to 2C was a “poor” use of money. The project explained its conclusions were “based on peer-reviewed analyses from 82 of the world’s top economists and 44 sector experts”. This actually does seems like a research  project that might be suitable for the assessment of  a third year university skills  hardly of $640k value. It smacks of old work merely being repeated and recycled for a new  situation Australia rather than anything original.

Having been promoted by the Aus government at the time it concluded " Other spending with “poor” returns included cutting outdoor air pollution, increasing protected biodiversity areas, better disaster resilience for the poor and reducing child marriages. "

Some environmental projects rated as good investments, with “more energy research” rating an $11 return, and phasing out fossil fuel subsidies likely to yield $15 or more.

Lomborg's CCC legacy it seems was to be out  to please everyone and not really stir the pot . However he left Bolt with the argument that dirty energy was cheap and therefore good no matter what potential damage it had for health, environment and the strangling of renewable clean energy projects. Why invest in the science  when and if it proves good in the future we can buy it then and investment in a healthier future later. It's the sort of argument Tobacco companies used to suggest trying to prevent smoking bans progressing. The argument's they are still putting foward today.  That things aren't as bad as new research was suggesting.

Where is Lomborg today? He seems to have vanished maybe Bolt needs to stop being Lomborgian as well as he's become extremely dated.

  Bjørn Lomborg centre got $640,000 for report saying limiting warming rise to 2C not worth it | Australia news | The Guardian


Burkini warriors should try their stunt in Sa...

 Burkini warriors should try their stunt in Saudi Arabia

 Gosh nobody seems offended like Andrew Bolt the girl must be waiting for her Andrew Bolt to rescue her. 
Strange isn't it all this fuss over a piece of cloth. Not so long ago Australian nuns were wearing almost the same thing. Remember our Saint from Fitzroy Mother Theresa how is it she wasn't forces to remove it. Appropriate dress is an issue that pops up here as much as the Burkini does but it's not Islamophobic. The only reason it gets Bolt's attention is it's Muslim. Bolt has no issue with some Greek and Italian customs where widows wear the modest symbol of black for the the rest of their lives after the death of their husbands. Not a peep from Bolt to see nuns frolicking on beaches or women in black.
Bolt is very much a man of symbols he's rarely seen without a formal jacket on he's regarded by some people as a  "suit" when in fact he's just a worker. He's neither a professional nor a boss he's a man in disguise. However his prejudice against other cultures and his assimilationist mind set  makes him seem envious of totalitarian states like Saudi Arabia. He too demands the rules of dress and manners be policed but only to his cultural standards. It's why he is so disturbed on how and why a piece of cloth is worn. He's seems he'd love to be  ISIS in Australia and ban the Burka


Shameful law means you can't comment on this

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All I can say in this Bolt theatrical bolt is little boy blue sulking over his conviction for not just vilification but lying in the same breath. Those Bolt  vilified identified themselves as Aboriginal their whole lives but Bolt tried to tell us otherwise. The judge in this in this case seems to have picked up on the difference that the person in question didn't.

Image result for Images of media liars

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