Friday 16 September 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 16/9/16 ; Who are great ISIS supporters in Australia Bolt is; When ignorance maskes racism; In memory of Abbott;


Sydney stabbing. Which religion does the ABC ...

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What is more significant but not mentioned is Khan was known to police and was not a terror suspect . He was Known to be a Paranoid Schizophrenic . Had he been white right wing and Australian yelling Jesus Bolt would never have posted it let considered it the act of a terrorist. He would have declared it the act of a man with a serious mental illness. No for Andrew Bolt the word Muslim explains all. This obsession of Bolt's brings into question whether or not there is an element of OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Andrew Bolt's behaviours.


Irish same sex vote - suicides actually fell

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In fact, check out the Irish suicide figures above. Ireland voted in May last year to allow same-sex marriage. Suicide rates last year – albeit for all people, regardless of sexuality = were the lowest in the 15 years for which I have records. They were the second lowest in the year before the vote

The suicide rate in Ireland had been falling for the past two years and not for LGBTIs alone so Bolt has no reason 1 to suggest a correlation exists between the vote and any specific or general vote on same sex marriage. Furthermore Bolt has no basis to believe a predominantly Catholic country would mirror what will happen here in a country of very mixed religions with the Christians falling in church attendance. Bolts use of statistics is beyond the point of relevance trying to make any comparisons with Ireland. 

"Labor claims we cannot have a public vote on same-sex marriage because gays might kill themselves, but the Irish show suicides overall were way down in the year they voted." No Bolt Shorten didn't say that what he did say was
“The idea of young people, perhaps yet to come out, seeing the legitimacy of their identity debated on the national stage, that is not an ideal which we should inflict on any citizen when we have a better path,” The risk to the young uncertain children should not be tested by a public debate over the morals of sexuality particularly the vicious messages we have already seen put to the public by the extreme  conservative traditionalists. Shorten isn't prepared to gamble on the risk Bolt of course is.



More Buddhists? Then why are Muslims more tro...


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What an ignorant statement to make Buddhists come in all sorts shapes and forms many I know are converted ex- Christians. Hindus and Buddhists have been on record to have committed both rape and murder. However more often than not like Christians their religions aren't attached to their crimes.  Their crimes are regarded for what they are crimes and not religious acts. Muslims weren't put under the magnifying glass either until the coalition under John Howard began the exercise and Tony Abbott   like a duck to water took it to another level. The Cronulla riots indicated just what could be achieved by dividing the electorate with the aid of the media. Back then it was Alan Jones accused of making the noise. That's why it's been so easy to see the exercise for what it is a political ploy. Media  assistance is now supplied by Andrew Bolt and ever so willingly. Had the same calculated bigotry been applied to Hindus and Buddhists the same level of anger might have been witnessed. Had the worlds of both inspired invasions and bombings by us does  Bolt really believe no greater reaction would be the outcome? 

Here Are Some Of The Ways Pauline Hanson’s Speech Wasn’t Quite Right
  If you want a response from the Muslim community, first understand it | Mostafa Rachwan
This is the the opposite of what Andrew Bolt does the professional he is he would never ask a Muslim for their opinion would he.  No he turns to another white Christian to criticize Flitton in The Age. What a joke he is if try to consider him as a freelance journalist in India. The man came home an abject failure
  "Hmm. More Buddhists? So why are all the people jailed for terrorism offenses Muslim, and none Buddhist?" Bolt He goes even further and asks why aren't we appeasing Buddhists? Appeasement for what interfering in their National politics? Saying sorry for not bombing them? Is Bolt for real do we need to appease them for the lack of welcomed attention we have paid them. Oh yes that seems so Bolt! He has them home on the weekends he's so guilty. By the way Bolt also makes up his facts to fit his story. Indians, Hindus have exceeded the rate of immigration from any one country Muslim is not to my knowledge a nationality but Bolt seems to want to club them that way as if they are all of one culture.

Bolt has never mentioned Tony Abbott's role in having Hanson jailed. Apparently Tony Abbott's public apology in 2016 was sufficient to put everything behind Hanson and the Liberals. That she in fact is now highly admired despite the fact her policies haven't really changed in 20 years. What  it does show is the Liberal Party has lost favor and had Abbott lead them to the election Hanson would have even had stronger grounds on which gain support. A direct reminder of Abbott's bullying past for which Bolt has been his strongest defender. He certainly wouldn't been in praise of Hanson then as he is now. It's why he makes himself so two faced. Bolt gets paid for his bullshit and has a megaphone to do it. With all his resources the Bolt Report rates so badly against that Muslim Gold Logie winner Waleed Aly. 




Posting support for the Islamic State is no j...

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 Bolt has no qualms in blindly supporting Israel whose Ministers and Generals have publicly supported ISIS and other terrorist groups. It seems when the government does support the freedom of ideas as in this case Bolt gets a tetch upset that it's not his ideas supported.  He finds no contradiction in Israel supporting or announcing that  ISIS is good. 

Hasn't anyone noticed ISIS has left Israel and the Jews out of it's rhetoric. Which suggests when Jews have been attacked in Europe or elsewhere it may be by people inspired by ISIS but not at ISIS's directive as Bolt has always insisted. Further if Bolt supports Israel isn't he in fact supporting ISIS?

  "Joke or not, the post had the potential to ruin Aerocare's business. Why should it employ this guy for a day longer?" How much have lawyers spent on protecting Andrew Bolt and News Corp from his opinions and commentaries? Doesn't he always run "the potential"  of damaging the News Corp image? The  fact is we all have a potential, of over stepping the mark. So shouldn't  we all be sacked? Aren't  we duty bound to break ties with Israel because that State is constantly overstepping what we believe to be the mark? Itsrael aids and assists who we call terrorists. Isn't  Bolt's support  for it  totally hypocritical?Intelligence Chief Admits Israel Prefers ISIS Over Assad In Syria |



Council revolts: no to the new racism

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  Bolt's dancing on the graves of traditional owners because Bolt prefers the idea of Terra Nulus and the fact that he is as much a traditional owner as anyone born after him. That's the intelligence of this man who really only believes history doesn't really extend beyond him and it's Christian ,Western. and European. Bolt applauds a Liberal council for not adopting respect given to traditional owners  elsewhere because he declares it racist. Reverse racist in fact because those that insist it be done at council meetings are racist themselves and that's Bolt logic. 

" "When you treat one group differently to others that's exclusive," he said, adding "It's never been clear to me how we can recognise people based on race and not be racist." 

  However that's not the essence of racism which ignores the 225 year differential in power and mistreatment of the indigenous that went with the arrival of white western  and Christian forebears of the Councillors concerned. They simply want that reality forgotten in order to believe their positions  are simply earned  because on the day they they were truely the uninfluenced peoples choice.  It simply denies  the fact that if Bolt or they were black they or he wouldn't be where they are today. That the structure of privilege in this country is just an unfounded myth and if it exists it's not their responsibility.


Turnbull wants praise for having stopped bein...

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In memory of Abbott

This is what Abbott failed to do listen, taking him close to breaking John Gorton's record for the least Bills passed in over 50 years. Gillard passed 100 more Bills than Abbott who became known as Mr Nope  and got nothing done other than spend money.  Turnbull was made leader because of  Abbott's intransigence. Good on Turnbull he's been listening.

“We may have to negotiate on all of these matters. The one thing that is very clear is that you cannot expect to get legislation through the senate on a take it or leave it basis unless people agree with the proposition,” Mr Turnbull said.“I’m going to compromise, if I have to, with the members in the Senate,” he added, refusing to foreshadow any specific changes.  

  No this is not Bolt's blog it's his troll trying to appear more rational using cut paste articles from the IPA's Judith Sloan and some other News Corp vigilante hack Jennifer Hewitt. 

The Liberal party wanted a more consultative and collegiate leader and they have one. Even  the commentators including Bolt wanted Abbott to get the message and they kept begging for him to change. They shouldn't now be bickering about Turnbull for being called to service. They now along with all the Liberals  seem to have no direction and are all running about like headless chooks. Where is their team?


Bolt's ad for a book was surrounded by ads for everything other than his book distasteful ads to boot. The book being the biggest con on the site everything else had some genuine value . Maybe Bolt spat the dummy over those dirty embarrassing ads. What Bolt fails to realize he is the bigger embarrassment not the ads

Sarkozy a sceptic

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" The writer is horrified, but French presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy now thinks global warming is so clearly over-hyped that he no longer need disguise his scepticism:"

Bolt, Roberts , Abbott, and Sarkozy might be doubting Thomases but they are certainly not skeptics and they would be turned away by any Society of Skeptics if they tried to join. Skeptics are scientists who believe in the rational scientific method by which we have used science to come to understand our external the world. The rigourous and ongoing and peer reviewed testing isn't in the search for universal laws but the progress of knowledge, Bolt and etal doubt in the efficacy of that scientific method as far as the world's climate is concerned. They don't seem to have any doubt about it's failure and  call climate science a religion they don't seem to do that with medicine or any other branch of science that uses the same method. However Bolt takes it even further he doesn't believe math or science ought to be compulsory subjects in our schools they should  only be be voluntary. As are  the education provided by Madrassas and fundamentalist Rabbinical schools. Which tends to suggest Bolt might just be a closet Creationist and not a skeptic at all.


Stealing from a dying woman. They walk among ...

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Well Andrew Bolt what have we discovered that Australia is a multiracial and multicultural country. These people who crossed the line weren't African, Indigenous, Muslim, or even refugee immigrants they were Australian as are all these other black white or brindle Australians you deny are or at least allowed to be. What they might have in common with other Australians is that might have crossed this line  and  took a perceived opportunity which broke the law. Crime in a multicultural country is multicultural. Crime in a mono cultural country is mono cultural both simply seem a tautology. Crime in a fascist country like Israel is more often than not committed and  State endorsed. How strange is that Andrew Bolt? However while color or ethnicity isn't of primary concern  here they certainly are the centre of Bolt's complaints. In the next blog seems poverty and poverty programs we might be running are letting us down more than Andrew Bolt is letting on.


Pregnant woman attacked: refugee program agai...

 "This attack - this time on pregnant woman - is just one of several reported this week."

"When will Victoria Police stop playing down the extent of crime by the children of African refugees?"

Could anything be more amplified than Andrew Bolt listing all the incidents of crimes which may or may not have been committed by the same people sound as if they are the actions of all the African refugee communities. Who it seems  are the equivalent of terrorists running wild through Melbourne. It's a narrative that sits alongside Pauline Hansons cry of 20 years ago that we were being swamped by Asians and her cry today that we are being swamped by Muslims. Bolt wants you to know the streets of Melbourne have been swamped by Africans.

1 How come it's a Melbourne specific problem and no other cities are reporting this issue?  African refugees aren't just in Melbourne. How come it's not reported in any other parts of Australia? Well for one our intrepid racist Andrew Bolt is determined to tell us being black African and a refugee is the problem and he's the  voice with the megaphone pointing the bone of racism at an unspecific community called African that's as diverse as Australia is and  of which he knows little or nothing about. He's reductionist disparagement of the peoples of the continent of Africa is as moronic as anyone saying Andrew Bolt represents the opinion of Dutch Australians here.

2 Africans are not a specific  ethnic group, race, religion or even nationality yet suffice it to say like Hanson and her Asians  Bolt with his Africans and Muslims they both see fit to declare an amorphous group of people persona non gratis here and if you added them all up is probably over 20% of us. Bolt has a specific problem with race color and religion and so has Hanson. The difference between the two Bolt is adamant that our refugee  resettlement policies have no place for his Africans and Muslims and Hanson is even broader  in her opinions . She simply applies it to all non whites non Christian Europeans with  only an open door policy for the British.

3 It seems all these people are weakening our Culture and don't want to integrate proof they can't be seen in our parliaments, pubs, or churches. They don't shop at Safeways and have their own shops which is a proof of weakening our tightly held culture. Neither Bolt or Hanson are Church goers and I doubt you will see them in our pubs either. So which group do they belong? Yes some of these people are bi-lingual even tri- lingual which leaves  a  mono linguist like Hanson to call them uneducated.  What skills does Hanson bring to the table that these refugees don't have. Neither Bolt or Hanson have any interest in the backgrounds of these people yet Bolt keeps saying it unfair to stereotype him he has a personal story to tell.  They however do have a special interest   the narrative they have  created because it serves only their political interests and no truth.  The louder they can make it the better even when the facts don't support their delusion. It's the unsubstantiated lies that need policing as  they do in a wide range of areas not just  in section 18C. Surely there needs to be some truth to what's being proffered.


 "The ABC version - the woman was attacked not by an African but by a hammer:"

Good on the ABC because the hammer was identified and not just suspected.


Fighting sexism with sexism

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Who calls this man child a public intellectual? He is a child whose idea of a debate is a carousel of insults, playing verbal ping pong with a schoolyard bully who got access to a megaphone.  If I said Bolt was a a brainless idiot his idea of a debate would be to pick up his loudspeaker and yell no your the brainless idiot back. You call him a racist because he represents the historic dominance of power over others of a different color and he comes back with no your a racist because your calling me a racist. He does the same with sexism, prejudice, segregation etc. For Bolt tautology, running in circles is debating.  There is nothing intellectual in that. He might be a public toilet but a public intellectual he's not he brings nothing to a debate. If you called him a child molester and he came back with no your one he might just be right. He is little more than an empty vessel in a suit and should simply be left alone.

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