Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog 2/11/16; Canada is the land we once were the land of a fair go; Bolt and egomania; The Trump Macine is FOX; How easy it'; Reading Bolt is like watching paint dry; Reverse Racism doesn't exist;

Canada takes the great immigration gamble

Image result for Image of a fair Go
Canada and NZ have overtaken Australia as countries most admired globally. Ready to give people a "fair go".   All Bolt the Assimilationist can say "Canada is the home of multiculturalism. We're now about to see it tested severely by its stars-in-the-eyes government. The effects over the next couple of generations should be noted carefully."Bolt 
1) Sorry Bolt Australia hasn't lost it's status as a home of Multiculturalism. It is a Multicultural Nation.
2) Canada, NZ, USA,& Australia aren't being tested at all.  Multiculturalism is what defines them . They are  however being tested yes by extreme conservative minorities many who are migrants themselves who want severe assimilation policies and programs to be representative of  us all . However they can't even define what  that means other than white,non Muslim and non Asian.  Bolt has a vague concept  that reflects himself  some vague Aryan brotherhood. The world has seen this before.  It's reminiscent of Germany, Sth Africa and these were once exceptions happy to be regarded as the new global pariahs if that's what  accompanies it it. Australia as far as Bolt and Hanson are concerned is not a South East Asian nation country but a European one. Not a humanist one at all but one that needs to be determined on the basis of cultural and genetic DNA.
3) Multicultural "effects" can be predicted now without the need to be "closely watched" or listed  by the likes of Andrew Bolt.  Assimilation  is equally predictable. Class and class differences will still exist as will crime  and dysfunction. Every aspect of a Multicultural Nation will reflected Multiculturaly as will every aspect of an Assimilated one.
 So basically Andrew Bolt is  just a distraction saying nothing other than disguising the issues of class , income and wealth divisions that drive much of the dysfunction we see today. However the most serious of crimes will remain unattended to and continue to be committed by the most powerful. Those will remain intentionally hidden by PR men like Andrew Bolt disguised but the deliverers of misinformation and not the most important needs of a Democracy news .  Thank God for the ABC.


Turnbull now gets the Abbott treatment from Fairfax

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How does Bolt know what was said between McGregor and Abbott? It seems McGregor has more public trust than Andrew Bolt these days.  So is it any wonder Bolt is simply doing what he is always doing grabbing onto the coat tails of some one and trying to steal their thunder. Is Bolt saying McGregor is a liar and that he knows the real truth? It seems to be just that. the Green monster is the driving force here with little or nothing being said by Bolt. That Abbott is content doing what backbenchers are meant to do.

 Latest Mark Knight cartoons


Trump against the machine

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 In Bolt's despotic universe who you vote for ought to determine you position and status in society winning or losing really count for nothing but the appropriate leader ought always be anti- progressive when and where the social and economic structure of individual relationships are concerned. Bosses should always be bosses and corporate boards never controlled by workers. All relevant structures determined from the top down. When politics arrives at a stalemate and doesn't serve that interest it's appropriate that individuals like Abbott and Trump take control in the name of corporate and economic interest and stability. In other words Bolt actually approves of the corporate takeover of government which is Mussolini's definition of the church of Fascism.  So on job applications of any sort it's appropriate to know first "who you vote for" and even "who your parents voted for" and decisions made accordingly. Whatever happens Corporate control is the priority and that's not Clinton.



Trump rises: media hopelessness expose in one graphic

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 This is the easy part but how is he going to manage it like his Casinos?

Does Bolt even consider  the numbers and the likelihood of  who will win the electoral college votes? 270 Electoral votes are needed to win. Currently the count is 259/ 164 in Clinton's favor with 115 tossups. The average polling across the nation still has Clinton ahead by 2.2%. You need to ask why Andrew Bolt is seriously cherry picking ?  The fact is Republicans like Paul Ryan are now working against Trump the most unqualified candidate in American history. But his Bolt's dog in the race. Win or lose it says more about Australia's public intelectual Andrew Bolt than it does anybody else.

Bolt does what he knows best here 1 He's a pay wall for the Australian and demonstrates he is an expert on reporting .... No News.   He is as interesting as watching wet paint dry but that's his job and he relishes it.


Keryn Pholi: is it 'coz I'm black?

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 Reverse Racism does not exist

There is one guarantee if it's a long post it's not Andrew Bolt's but a Troll's and generally Peter BH's

To address what's being said here the fact is reverse racism does not exist and should Pholi make a complaint she would be first to be notified of the fact and if it did go further it wouldn't pass mediation.  Peter BH seems to make out that the HRC  prosecutes hundreds of cases a year they never refer to the numbers that are why? Because they are so few most are dealt with in mediation if at all. However if and when they do fall in the jurisdiction of the court Section 18D provides even further room for defense. Bolt tried just that he was found guilty that defense wasn't applicable simply because it was  loose facts and lies and of no use to the public interest.

Peter BH suggests Pholi should sue the courts. Philosophically all laws are questionable  and have a right to be questioned but it's not the way the law works. Bolt's offended that he's not recognized as indigenous he 's adamant he is. How is it he hasn't made his philosophy a legal question of discrimination? peter BH is laughing at his boss as much as he is Pholi. Get Real not stupid.

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