Wednesday 28 September 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 28/9/16, Politeness is just another class restraint; The self importance of Andrew Bolt; Anti Immigration in an Immigrant Land; Turnbull has changed things; Over produced Bolt says Trump is not produced enough;


A monstrous regiment of women

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 Bolt's blog might make sense to him but only to him as there is no link. So what is politeness to Bolt other than another set of rules to repress but not to inform. It's when style is more important than meaning.

 His obsession with politeness usually comes to the fore when the underdog or the oppressed cry out for help and might just be being heard. Then Bolt the bully boy turns to his audience and declares himself vindicated because of their impoliteness . Yes Bolt uses  style when it's devoid of  legitimate meaning or substance it just becomes another weapon in his armory. It was once the height of rudeness to talk politics and religion publicly. That makes Bolt the rudest of all people today according to that metric of behavior. Where would you expect an article about no harm in charm but the Spectator. Charm and ritual accompanied headmasters beating kids and saying this hurts me more than it hurts you. Charm is what accompanies rapists who say thankyou after the event and go on their merry way. Charm is what protects Bolt when he's present in public because it's a form of defense from a overly nervous man. Charm however doesn't extend to his writing when and where he becomes a brute like those ferals he supports in the UPF . The difference between rudeness they exhibit it is not to liberate, free and include but  repress , contain and exclude from a minority but not the majority of Australians. The danger however is they are generally better resourced than anyone to their left which today is 90% of the country.


Bernardi to Turnbull: do a Hanson

Remember the good old days when Abbott had Hanson thrown in jail and John Howard stole her policies. Bernardi and Bolt can only wish for the same now. They can't however be seen to advocate the same now. Now even Abbott turned  to her and said Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa. The trouble  is the conservatives have sold the fear but failed to reap the rewards.



No wonder the Guardian wants me silenced

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 I think it's extremely ego driven to believe it's Andrew Bolt that has swung Australia around if they have swung at all. What the majority first people  want is not just a symbolic change but a material change and want to be involved in it.  Racial clauses already exist in the Constitution but they aren't beneficial.  The however  history shows these clauses allowed for laws to be passed without consultation purely on race and without benefit. Bolt rarely raises this aspect of the Constitution and when raised  he is happy to see them removed because without that compromise he'd be a hypocrite. 

The trouble is the Constitution and Treaty aren't mutually exclusive the Constitution is  a document that supports the way laws are drawn up. Currently it's a racial document because it allows for non beneficial laws to be passed and history is evidence of that. However Treaties entails recognition of the other and laws  formed in agreement and not  by one party alone. Australia remains the only Commonwealth Country the only Settler Nation without a Treaty with their indigenous peoples. What Bolt failed to do on Recognition Yes or No  is to prove why changes aren't necessary.

 1)  He denies history 2) Currently the Constitution is what Bolt claims racist   3) Bolt  insists he is more indigenous than the majority of First Peoples .  He wasn't regarded too clever  by others in that show. In fact he came across as a polite dick.Mirror, mirror | The Monthly

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Isn't immigration so enriching?

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 Bolt is a one trick pony isn't he? " Is our immigration program good for  Australians?" It's as if immigration is some new recent policy that's just emerged in this country and it needs to be questioned.  However immigration is what defines this country after all we are a Settler Nation. We are an immigrant nation and most of all a multicultural nation at that. Therefore every aspect of this country reflects that even our crime.  Bolt is trying to turn a Zebra into a horse. It's Bolt's habit to raise circular arguments declare them as proof and be called "articulate" You might be articulate but when your logic is flawed as Bolt's your best described as a spin doctor.

 Here Bolt turns to surnames  particularly those which aren't of Anglo Saxon origin. To suggest Australians with odd names  commit crimes is an indication of a fault is to deny we are a multicultural country. Of course we do have mixed names as 50% are Immigrant connected to recent arrivals of one generation even Andrew Bolt is. He too is a convicted person and Bolt could support his narrative.  In his case I'll make  an exception  and agree with him  and ask whether or not his parent's arrival was been good for us. 

Bolt should watch Dateline and see what Canadians do to resettle refugees.



Turnbull destroys his own argument on plebisc...

Peter BH is the Blogger here Not Bolt


Has Turnbull diluted the Liberal positions once held by Abbott yes of course he has. Because Abbott Mr No No No was heading for an election reversal and a loss. Turnbull's legacy has been to soften the Abbott policies. Many if one recalls were lies anyway so what we were faced with was a PM who'd lied to the Nation looked a clown internationally and had a record of passing bills not seen since John Gorton. So yes when over 60% of Australians support equality. There seems no point of wasting $200 mill not over 10 years but in one big hit. Bolt who is so spending conscious would it seems be happy to spend any amount on this exercise. Turnbull isn't losing anything but he has been changing everything. It's why he's still preferred PM. By the way why is Julie Bishop ahead of Abbott on that score as well?


Trump says moderator unfair


Rehearsing better responses, being better produced, unfair moderator, bad microphone. Is this the sound of whingers or potential leaders? Is  sound of people  blaming the umpire all they have got. Trump also turned to polls that said he won and media that supports him no matter what like Fox. Shows that gain ratings from Bolt the reality TV hopeful, There is no doubt Trump gets the attention.  Turnbull doesn't Abbott still does why? Remember all the gaffes Abbott made  gaffes that were shown around the world.  People  would prefer to  be entertained. Remember when Abbott was caught dumb struck on TV or when he was in Canadia.  It's these events that won him the publicity. When it gets rough  News Corp is always there to help because after all he is their cash cow. "Fair enough, the questions were indeed skewed, but it's sad that Trump had not rehearsed better responses." Bolt.  It's a show and the worst showman of all is giving Trump advice. Bolt is the most over produced personality on TV and he's telling Trump what to do? Get away!!

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