Saturday 17 September 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,17/9/16; Bolt's all style but no substance; Credibility Zero; Flipping arguments is no argument; Intransigence of the conservative mind;


Rudd threat to crush media.critics

 Bolt's not working he's just repeating old posts  and filling space. He's cheating you his paymaster and himself is the excercise. Another ad from Bolt

Women High Waist Slimming Body Corset Control Shaper Breathable Girdle

More Buddhists? Then why are Muslims more tro...

More Buddhists? Then why are Muslims more trouble?
Here Are Some Of The Ways Pauline Hanson’s Speech Wasn’t Quite Right
  If you want a response from the Muslim community, first understand it 
Why does Bolt allow ads of womens see through knickers and other inappropriate items on his posts like this  male urinal pee holder bag alongside an image of praying Muslims and he says he's not racist.  He  is  Australia's Shame.

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Christians threatened by same-sex hate-preach...

What would Andrew Bolt do if he couldn't flip a statement. Andrew Bolt applies flipping as ten year old does in a school yard argument. It the power of his intellect. I called out for being racist he'll call you a racists for calling him one. He's a sexist no your one for calling him one. If called out for Muslim hate preaching no your the hate preacher threatening the good Christian. That's Bolt logic he doesn't really care for the search for truths  fairness or even the notion of equality it's simply about propaganda sloganeering without analysis.

You don't believe me here is an example of flipping. "The Left claims a debate on gay marriage will unleash the haters. But these hypocrites meant themselves " Bolt logic

Propaganda on the other hand needs access to resources and as such it can't appear to be up close and personal. So Bolt points to his manners and the politeness of his flipping but masks the fact that it's purpose is to oppose any drive for equality. When the Left are generally under resourced and less mannered but their purpose is to promote equality. Manners have always been a tool of those in power and have masked the true intentions and nature of their actions to oppress the less powerful

Here is Bolt doing exactly that and running an argument against style rather than even broaching the meaning and reason the argument is being held in the first place.  Bolt is flipping and deflcting from the substantive issue of equality. Why are traditionalists so averse to fairness?

"As I wrote this week:  Who exactly is doing the worst of this “hate speech”?... Bolt

" Don’t dismiss these worries as far-fetched. See how same-sex marriage crusaders are acting already. What makes you think victory will make them stop?"


Don't fly like this "refugee" did

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Justice Mordecai Bromberg judged Andrew Bolt

Wow Andrew Bolt stood in front of Judge Mordecai Bromberg and he had all the ID in the world together with a team of lawyers that cost News Corp an arm and a leg. With all the days of defense Mordecai came up with the conclusion "Story credibility: zero." All refugees have doubtful stories which are assessed Mordecai Bromberg didn't begin his assessment of Andrew Bolt with "credibility zero" he ended with it. Bolt knows the stories told in Australian courts many are varied to the max and magistrates and judges are there to assess them Bolt isn't. In Bolt's society justice has no place it would be replaced by opinion and personal preferences of the magistrates wow!!


Don't dare answer. The Racial Discrimination ...

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 Flipping the argument again racial discrimination isn't about the question it's about the context within which that question is being asked. It's not about a simple debate on a presumed equal playing field. It's about an unfair debate on an unequal playing field. Racial Discrimination can't be flipped without of course denying it exists and has existed for 225 years and the consequences that holds for today. Bolt has been known to say he is as much a first person in Australia as Aborigines are. That's not just flipping but that's flipping out in cloud cuckoo land


Super stuff-up, not triumph

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Economics Bolt has to turn to Peter BH his troll who hand balls it to Judith Sloan of the IPA what a conservative group ready to call it a Turnbull failure rather than a success. You see conservatives all stand behind Abbott Mf Nope Nope Nope. They prefer to get nothing done rather than come to any sort of compromise. That's why the Abbott government passed 100 Bills less than Julia and almost broke John Gorton's for ineffective performance . As an objective measure we the electorate were paying for a government that was in effect getting nothing done. But then Conservatives are all about getting nothing done saying no to everything that not 100% in their interests. Like spoilt children they'd break everything rather than share it. That's why they'd choke before congratulating MT.

"But by dropping just one ill-judged part of the policy, the government thinks it can get away with pushing through the rest of it. The dopey backbenchers clearly have been duped into accepting it, even those new members who maintained a commitment to lower taxation and small government before they were elected..." Sloan

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