Tuesday 27 September 2016

Bolt's Blog,27/9/16, Media the real Bolt revealed; Homs Bolt believes refugees aren't real; Maurice Newman; Israel backer Bolt and free speech; Chicken Little; Question for Andrew Bolt;

Any one Claims Refugees aren’t real Video

Question for White Racists Video


Clinton wins, but does Trump gain?


 Bolt starts his description of the bout as if Trump was the star

"Trump clearly won the first third of the debate, so much so that Clinton kept yelling to her fact-checkers for help.
He clobbered her as someone who'd been part of the political class for 30 years - a political class now despised. He clearly exposed her as weak on trade deals that Trump claimed were unfair and had sent manufacturing jobs overseas. He did a Bernie Sanders on her."
However eventually he had arrive at some some semblance of truth
"Trump was not knocked out by any means. But another debate or two like that and he might be."
It must have been bad
Clinton stays calm while Trump loses cool during first presidential debate
 Clinton puts Trump on defensive in blistering debate 
 Trump interrupted Clinton 51 times at the debate. She interrupted him ...

"Yet history is solid with evidence that this agenda will never deliver the promised human dignity, prosperity and liberty. Only free and open societies with small governments can do that." MN One only needs to ask who created the MP's offices filled with under 30s speech writers and spin doctors and strategists? It wasn't the Labour Party. But never the less the offices of Cabinet Ministers and Senators today are  filled  a brat pack of advisers and that " increasingly respected leader Turnbull deposed Tony Abbott was up to his neck in  them. This is what Maurice Newman calls small Government. Sitting with the Abbott government up close and personal were the IPA, News Corp, the Mining lobby, the Banking and Finance lobbyists etc etc etc insuring Corporate infulence above and beyond any representational Democracy. More heads than one can imagine with pockets full of money  were present to insure their masters goals will be achieved.  Where have all the Liberal mates ex MPs and ministers gone but to the land of whisperers in the ears of Ministers. There has never been a time in history when Corporations were more dominant in our politics and Newman calls this small government.
The notion "your news and views come from a tightly controlled, left-wing media echo chamber," is ludicrous when you ask who owns the print media in Australia 70% of it  is Rupert Murdoch's. Who owns a this fast dying industry propped up by the profits of Foxtel Rupert Murdoch. His influence is global. Who has insured the death of  real journalists in favor of the clickbait bloggers and cash for comment page boys like Andrew Bolt Rupert Murdoch. Condensed non news provided by  the likes of  Andrew Bolt  has replaced real news in this new world of influence. These click baiters ride on the backs of the few real journalists left and then spend their time shaping and distorting what was news into paid commentary which is in fact a polite term for  propaganda. It's the very reason we need SBS and the ABC to protect us from their advertising.
"members of the better educated and morally superior political class use a compliant media to shelter us from the dangerous, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, sexist, welfare-reforming, climate-change denying bigots who inhabit the outer suburbs and countryside — the people whom Hillary Clinton calls “the deplorables”. Who are these brave knights of the pen where do they reside to keep us protected from the uneducated trained apes who dance to the Murdoch and corporate tune of Kaching. These are the increasing number of independants supported not by Corporations but by the people of the electorates.

Obama's warming alarmism buried in record cro...

 The article Bolt is quoting from also says the grains wheat corn and soya bean are signs that CO2  in the atmosphere is increasing so while crops are producing higher yeilds the quality has dropped and in some cases made crops unsuitable for consumption. Bolt only takes what he wants from any one message and not every thing. Bigger crops at this stage of our knowledge fails to disprove the science.

Hanson backs Abbott saving

"By the way: has Malcolm Turnbull thought of any big savings himself? Or is he still trading off the work done by Tony Abbott?" Sorry Bolt Abbott doesn't own the current LNP policies He took on board policies left by Howard and even Rudd policies best described as the IPA's and policies that were never negotiated. Call them what you will but they certainly weren't just Abbott's. Today might be a new day but it's a only a fool who says it belongs to yesterday


Trigger warning proves this uni is shot

"How stupid, how feeble - and how much of a precursor to censorship - is this sign at the Hofstra University, warning nervous students who might be shocked to see a TV screen showing Donald Trump debate Hillary Clinton?"
So Bolt is concerned about censorship yet he has never said anything negative about  Israel where real censorship does exist and not censorship of the trivial kind which Bolt finds so important IDF Censor redacts 1 in 5 articles it reviews for publication | +972 Magazine
Watch this and ask yourself why we need the ABC rather than clickbait Bolt Media by John Oliver Funny but True

Turnbull plummets; Labor's largest lead

 Nothing has changed .  Even Bolt realizes  he can't be seen to be Abbott's spin doctor. He needs to finesse it. "So the slide continues:" "So who should be the next Liberal leader? And when? This is what Bolt calls finessing it. Australian Survivor is more exciting to watch than Andrew Bolt's Abbott alliance.


Warning: Even Ken Henry says we spend too muc...

 Image result for Images of chicken little

Straight from the mouth of the IPA. For how long has Chicken Little been telling us we are about to lose our AAA rating and each time it hasn't happened. Does this rating deserve the attention Bolt and the IPA give it? Does debt deserve the attention we give it. How many world governments aren't in debt? If the world is in debt who do we owe the money to? Henry isn't saying much at all it's Judith Sloan who is doing all the talking and she writes for the IPA who have a strong investment in the coalition remaining in power. Sooner or later they will hit the barn wall maybe if locke inside.

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