Monday 19 December 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog,19/12/16; 59 years of pessimism; What are Australian Values?; Bolt's Bull Truth is Solar is now cheaper than coal and getting even cheaper;


 Image result for Images of a total pessimist

Minerals windfall cannot stop another $10b budget blowout

The Turnbull Government's MYEFO today will be praised for having more realistic growth projections and a blowout over the next four years of "just" $10 billion, compared to the $100 billion predicted by Deloitte Access Economics. But bottom line: even a huge windfall rise in prices for our minerals could not stop the deficit from blowing out again.

 " We are in trouble and today got even deeper into it. "Bolt. Bolt's jumped the gutter to side with Labor to blame commodity prices for Morrison's figures today. Yes he put the emphasis on "blame" and didn't for a moment mention the AAA rating.  Bolt's been trying to shoot mother down since Abbott was dethroned and it hasn't happened. How would you like Bolt as you financial adviser what rating would you give him? 
 It's was exactly why the GFC  and the fall in prices wasn't allowed to be used as an excuse for Labors figures in 2013.  When the world voted Swan the worlds best treasurer Bolt was calling him the worst. So  Malcolm Turnbull  simply can't get past this wowser's negativity can he. He's very much the Abbott trained seal, trained never to clap for anyone but Tony. Since Abbott took control of government the deficit has gone from 3.3% to 19% of GDP. Remember it was Abbott who raised the debt ceiling to $ 500 bill and went on a spending spree. He even had the balls to say he had fixed the budget after coping a shellacking for his first. MT has only been just elected and Bolt head over heals in love with Abbott refuses to acknowledge the plus signs in todays figures the little he does he does begrudgingly. What a wowser this guys is. Yes imagine if the Abbott's NBN decacle needed to be accounted for in these figures. Mr Nope Nope Nope will be remembered for his destructive moment of destructive and obstructive glory and Bolt his media shotgun riding through the chaos singing glory glory praise be to Tony. Give us a break please. I'm a Labor voter and yes we aren't in the Trumpian shape Bolt describes we are.  Bolt proves just how stupid foward estimates are in any debate everyone has their own crystal ball Bolt's is the doom gloom and chicken little one given to him by his mate from Warringah.
 By the way have you heard Solar Energy is now cheaper than coal and still going down. You wont hear that from Bolt.
Living proof of Bolt's pessimism was the relief he felt when his daughter passed her VCE. What was this man thinking beforehand? What would he have done if she hadn't? When did the the feeling of pride come which was his alone not his daughter's. Did he actually share anything?

11 British Values Worth Swearing An Oath To

Why do these values sound so Un- Andrew Bolt, Pauline Hanson, Cory Bernardi and Tony Abbott? What are Australian values?

Athena Image


Sorry, Trump, you can’t bring back Coal when Solar costs half as Much

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Bloomberg released a new report this week with some startling findings …

Source: Sorry, Trump, you can’t bring back Coal when Solar costs half as Much
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Murdoch’s dominance is insidious. He must not be allowed to buy Sky | Polly Toynbee | Opinion | The Guardian

Politicians already kowtow to the News Corp owner. Someone must stand up to his bullying and stop the spread of his brand of toxic vitriol
Source: Murdoch’s dominance is insidious. He must not be allowed to buy Sky | Polly Toynbee | Opinion | The Guardian


Mosque Targeted By Britain First Donates 10 Tonnes Of Food To Homeless

Here one Andrew Bolt missed

Muslim Aid


  Forest Hill Stabbing: Alleged Knifeman Shouted 'Death To Muslims' | The Huffington Post

One that Andrew Bolt didn't put on his 2016 list. After all it's the fault of Muslims being there hey Mr Bolt. 

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