Tuesday 20 December 2016

Andrew Bolt's Blog, 20/12/16; More Bolt logic; Bolt could be 'Stolen' it seems his name is; It's Anti- Muslim Day for Bolt's Blog today; Jewish women can do what Muslims can't; The Russians are OK; Reporting world events are Bolt skewed;

Jewish Students and Scholars Object to US Bill Banning Criticism of Israel
Jewish Students and Scholars Object to US Bill Banning Criticism of Israel
Bolt wants us to have 'free speech' like Amereica yet America seems to want 'free speech' like Australia. Jewish students and scholars against Israel want what Bolt wants but Bolt certainly wouldn't be seen supporting them. This makes a lot of sense hey!!

 A crowd gathers at the McDonalds in Tarneit on Sunday night. 

No brawl in this pic the most widely circulated

Youths of no identity terrorise Tarneit

How can anyone trust the Age to inform them of the truth about crime, immigration and our dangerous refugee program when it repeatedly refuses to say that most of the more than 100 youths terrorising Tarneit are of African background? When this craven self-censorship?


The truth isn't free it's a paywall to the Herald Sun. Given this photo was selected and bought by News Corp to be used to fit a narrative says it all. Print media generally doesn't employ in house photographers as Bolt would like us to believe. It's implication is that the Age photos are avoiding what Andrew Bolt hasn't proved that the majority of rioters were Africans fighting each other. "At least the camera – and the Herald Sun –  does not lie:"Bolt However when most media photos have used the same shot why has the Herald Sun uses such a selected one? One would suspect if the Herald Sun is the odd one out it's the one distorting the news. 
The number of youth involved has been quoted to be 40-150 now that's an enormous difference and of course Bolt's gone for the larger unverified figure. Brawls between youths are not unusual in Melbourne but not all are reported by Bolt. At soccer matches they are often violent and in large numbers. However they don't tend to be black and that's Bolt's focus Black African Refugees most likely Muslims right or wrong all Bolt wants to do is objectify,stereotype stigmatize a whole diverse group and enforce the idea that these people don't belong here. What make Bolt a liar is he told Mia Freedman in an interview he doesn't do that because that would make him a racist. You define yourself with your own words Mr Bolt. When in fact you don't know what happened. How did it start? How many came to watch? How many were fighting? 
  North Queensland father of 11 recognised as best in state - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
You will never hear this from Andrew Bolt because he swears he's more Indigenous than Gary Prior. Gary simply doesn't fit Bolt's narrative.
While many of us could argue that our own fathers deserve the accolade 2016 Queensland Father of the Year, few could muster up as many votes as Gary Prior.

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Coup attempt fails. College elects Trump

The campaign by Leftist celebrities to persuade Electoral College voters to ignore the election result and install Hillary Clinton as president has failed. And while two of 306 college voters pledge to Donald Trump did vote for someone else, Clinton was deserted by four. 
  What a stupid story beating up the normative process just to sell papers. Sure enough it's what you can find Bolt is a whizz at.  He hated Trump in November with a vengence and in December it's as if that history didn't exist.
 Well that's a truth history doesn't exist for Andrew Bolt he claims to be more indigenous than most Aborigines. His heritage is the barsted line of he doesn't know who. Did his servant great grandmother even bother to tell the father? Last I heard the Netherlands was a patriarchal society.  So  there is no official documentation the father gave up his rights. Bolt could well be regarded as coming from a stolen child generation. His great grand mother today would be a single mother on social welfare like the ones Bolt constantly bleeds about especially if black.

 Image result for Images of stolen children

Not really a Bolt at all

That is curious. My identity of the father of great-grandfather Bolt is unknown. Had he done the right thing, I would not be a Bolt at all. 
That is curious. My identity of the father of great-grandfather Bolt is unknown. Had he done the right thing, I would not be a Bolt at all."
This is the most strangely constructed sentence by a professional writer. The identity of Bolt's great grand- father is "unknown" What was the wrong thing he did steal a name? If he did then Bolt is not a Bolt and the record should be corrected. How is Bolt a Bolt because it's the written word doesn't make it so. Might this not be true then of the 'stolen children' simply because the written record says they weren't doesn't make it so. It would appear Bolt is not a Bolt. However we Know he's from Aalesmere and that town has a written record to be ashamed of.  
Bolt was advised to reread what he wrote and have it make sense. The English only that is the rest remains nonsense.

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Muslim girl refuses to shake hands with German president

Germany's president visits a school to praise its work in integrating Muslim students. He then tries to shake the hand of a female student. 
Bolt's lack of empathy and ethnocentrism his prejudice and apparent bigotry has him focus on instances like this and Julie Bishop wearing head scarf in Saudi Arabia. They become moments with which to amplify and generalize cultural differences as issues of major concern. Orthodox Jews both men and women abide by religious tradition and won't shake hands with men or women of the opposite sex either. Why has Bolt focused on this case because the woman's a Muslim. Hindu women in many instances do the same just hold their hands together in traditional style and bow without making contact. The only odd one out here is Bolt and of course the ethnocentric German who seemed to think it important. But then right wing Dutch and Germans have a very close history of prejudice racism and bigotry that extends long before WW2


 A gunman believed to be a Turkish special forces officer wields gun after shooting Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov Monday at a photo gallery in Ankara.

Terrorism or reprisal? Russian ambassador shot

Russia is party to the slaughter in Aleppo, even bombing hospitals. So can we be so shocked by the assassination of the Russian ambassador in Turkey? All we can legitimately say is that we'd all be safer if the slaughtered was confined to Syria, and that the Russians are less dangerous to is than their enemies. 
" the Russians are less dangerous to is than their enemies." Bolt.
 Let's begin in Andrew Bolt manner and point out just how poorly Bolt's English is without a proof reader and yet he's a highly paid professional writer.  A role model for writers of the future he's  definitely not. What is significant is the fact that Russian involvement in the Syrian war as it was in Afghanistan has resulted in more than just annoyance. In fact the Ambassador was shot by an off duty Turkish police officer. One might ask would the same have occurred had the ambassador been American, Israeli, Irani Saudi. We do however know while Turkey is a member of NATO sympathies don't lie with either Assad or Russia. It's very complicated because it seems President elect Donald Trump's do. Is this why Andrew Bolt in his worst English was trying to say "the Russians are less dangerous than are their enemies" , the Americans?

 Image result for Images of Aleppo

"Terrorist" attack on Christmas market

Police suspect a truck was deliberately driven into a Christmas market in Berlin,  killing nine people and injuring many more. We don't yet know if the driver is of the faith followed by most of the 1 million illegal immigrants who flooded into Germany  last year. 

 There is one thing you can rely on Andrew Bolt for when acts of mass murder  are committed by non Muslims he doesn't mention them. The case of the stabbings by an Englisman at Forrest Hill Station London go unmentioned. However Bolt is always the first to try and tell us that ISIS claims responsibility. In fact Bolt seems to be the ISIS media representative on the ground here in Australia. Often when other  News sources responsibly report that the facts of the case aren't as yet known Bolt is reporting ISIS as if they are the truth tellers. Bolt's figures the facts aren't important and like ISIS the message is. The message and the politics need to drive the narrative that needs to be documented as the truth. If wrong Bolt just silently walks away and never declares he was wrong.

  Man Opens Fire In Zurich Mosque, Wounding 3 People | The Huffington Post
Ignored By Bolt doesn't fit his narrative.

The unidentified suspect fled the scene.

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